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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, I am still on suspension while the investigation is carried out.

I had my meeting with the trustee overseeing everything before Xmas and the manager who made the complaint about me is to be interviewed this week.

Since my interview I have been asked to provide my written evidence of understaffing, harassment from the manager and other things I told them about and I am feeling a bit more positive now that my concerns are finally being taken seriously. I am so glad I kept a diary of all of this as it has names,of witnesses, transcripts of conversations etc

Thank you for thinking of me

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  • 3 weeks later...

Latest update-going through disciplinary but we keep having it adjourned due to the fact that the case against me is being ran so appallingly ineptly. I have been refused permission to call witnesses who can back me up and cross examine their witnesses who have lied about me. Therefore my Union rep -who is absolutely amazing keeps challenging their decisions and winning.

Therefore now we have an adjournment until witnesses are sorted.

According to my rep they have broken so many rules in how they've handled the case, the witnesses they have used are contradicting themselves, it's based in hearsay and not proof etc that the case against me is a total shambles and clearly the result of a personal vendetta against me

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Sorry to hear that this is all still dragging on and not been resolved. It sounds like your union rep is on the ball and making sure it is sorted out correctly though, which is really good. They seem to have plenty to hide if you can't call witnesses or speak to theirs.

Hang on in there!

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Hearing rescheduled to a more convenient time and now we've kicked up a stink over the missing document it has mysteriously appeared!

They are now being awkward about allowing us access to our witnesses

Half of me wants this to go to an employment tribunal so their disgusting behaviour is dealt with-the other half just wants it to be over and normality to resume

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I do feel for you that it is dragging on for so long, but hopefully it will prove how badly they have handled things and you will be vindicated.

Keep strong and fingers crossed that it will soon all be over.

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This is so sad to read and just goes to show how difficulties can escalate into something far more serious than your first concern. Remember Rachel1820, this was the very reason you aired your worries in the first place. Not out of some devilish act to discredit the very place you work at but to safeguard everybody.

Keep strong hugs fx

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Half of me wants this to go to an employment tribunal so their disgusting behaviour is dealt with-the other half just wants it to be over and normality to resume

I'm so sorry to read about this - can't believe it is still to be resolved.......


Interested to read you comment above - do you really want to go back to work at that setting?

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She has been told she has to allow them to attend so now we are all set to go with the interviews.

Sunnyday-I love my job and most of the people who work there. It's 5 minutes away and the hours suit. For those reasons I want to go back and why should I leave a job I love and am bloody good at?

The pig headed in me also thinks why should I leave?

I do worry though what it will be like if and when I return but I have a mortgage to pay, 2 kids and I get married this year so being out of work isn't an option

Apparently the manager was in tears this afternoon and while I am not a nasty person I can't help but smile at this as she has brought it all on herself

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  • 4 weeks later...

Latest update-I had my disciplinary where my manager blatantly lied all the way through!

After this I decided to start looking for other jobs as I knew I would never be able to work with someone I had lost all respect for again. I went for an interview for a deputy job and ended up with the role of manager!!!

After this I received my letter of dismissal but I am going to appeal and if it isn't retracted I will be taking it to a tribunal. All of the reasons given for dismissal are the opinion of one man who has never worked in the nursery-there is no proof for any of the allegations made against me.

They are now being awkward over giving me a reference-they have lied when my new company asked for a reference saying that they only give factual ones. Luckily a senior staff member has since given me one. I will not have them preventing me in my career so feel there is no option but to challenge this.

They are now also being awkward by refusing to let me go and pick up my belongings.


Regardless of all this I am so excited for this new challenge and will no doubt be asking for lots of advice on here!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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