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Moody staff

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Just need a rant!

2 of my staff are driving me mad, they are creating such an atmosphere that no one else wants to be in the same room as them! they are fine if just left on their own but seem to want to stick their nose into everyone else's business and boss them around. They seem to have an opinion on everything but go in a mood if anyone else has a different opinion. I have 2, 16 year old apprentices that are acting more mature than them! It's like they want to be in charge, by-passing the deputy and sneering if she asks them to do anything. here's a couple of examples:

i had a day off and got a phone call from one of them, asking about availability for our baby room as they had received an enquiry, then also told me about a child who had fallen and cut her head so she had phoned the parents who had collected the child. At no time had she informed the deputy of the injured child or asked her about the places available. IMO her first port of call should be the deputy if i'm not there.

This morning the children were all in the same room (as we do each morning while waiting for all staff to start work) (moody staff not present) some were playing very nicely with an activity that had been set up and left out the night before. Small xmas tree, baubles and pipe cleaners, idea was to thread the baubles to decorate the tree. One child asked for an angel for the tree, so a staff member helped mould some pipe cleaners into an angel shape, then of course more children wanted angels and so on. Eventually we tided it away and later on one staff held up a bit of twisted pipe cleaner and said, quite sharply, to an apprentice, "who did this?" apprentice said "me and ... we were making angels" staff got cross, saying that is not what it was for and now they didn't have enough etc. apprentice snapped back saying she would buy them more if they were that bothered. After hearing this, i went into room and asked what the problem was with making angels. they said there wasn't and that all they said was who had done it. I suggested that if they wanted to keep an activity just for certain children that maybe they should pack it away and only get it out when required instead of leaving it out. As i walked away i could see the moody looks on their faces and heard them saying "oh well, we just won't set any activities out ever again!" The stroppy look on their faces has been there all day!

I have decided to have some straight talking at the next staff meeting and basically tell everyone to stop the childish behaviour and get on with the job i pay them to do. Obviously in better words (hopefully!) It's a shame as we all usually have a good relationship, maybe the odd niggle here and there but nothing out of the ordinary, but this is starting to make me wonder if it's all worth it! We are only a small team and things like this make everyone unhappy and it's not a good atmosphere for the children, who should be at the forefront of everything we do.

Sorry for the rant, just needed to get it off my chest x

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I don';t mind you ranting...we all feel that way sometimes.Same here.....one moody staff member...thinks she owns the nursery,queries everything I say....even telling me when to open the week before Christmas ( 'I am NOT working.'...) fine i said...you wont get paid....asked to cut her talons off 2 weeks ago....not happy....she is a graduate but cannot tell a story,do the register,or anything other than playdough and fluffy duck activities...

XXXX come and do your penguin !!...I am sick of it ..but dont know how to change it....stands outside with her arms folded,shivering ( wont put coat on ??? doh....its freezing...play with the children then....i would love to get rid of her...on a graduates wage,but doing an apprentice's job....sometimes not even that...shifts from table to table but does not instigate an activity ...ideas welcome..

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Feel for you Tish, my two were really good but just seem to have slipped over the past few weeks, they still have really good ideas for activities and set them up but then walk away and wonder why they get trashed! Constantly moaning about other staffs practice but their own is not up to scratch! Maybe they are just ready for a break over xmas, but it's not what i pay them for. If things don't pick up after i have the 'talk' at the staff meeting then i feel the only way is to make it more official during supervisions, which i hope it doesn't come to that. If only they would just stop being so immature!!

As for your girl, if she won't take friendly pointers on board, then i guess you'll have to do it in supervisions too :(

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Thanks Pebbles seems to be the way to go.....but with Qualified staff becoming rarer and rarer......have to tread carefully...

Just this morning I have received a Cv via email from a girl who has no gcse's.....but wants to work with children....

Have a good weekend....only 9 days to go to a break....we close wed 23rd at 4PM ! xx

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Bless you Tish501. It just gets harder and harder. On the one hand you are being pushed towards highly qualified, graduate workforce but the reality is (from my recent experience) people coming out of college with low levels of maths and English, no idea of how 'to be' in a work environment and just don't seem to want to learn. I do realise that I have just made a very sweeping statement and that other very good, motivated young people are available! WHERE??????


Enjoy your Christmas break, relax and switch off.

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I'm sorry to hear of your troubles, but I urge you to take action. It truly is hell working with people like that, trust me! Call a staff meeting and bring it up or maybe mention it informally depending on what you feel is more appropriate


oh and lsp ... I'M HERE!! :D haha by college, do you mean college college or university? Just curious

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Call a staff meeting and bring it up or maybe mention it informally depending on what you feel is more appropriate


oh and lsp ... I'M HERE!! :D haha by college, do you mean college college or university? Just curious

Thanks Rob6692, I certainly will be, got a staff meeting next week and will be telling everyone straight! Had enough of the childishness

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Use your supervisions to address the issues they should be following your policies and procedures, not undermining your Deputy.

Set targets with timelines at your supervisions to support improvement, if improvement does not happen this will link with capabilities and you would then have evidence should it ever get to dismissal stage. Nip it in the bud as soon as possible before it becomes out of hand.

Never fun to handle :(

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