AnonyMouse_50014 Posted December 15, 2015 Posted December 15, 2015 Hi all After nearly completing a full term as EYFS lead I was feeling quite confident that we were doing the 'right' things in Reception regarding planning whole class, adult supported and CI sessions. We've trialed objective led learning as written about by Alistar Bryce Clegg and I think it's working well. However my deputy hasother ideas and has asked where our adult group activity planning is and how many adult led activities we're doing each week. I just wanted to know, as per usual there's no set way, what everyone else does with planning, how many focus tasks you do, do you support children in their play too and how to fit one to one reading in with all children too. Also how many whole class sessions do you have and do you teach literacy, maths every day as whole class and how you then fit phonics in too? Sorry if this isn't very coherent trying to write whilst on the move! Thanks
Guest Posted December 15, 2015 Posted December 15, 2015 I am not an experienced reception teacher - started in September after teaching for 10 years in nursery from NQT! However, we teach literacy and numeracy Mon - Thurs and use Friday mornings for alternate guided reading or forest school. Literacy or maths begins after assembly - approx 9.15 a.m. I teach 1 group of YR and then 1 group of Y1 chn. All other children have continuous provision (but probably not, yet, in true ABC style!). At 10.20 a.m. we split into groups for phonics (we have 6 different groups - some LA children join the nursery class and some HA join the Y1 class). We have phonics until 10.40 a.m. when it is break time. After break, I teach the parallel reception class literacy and my colleague teaches my class numeracy; we alternate teaching literacy/numeracy each half term. Probably sounds confusing, but feel free to ask any questions! Hope this helps!
Guest Posted December 15, 2015 Posted December 15, 2015 As you say, there's no 'right' - we are more adult-led than most schools local to us so we plan: each day 15 mins mathematics either whole class or more usually in 3 ability groups all at the same time 15 mins phonics groupings as above, but 4 sessions a week - not PE days weekly: 2 x individual reading with each child - five mins per child max, and then they take book home to finish 1 or sometimes 2 x guided reading session in groups of 4 or 6 1 x shared writing - whole class, followed by individual writing, in ability groups 1 x C and L activity in small groups, usually around the vocabulary of our topic or Shape, Space and Measure 1 x UW - People and Communities or The World 1 x ICT - though this is often spread over a few weeks to allow introduction and practise 1 x EAD - skills based teaching 1 x PE Lit and Maths in the morning, session after pm registration for UW PSE or EAD teaching whole class. Reading we are doing pretty much continuously!! - any spare minute. While adult is leading a focus activity another is supporting CI freeflow. I count myself fortunate that I don't have a chunk of the day taken away for assembly, we do milk as self-service and don't have a morning 'break', just straight through to lunch time, though we do tidy the room mid-morning when we come together for phonics at about 10.30. Crammed to the gunnells! No wonder we and children are ready for a break. My planning details each of the activities, links each to the dm's and ELG's and has a space for next steps evaluations
Guest Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 Hi, do we phonics daily for 25 mins- most children with class teacher, but some with TA and AHT who takes lowest group form the year group- 3 form entry school. Literacy input is 15 mins, then writing is done daily as adult led by one adult whilst other facilitates CI and CP provision. Outdoor area is open and staffed by 2 non class based staff for the hour and 35 mins- awkward place with blind spots so needs 2 adults out there. Guided reading is done daily for 30 mins. PM- WC Maths input 15mins and then adult led maths in groups of 2-3 whilst other adult facilitates CI/CP. Outdoor area is open again in the afternoon. Reading is done individualy in final half hour of the day whilst TA reads stories to children and does language games. We also have a weekly PE lesson and one WC ICT session. All adult led sessions are planned for weekly to ensure appropriate teaching sequence and progression through this. We use similar planning format for these to rest of school (infant school) Like other poster, we do have quite a lot of adult led, but the sessions are short and through the planning, which is very detailed, they seem to be having good impact on leanring. Hope this helps!
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