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Christmas parties


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One party down and one to go.


We should have had 17 younger children today but had 9, another turning up 45 mins late and two more 65 mins late. One collected half an hour late, another parent missing one of the 5 festive songs. One parent, the parties tomorrow, no she's just had the party!


Looking forward to tomorrow. Not sure how many people have said 11.45am. Noooo you need to come back at 11.45am you need to drop your child off at 9.50am, with a plate of food to share and an Xmas jumper for text Santa. Let's see how well that goes.....


I wouldnt mind but the full details has been displayed outside since half term, rewritten on the whiteboard this week, verbally told and an email sent.

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seems like you have become "wallpaper" - don't tell them anything unless they ask - they could need to know because of getting time off of work, other than that, leave it until you have to tell them I give them the itinerary about a week before, it stays better in their mind then and I back it up verbally. If they need to know earlier they have to ask.

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Oh thank goodness it's not just us. I have spoon fed my parents details about our nativity on Saturday for the last month. Emails, sign on the wipe board by the entrance and verbally. Only for the most stupid questions to be asked today by some!! It really beggars belief and it still surprises me after all these years!! So glad to have spent our last day with children today, they are very wound up, tired, under the weather and aggressive, so very happy to wave them out the door. Just need to get the nativity done on Saturday then RELAX.

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By the time the 20th parent has asked what time do they need to be there ....still smiling sweetly and telling them whilst the thought bubble in my head is yelling ' OH DEAR...did I forget to put it in the newsletter, on the website, on the Facebook page, on the notice boards both inside and outside and in the private Tapestry message I @&£?*%¥ well sent you ???

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Last day for us! Parties/lunches done. Totally child initiated day today. Taking chocs in for staff. Absolutely no support from parents or committee over last term. New year, new start! We can't keep 'giving' time, emotionally etc. Don't expect anything but the odd thankyou would be very much appreciated. Feeling physically and emotionally drained. If one more parent asks me when their child starts back !!!!!!!!

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I love the phrase Panders uses about being wallpaper - our nativity play and xmas party dates have been on the term dates (published in June), in the half term newsletter published in November asking for parents to let us know about numbers and on the website calendar.


This year we had 10 out of 52 respond by the deadline date so put up a notice saying we would cancel these events due to lack of interest - this only garnered a few more responses until word got out that we were serious.


However despite giving every parent a note about arrangements e.g., you have said yes, the date and time is X or you have said no etc. we have still had parents asking "What time?" etc. We also had notes on the entrance and exit too - Arrggggg


Well let's hope that today - the Christmas party - all have remembered as I am sat here in my daft Xmas jumper on a very mild December day with the temperatures rising hoping for a festive end to the term

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I'm sure some of our parents think that the staff do not talk to each other!


I [me] personally reminded one dad about our concert, gave him times etc as he left......... only for the dad/daughter to turn up 30mins late for concert the following morning- telling a different staff member he new nothing about a concert.. :huh: ::1a ::1a

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Staff are the same to. In January school have an inset day on the Tuesday so we are closed as we always do when school have inset so its easier for parents with siblings and staff with children. The Wednesday we have an inset day where staff will come in. I do not know how many times staff have asked if they need to be in and when.


I can guarantee at least one child will turn up on that wednesday also.

We can only do our best.



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Preschoolers party for us today. 50% of Parents arrive without the plate of party food, no Xmas jumpers (for text Santa) and no presents for us either. We managed to get together enough food and it was fine. One dad said if she doesn't eat it's fine she'll eat when she gets home. Well I'm sure everyone else wanted to share the food. I had to keep rereading the sign outside just to make sure for myself.


Anyway the kids loved the food, sat there for half an hour eating and all enjoyed the entertainer sitting beautifully for 50 mins, followed by sing 5 festive songs beautifully.


And then we only had 6 parents that missed the festive songs, not bad out of 24. When some asked if we could do it again beacause they were so annoyed they missed it,, I said no. A late parent on arrival, I thought you said it was 11.45am, yes but it's 12 0'clock now.

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All done and now having a well deserved glass of wine!


This year we really went the extra mile.... we did a Nativity which we haven't done in years (parents loved it) as I feel it's pressure for the children and pressure for us too, so there were lots of practices, learning songs etc. We had an Elf this year getting up to mischief each day. We made loads of Christmassy things, including a homemade pressie for their parents and generally we have tried to make the past few weeks really lovely for the children and their families. We had an entertainer for the Christmas party today, bought the children presents, stayed late on many days to wrap presents, set the stage, put the Christmas decorations up, take them down .... the list is endless. And our thanks? Very few. in fact, we only received a couple of Christmas cards and let's not even talk about presents, or lack of them. Don't get me wrong, we don't expect presents, but a Christmas card would have been nice. I just feel our parents have come to expect so much, but give so little in return. Sadly, it makes me think I'm not going to be doing so much in the future!

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. I just feel our parents have come to expect so much, but give so little in return. Sadly, it makes me think I'm not going to be doing so much in the future!



I personally think that in the days when you could charge a 'top-up' the parents actually valued us more.


We never charged much - £2-3 a day- but we were definitely more appreciated :( Parents nowadays just seem to take us for granted and expect us to be able to accommodate their needs at the drop of a hat.


We are lucky we do have a mostly good set of parents, but you can still see that attitudes to us have changed.

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We put a list of events for the term in the autumn newsletter in September, then we send a letter two weeks before the event (we print a list of parents and tick it as we hand them the letter). We then put a notice on the TV screen an reception for three or four days beforehand and finally, follow it up with a text reminder the day before to every parent from the computer. And still some of them forget!!


We've had two parties this week - 3 Bouncy castles and a few Christmas crafts in the local community centre with a cake and drink halfway through - one for 0-3's in the morning and one for 3-4s in the afternoon. All done and dusted, now got next week with just the day care children so plenty of time to clear up, get paperwork up to date and a training day on literacy for all pre-school staff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha so glad that it seems the one thing we all have in common is ' those' parents !

Our Navitree went exceptionally well , no illness, no tears and all children remained on stage and were ' sparkly knickers' ( we raised over £300 too )

Our party day the children were entertained with a puppet workshop and show and then a visit from FC after Christmas party food ( we supply this as makes it so much easier for many reasons )


We announced an earlier finish of 12 instead of 1 and no one complained ( proves they did not read the newsletter )

And then myself ( dressed as a fairy ) and colleagues hit the pub for a much deserved drink and to celebrate colleagues birthday.

One child threw a tantrum on pick up as she has misplaced her gift and mum did her usual of standing there creating a fuss until it was resolved !


The same busy , give up their time to help , despite having new babies mums gave us some wonderful handmade cards and pressies and yet e ones that constantly create a fuss or are continually demanding did not even bother with a card! I / we don't expect pressies but it just annoys me when those who need not , do and those that drain us can't be arsed !


Hope you have all had a fabulous Christmas and cheers to the new year xx

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