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Appraisals Vs supervisions

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This is my first year in nursery, coming from F2 in a school where I have been used to yearly performance management and appraisals. Now I am becoming aware of 'supervisions' and need clarification on the differences.

In my previous experience, monitoring support staff in school, their appraisals would focus on what had gone well that year, how they felt about their role/job and what was going to be an area of development for them in the coming year. ...usually relating to personal journeys or school priorities.

So how do supervisions differ? I have looked at some formats on here and find some of the headings confusing as I'm unsure how I should be filling them out

~Well being? Is this the staff's or they key children's?

~ safe guarding? Is this for staff to raise concerns that they have in the setting?

~ workload? Is this for them to informally talk about how they are finding the role?

~ training and development? Is this an area that I identify for them or jointly?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. X

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Hi rufus, in our area these were first promoted as 'supervisions to safeguard', which seemed a bit daft as staff raise safeguarding concerns immediately not wait till their half termly supervision, but over a couple of years they seem to have evolved in to mini appraisals, I do have safeguarding concerns on my form though as this was where they started, now also have Key children development, cpd and general practice/provision, I used to do them half termly but found it hard to take staff out of ratio, I now do aut, spr term as supervision and full appraisal with committee chair summer term, I am thinking of changing from trying to cram all into one week and do a rolling one person a week over half term, giving longer to really look at key childrens progress through tapestry assessments.

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I think a supervision is to have the ongoing informal talk about how they are working, finding work, discuss any children that they may be wanting to discuss in depth and generally have time to talk. You might discuss feedback from observations for example and look at how development points would be addressed or celebrate successes...

Appraisal is the more formal review of how you do your job and might be linked to performance related pay reviews for example.


Is this a nursery class in the school, or a registered provision. If a school what provision is made for you to do supervisions as this is not typically the responsibilty of a teacher - is this in your JD??



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If you look back at the reason for the introduction of supervisions - serious case review of a nursery in the south west. I believe that staff were not happy with the behaviour of a staff member but did not feel comfortable or confident to raise their concerns. Supervisions were introduced to become a regular, safe arena to share concerns around safeguarding of children, families, staff and whistle blowing. This is my understanding and yes, safeguarding concerns must be shared ASAP.


We use appraisels as an annual review - celebration of achievement and an action plan of areas to improve.

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I use supervisions as the written version for what we tend to discuss informally about the staff members practice etc, it's handy if you have a problem with a staff member as you have it on paper what the issue is and what is to be done about it and if they don't improve you have the evidence if you had to take it further, e.g. verbal warnings etc. It's also a private conversation for anyone to voice any concerns they have. I do the yearly appraisals as more of a general thing, how have things been over the year, is there anything they want to do to further their career, time keeping, uniform, reflecting on their practice as a whole.

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just make sure that training plans are included in either.....one of the things that ofsted are a bit hot on at the mo!

I have the heading of training and evidence any mandatory training done or required to be completed but with the cost of CPD type training we just can't afford it - I'm concerned that this will go against us.

I have considered paying for myself, but at £90 plus VAT for 2hrs training added to the fact that we don't get paid when we aren't in the setting (due to the fact we have to pay for cover staff) I can't expect the staff to do the same :(

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I think a supervision is to have the ongoing informal talk about how they are working, finding work, discuss any children that they may be wanting to discuss in depth and generally have time to talk. You might discuss feedback from observations for example and look at how development points would be addressed or celebrate successes...

Appraisal is the more formal review of how you do your job and might be linked to performance related pay reviews for example.


Is this a nursery class in the school, or a registered provision. If a school what provision is made for you to do supervisions as this is not typically the responsibilty of a teacher - is this in your JD??



Hi Catma

This is a nursery class in school, yes. My job description is currently in negotiations, it's been a long process! I get time out to do appraisals but am thinking that I need something more regular than once a year. My job role has been through a lot of change since opening the nursery in September and my title within the school is going to change to reflect this, so yes it will be officially part of my role going forward. X

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If you look back at the reason for the introduction of supervisions - serious case review of a nursery in the south west. I believe that staff were not happy with the behaviour of a staff member but did not feel comfortable or confident to raise their concerns. Supervisions were introduced to become a regular, safe arena to share concerns around safeguarding of children, families, staff and whistle blowing. This is my understanding and yes, safeguarding concerns must be shared ASAP.

We use appraisels as an annual review - celebration of achievement and an action plan of areas to improve.

This is really useful to know, thank you. I wasn't aware of this.

So it appears that a lot of people have combined the 2 processes, turning supervision into a bit of appraisal too.

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I have the heading of training and evidence any mandatory training done or required to be completed but with the cost of CPD type training we just can't afford it - I'm concerned that this will go against us.

I have considered paying for myself, but at £90 plus VAT for 2hrs training added to the fact that we don't get paid when we aren't in the setting (due to the fact we have to pay for cover staff) I can't expect the staff to do the same :(

I assume that you can include any online training modules and inhouse staff training during staff meetings. I think that we will have to become very 'creative' with what we include. Fire drills are training???


We are beginning to go to training organised within a small group of settings in the area. We invited in a local Forest School leader to help us with ideas that we could use in our own limited outdoor area.

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This is really useful to know, thank you. I wasn't aware of this.

So it appears that a lot of people have combined the 2 processes, turning supervision into a bit of appraisal too.

This is taken from the EYFS Statutory Framework 2014:

3.21. Providers must put appropriate arrangements in place for the supervision of staff who have contact with children and families. Effective supervision provides support, coaching and training for the practitioner and promotes the interests of children. Supervision should foster a culture of mutual support, teamwork and continuous improvement, which encourages the confidential discussion of sensitive issues.

3.22. Supervision should provide opportunities for staff to:

 discuss any issues – particularly concerning children’s development or well-being;

 identify solutions to address issues as they arise; and

 receive coaching to improve their personal effectiveness.


Not sure how schools put this in place - or if?

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Schools do not put this into place in the EYFS and I wonder whether it is indeed expected of schools because they operate differently. We have had 5 OFSTED inspections and all have been outstanding, so clearly not something we have been marks down for. However, I feel that now we have a nursery they may expect to see this.

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Hi Catma

This is a nursery class in school, yes. My job description is currently in negotiations, it's been a long process! I get time out to do appraisals but am thinking that I need something more regular than once a year. My job role has been through a lot of change since opening the nursery in September and my title within the school is going to change to reflect this, so yes it will be officially part of my role going forward. X

Hi, would you also be doing this in reception too then - Why would you be expected to do this in nursery alone? Just a question really!


Schools do manage this through different ways - sometimes support staff are all line managed by the DHT for example (I did all the EYFS and EAL support staff across the school)


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Hi, would you also be doing this in reception too then - Why would you be expected to do this in nursery alone? Just a question really!


Schools do manage this through different ways - sometimes support staff are all line managed by the DHT for example (I did all the EYFS and EAL support staff across the school)


I suppose that is my question really....is what I am doing in reception (annual performance management) suitable for our nursery staff?

Am I expected to incorporate part of the supervision process into what I already do?

What would you advise Catma?

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To be honest I would be asking what the procedure in school is for all support staff - why would one group be treated differently because they work in nursery to another group who work in reception for example!

My reasoning is:

  • Safeguarding procedures would be in place across the school anyway so I wouldn't see additional supervision for nursery staff as being an essential extra.
  • It would depend on the role the support staff take- as the teacher you are ultimately responsible overall for the progress and development of all the children as per teachers pay and coditions/standards, even if the other staff have a key person role so it is a bit different to a registered setting where staff have an equal responsibility for teaching and learning for their key group.
  • Staff appraisal is often the responsibilty of the HT or SLT - if there is someone doing this for the other staff wouldn't they be doing this for all support staff?

hope that helps


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Yes, this does help Catma. Support staff have never had appraisals before and it is something I have been pushing for and will happen this year. You are right, why should nursery staff be any different. As part of SLT I oversee all EYFS staff in reception so shall take on nursery too. It makes sense to have the same procedure and format for all support staff.

Thanks. X

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  • 4 months later...

Hi everyone. I have been looking at the Supervision issue and believe we need to have a policy in place to cover the safegaurding issue completely. Just wondered if anyone else has done this and if you had just how 'in depth' you had made it... Thanks for any response.

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