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Apathy Reigns!

Guest MaryEMac

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Guest MaryEMac

Apologies in advance for the rant but I must get it off my chest.

A couple of months ago I was asked if I would like to host a 'VirginVie' party to raise money for the playgroup. I asked people what they thought and they all said 'What a good idea'. So muggins plus daughter went ahead and booked said party for 17th Jan. 2006. All parentsand staff got an invite as did school staff and friends and neighbours. I had to get permission from the school governors which took ages. Anyway I spent all of yesterday preparing nibbles, bought wine, juice, raffle prizes and duly met the Virgin consultant at the playgroup. Everything set up, 7.30 came and went no guests. Finally my daughter in law and sister in law came followed by my daughters work colleagues, any playgroup parents I hear you ask? Not one, no apologies this morning either. :o

This afternoon there was a playgroup committee meeting planned for 1.15. No point in going home so I took a packed lunch and did some paperwork. Chairman arrived as did Health and safety officer, nobody else did though. Meeting cancelled and I went home, walking in the drizzle only to find that I had left my house keys at home this morning so I couldn't get in!!!!!!

Rang my husband who dropped what he was doing and came home to let me in, what a treasure. I've finished now, thanks for listening, going to find a largish bar of cadburys.



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Hi Mary,

I hope you shared your chocs with your hubby :o


Know how you feel we arranged an indoor boot fair last summer. Large hall looked really silly with just me, my mum and my daughter and 1 member of staff with "stalls". Still only 2 customers showed up and didn't want what we had to offer. I did a quick face paint ( not planned to do this) and earnt the grand total of £1 for preschool funds. xD


and guess what............a parent ( area manager for body shop) spoke to staff last week about organising a Body Shop evening......................I like their stuff, but should I or shouldn't I agree to it?????




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Been there too Mary, I was going to do a sponsored walk with the staff and the local vicar a couple of years ago. Out of 40 odd parents only two parents would sponsor us and the looks we got when we asked were so indignant that I cancelled the walk in anger :o Most (?) parents want a few hours of cheap child care and thats it. It got so that even to get a parent twice a term to help out was a novelty. We tries loads of threats about putting up the fees if no-one would help fundraise so we could buy resources that way, but it didnt help. No-one ever said this job was high on the appreiciation list but chocolate always is. Enjoy :D

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I've been there too Mary. Hard luck. No magic wand to make it all better - its fresh out of 'fairy dust' (tried to use it myself today - see food hygiene post I've just added).

We have had 2 Body Shop parties now - one a year ago which was reasonably well attended for a small nursery, and again one this November which was attended by a few stalwarts. It was fun but we only raised £30 this time compared to £75 last time. Pre-Christmas or pre-summer hols is a good time for a party for presents, suntan stuff etc. Not sure about otherwise as the stuff is quite expensive or people can visit their local branch. We had fun though, in true Nursery style making the most of the opportunity! Next time I will take into account the likely parents as with hindsight I could have guessed this particular bunch wouldn't bother to support us!

Something that worked well was decorating flower pots with acrylic paints, maybe as part of a spring topic on growing, another idea that worked well was decorating pump bags or aprons. Made loads of money and all the parents had to do was cough up, not actually turn up!

Don't give up - its the children that are important.

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Poor you Mary - know how you feel though, it seems that parents don't seem to want to be involved at times. Never mind, chin up and put it behind you as one of those 'experiences'. We had a body shop evening which was poorly attended - same few faces. Just as a matter of interest, we found that looking back to when the apathy and lack of support started to kick in coincided with the introduction of the Nursery Funding!!We think that parents don't see the need to support us as much as they used to. :o On a brighter note though :) - we found one of our most successful fundraisers (just before Christmas last year) was an 'Indulgence Evening', which raised a few hundred pounds in one night, so restoring our faith in parents supporting Pre School again.

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Maybe your next topic should be good manners, ask parents what they think the definition is. My pet hate is bad manners, sorry i would have had to have said something to them the next day. Ahhh

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Maybe your next topic should be good manners, ask parents what they think the definition is. My pet hate is bad manners, sorry i would have had to have said something to them the next day. Ahhh

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A few years ago when going for accreditation (!) I asked a couple of really supportive parents to help me form a Parents Consultation Committee. With their help we got together a small group who then volunteered to organise some fundrainsing. When this group of parents left they persuaded other parents to take their place. We are now on to our third Committee and all the fund raising for the last three years has been parent led. They have a good idea what will appeal to other parents and when they have done all the work any money I get is a bonus anyway. The Committee say they have a lot of fun meeting up with a bottle of wine in each others houses to organise events-I steer well clear and let themget on with it. I do host a meeeting a term where I share what's going on at pre-school and use them as a sounding board for any changes we are contemplating. So don't despair, there are some good parents out there-but you have to grab them when you can. I write this as someone who had a book sale at Pre-school five years ago when only three books were sold-things can sometimes improve!

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Guest MaryEMac

Thanks for your support everyone. Chocolate was delicious. I would think very carefully Peggy before you commit yourself to a party.


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Guest tinkerbell

It happened to me at Christmas, We had bought wreaths,ribbons and spagnum moss to make Christmas wreaths, 2 years ago it had been a sell out with parents ,friends making their own wreaths and drinking wine having a merry time etcThe PTFA were going to help with the mossing up of the metal frames before the night, but no one turned up just me and the TA (ex florist who was volunteering her time to do the mossing and run the evening)So we cancelled the evening.

Anyway my reception are still enjoying dinosaurs in the moss and my yr1 made lovely ribbon wreaths with baubles for mum and dad.


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