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Yay - to a 'screwed up TDL' ::1a


I spent a couple of hours with James Martin and his various friend this morning - very nice......


Am being a little more virtuous this afternoon and spending a little time on the old TDL - not too much time you understand.....would just like to put it behind me really and enjoy a 'proper' week off......


Oh and Mr S is taking the week off too - will let you at the end of the week whether that was a good thing or not :blink: no, no I'm sure it will be! ::1a


Happy half-term break everyone! :1b

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Well said Louby Loo! I'm finding that I do less than I used to. I now just need to get over feeling guilty about it. How many other professions have to do what seems to be expected of us. Unfortunately I can see that with the added pressures of higher wage bills and lack of funding it will only increase the 'unpaid' element of our workload - sadly!

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This is the first half term I have had my husband off all week with me, so NO chance of doing any unpaid overtime!! - He tends to glare!

Just put Grandchildren to bed for the sixth time!!! So a busmans holiday for me this weekend!!

From Monday tho shall be walking, walking walking........think I may be trying to escape....something??

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Well Lsp...., as Fredbear has just demonstrated- it's quite surprising just how quickly one can get over the feelings of guilt!!





Well Lsp...., as Fredbear has just demonstrated- it's quite surprising just how quickly one can get over the feelings of guilt!!

Do you know what - half a bottle of wine, pizza and choccies helped me through the day! :P

Feeling remarkably guilt free myself ;)

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I have started to pull kitchen wallpaper off to force myself to redecorate it! Unfortunately I have discovered the last lot of wallpaper under the bits I have removed. So two layers to remove before I can even think about wallpapering it again. I remember feeling lazy last time and papering over old wallpaper. Be sure your sins will catch you out .....

But at least I won't be able to do much school work, which is why I pulled bits of in the first place. Yippee! Think we all deserve a BREAK x

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Sad as it is , I actually enjoy going in the holidays but I will book hours ! Guess what I will be doing ..... Yes you guessed it , having a sort out yet again !


Decided to sell our large tunnel, steps and block which interlink , we have this provision in our new garden so why replicate the same indoors , it takes up space and is heavy and awkward to move .


Started Friday with role play cupboard , tempted to get rid of all custom made dressing up and just keep props ie bags , material , hats etc what's everyone thoughts on this ?

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Don't know really - ours come already dressed up most days - they like their own outfits when they get obsessed with a theme but I hate it when they damage it - and I know that's the risk they take etc. but still feel a little guilty as these costumes cost quite a bit. I think personally I would have a cull of current stock, but not sure that for my setting I would be happy to get rid of the lot.

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My plan is rest and recuperation; it's been a pretty overwhelming first term in a new job. I am going to work today and tomorrow (and did a couple of hours yesterday) and then that's it. After which it will be a mixture of reading, baking, sewing and meeting friends with the odd trip to the dentists/hairdressers etc.

Hey young Froglet - I was thinking about you yesterday - the thought that I was thinking ::1a was i must pm and find out how the new jobs going!


Enjoy the break! :1b

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My plan is rest and recuperation; it's been a pretty overwhelming first term in a new job. I am going to work today and tomorrow (and did a couple of hours yesterday) and then that's it. After which it will be a mixture of reading, baking, sewing and meeting friends with the odd trip to the dentists/hairdressers etc.


I was thinking about you and your new job too.

Hope it's going well.... although I imagine its still in the 'oh why did a change jobs stage' :wacko: :1b :1b

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Sad as it is , I actually enjoy going in the holidays but I will book hours ! Guess what I will be doing ..... Yes you guessed it , having a sort out yet again !




That's the most frustrating bit for me - I do actually love my job, and I love researching and sourcing new ideas, planning and improving the environment, making the paperwork side of things as easy as possible for my fantastic team etc.

I'm just a tad fed up with being totally taken for granted by the actual owner of setting. :huh:

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I was thinking about you and your new job too.

Hope it's going well.... although I imagine its still in the 'oh why did a change jobs stage' :wacko: :1b :1b


You said it! I know I'll get there, it is getting easier all the time but it's not 'home' yet and I have been horribly homesick and full of doubt that I did the right thing in moving. I will learn lots...

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I find it strange that the first of the spring term is normally one of the shortest but always appears and feels like the longest. I suppose the children come back a bit low and run down after all the ssssh (Christmas) festivities, staff and children get ill and it just keeps doing the rounds, its dark, cold (normally) and gloomy and most of us are just looking forward to spring. I know I do - its my favourite season ::1a B)


Best wishes Froglet.​

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