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.........for the summer :1b


Apologies to all the full year setting for rubbing it in :(


Another years over..phew- it's been a long hard one for personal reasons.


Anyone got any good plans for the summer - other than the old TDL of course ::1a

(actually thinking about it what is on everyone's list? I totally flunked out last year and we seem to have coped ok though :lol: but maybe I could do a few bits/bobs this summer)

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Same as you Louby loo, finished officially yesterday. Monday I have a safeguarding course, Afternoon tea with all the staff on Tuesday,

Wednesday a meeting, Thursday back to work to complete TDL, and then that's it for me. I will then be concentrating on our beautiful daughters wedding on September 3rd.

Happy and safe holidays everyone. Fx

Edited by Fredbear
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Monday will be last day for us - we had a Bank Holiday to 'make up for' to be compliant with funding.....


Fredbear - how can you complete your TDL in one day :o :blink: :lol: :lol: :lol: I know the answer really - something along the lines of 'well I don't leave all the tasks for the summer hols' ;)


My TDL is, as ever, really long - I wrote it last night and when I reached point 25 I decided to stop :ph34r:


Anyway the sun is shining here today so I will get on with some gardening and then some serious 'sitting under a tree with a book' ;) :1b


Have a good weekend all :1b

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Yes that's it Sunnyday. So planning is almost complete. Just revamping weekly sheets. Registers are finished. Name cards for a few children to be laminated, personal childrens files to be updated, order resources for delivery in September, restock book club box with a new selection of books ready for September, and new children's index cards. Staff routine rotas to be amended.

And do you know what, whatever has been missed is hopefully not vital and will be completed on our return. I want to enjoy this special time at home this summer and don't feel in the least bit guilty for it. xx

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We finish with children on Fri, then on Mon have to move all the Pre-school stuff into school. New manager recruited last week (a manager at another setting) so my half term working alongside her as good handover not going to happen!? All last minute but I'm passing it all on and I am determined that I am going to enjoy this summer holiday to then return as Deputy at the start of Sept.

New premises, new manager, new start..will be interesting to hear her ideas and what she wants to do (just got to remember to never say well we did it this way...etc etc!)

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Last day for us is Wednesday and it can not come soon enough. This year has been very long and hard and I need the six week break before I have a mental break down. Like Froglet my TDL is not wrote down yet but know I am not going to do my usual thing of leaving everything until the last week of holidays so hope to spend some time tomorrow getting things down on paper and getting a plan in place.

Edited by Miacat3
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Our term time only children finish Friday. Our full day care settings close for two weeks in August so we'll have two quiet weeks, two weeks off, two more quiet weeks and then back to full pelt on 5th September. I usually work through the two week closure to catch up with paper work and then have my holiday during the two quiet weeks at end of August - that way I can go away knowing that I'm not coming back to a long TDL and a overflowing in tray.

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We finished yesterday - picnic was a huge success!


I have made a cracking start on the old TDL today - have crossed off 11 jobs - can't quite believe it ::1a oh and added another 1 :wacko:


Youngest son and family have delivered their beautiful Choc Lab to me this afternoon (they are off on hols tomorrow) - this year I also have charge of two ducklings :o hmmmm their neighbour was going to 'see to them' but has now decided to go away herself - they have a beautiful house and run - really, really hoping that my geriatric cat doesn't decide to eat them - I can't see how she could get into the run as it has a top - oh well fingers crossed :1b


Phew - incredibly hot here - well I guess it is everywhere - mind you I am not complaining - might be if I was still working :rolleyes:

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Ooh enjoy the ducklings! What fun!

Glad you think so - d'you want them?! :lol:


Feels like a huge responsibility - they have only had them for two weeks but I'm sure you can imagine how much E. loves them - worried about the cat + we have a fox that visits - must, must, must remember to lock them in their house at night - actually I'm going to set an 'alarm' whotsit on my phone right now! :1b

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We too finished on Friday having done our 38 weeks - have tried lots of times to open for longer but sadly no one wants to pay!!


Not sadly however - it was a gloriously hot and sunny day down here in the south so sun screen applied and book out for a day of R&R at the beach - wonderful - just enough swell for a bit of body boarding (at some stage I must grow up!), swimming and lazing around.


My work TD list has some time sensitive things on it but otherwise I shall tackle them when the mood takes me (by September the mood had better haven taken me or I shall be in trouble).


In the meantime if you are off for the summer - enjoy

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Well my first week shot to pieces by weather - far too hot to do anything at the hall and now for the rest of it busy with some lovely personal outings with friends.


Will have to catch up next week


Yes I was going to go into hall and have a massive clear out (on my own).... then I thought 'far to hot' ::1a So did gardening at home instead- less strenuous! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Ooh yes I'll have them!

You are completely quackers! :lol:


Nothing has eaten them (yet :ph34r: ) - what a lot of phaffing about - they have a special water filled tray effort to splash about in - they either splash so vigorously that they empty it or they 'poo' in it - whichever - I am constantly refilling or cleaning and refilling it - similarly their water bowl in their house seems to get filled with sawdust so needs cleaning and refilling several times a day - other than that they are really quite lovely ::1a


No action on the old TDL front yesterday - so must get a couple of things 'crossed off' today! :1b

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Nothing has eaten them (yet :ph34r: ) - what a lot of phaffing about - they have a special water filled tray effort to splash about in - they either splash so vigorously that they empty it or they 'poo' in it - whichever - I am constantly refilling or cleaning and refilling it - similarly their water bowl in their house seems to get filled with sawdust so needs cleaning and refilling several times a day - other than that they are really quite lovely ::1a


I can picture the scene Sunnyday -think I'll stick to babysitting thank you very much.

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What a lot of phaffing about - they have a special water filled tray effort to splash about in - they either splash so vigorously that they empty it or they 'poo' in it - whichever - I am constantly refilling or cleaning and refilling it - similarly their water bowl in their house seems to get filled with sawdust so needs cleaning and refilling several times a day - other than that they are really quite lovely


We had duck eggs for our hatching experience last year (turkeys this year!!) and discovered that whilst they are lovely and such great fun (far more interesting than chicks) boy are they labour intensive, especially when 9 of the 10 hatch successfully! In our church hall setting this meant taking the blooming things home every night and bringing them back in the morning to ensure that we could keep them fed and watered and relatively clean.


I was discussing this with our egg supplier this year and she commented on how ducks are just so messy in comparison to chicks offering this gem of a comment "Oh yes they are very messy - they can poo sideways you know!"

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You are completely quackers! :lol:


Nothing has eaten them (yet :ph34r: ) - what a lot of phaffing about - they have a special water filled tray effort to splash about in - they either splash so vigorously that they empty it or they 'poo' in it - whichever - I am constantly refilling or cleaning and refilling it - similarly their water bowl in their house seems to get filled with sawdust so needs cleaning and refilling several times a day - other than that they are really quite lovely ::1a




So really just like a normal workday - keeping an eye on the sand/water and tuff spots! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Got to be honest I'd love to look after them. :1b

At the weekend I wanted a couple of ex battery hens (think I may have spelt that wrong?- anyway not duracelll ones! :1b ) and I had to make do with a printed chicken table cloth :( I had to admit defeat- as they would be highly likely to be eaten by foxes.


Can we have a photo? :1b

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At the weekend I wanted a couple of ex battery hens (think I may have spelt that wrong?- anyway not duracelll ones! :1b ) and I had to make do with a printed chicken table cloth :( I had to admit defeat- as they would be highly likely to be eaten by foxes.


Can we have a photo? :1b

Chooks I can cope with - they are a doddle in comparison :blink: :lol:


Hmmm - never had much luck with uploading photos - will have to try (anything is preferable to tackling my accounts which is what I'm meant to be doing!) -oh I do have a photo actually from when my daughter-in-law brought them in for a visit to pre-school last week - right off to have a 'fiddle' - but don't hold your breath! :lol:

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I am done! I was up at 7 this morning then fell into a proper sleep again mid-morning - the inside of my head feels much rested! I have been to the library, spent much of the day in pjs, done no washing up, nibbled end of year chocolates and read a book (well finished one and started another). I'm planning to rediscover the house this weekend (it's in its usual end of term state of mess) and then am in to school next week to sort cupboards and make plans. I have a whole load of new furniture for our structured play area which needs putting in place and sorting out. I still need to work on the good old TDL though!

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