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Early Years National Funding Formula Calculator


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So if my LA is down as £5.12p they will then remove 5% and we will get the rest? i.e £4.86?


Or are they able to retain their 5% and then another % for supplements? For example we all get £4 per hour with supplements then added?

Why is it so confusing, or is it me being really dense?

As I understand it ???? They can take 5% - or if desperate for money (aren't we all! ) 7% ....but need to say why.

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Remember they do not have to do this straight away, they are being given time to "adjust" to their new lower budget.


The only thing giving me any hope of an increase is that the level of funding is being averaged out to all providers, maintained or PVI. This, in my opinion, should increase the average rate for PVI providers who get less at this time from the 15 hours funding pot.


Some people are stating that they actually get the same funding per child for the 15 hours? Why would the maintained school sector be worried about cuts due to this national funding formula? They don't need to pay rent.. 2nd highest cost to a nursery so they should already be better off? it would be great to get some accurate information on this...

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This is referring to nursery schools and not maintained nursery classes, they are different. As I have said many times before, many LAS have been paying the same funding to nursery classes as for PVIS for a number of years. The debates, the link you provided, and supplementary funding is solely for nursery schools.


Please do not confuse the two. There are very few nursery schools actually left in the country now, as many have been forced to close over the years and a approx a third of all LAS don't have any. Half have gone in Wales, and about a third in England over the past 10 years

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Thank you for clarifying again Mundia. This article does explain there are only 400 or so left..




It also shows how they get on average in one particular area at least double the funding..


I was talking about Maintained Nursery Schools but I did not realise there are so few left.. although I can see why this is!


So now moving on to a Maintained School.. who in my area at least provide Pre-School and now 2 year old places to children. Am I to believe that these settings get the same amount of funding as PVI settings?

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This does depend on area. Yes in many they do ever since the EYSFF came in, but others have indicated that in their LA they do get more, obviously I can't comment on that as I don't know.

It may appear that they get more because of the supplements for quality, SEND, deprivation, etc, and as nursery classes will often meet all additional criteria that can add up. But any PVI also meeting the same requirements would also get that.


The latest govt release still leaves some wiggle room for LAS to decide what it will pay, which is why the documents talk about 'average' funding which by definition means some will get more and some less. It will depend on who only gets base rate and who will get the extra for EAL, (interesting how that one will be decided!), EYPP, DAF, etc.

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