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15 minutes ago, louby loo said:

I feel fine, even my arm doesn't hurt ache 😳  How long after did you feel the effects?  I had it at 12 noon.

I feel I may have had a placebo 😱  I mean I don't want to feel ill - but I would like to know iv'e had the jab correctly... even with the flu jab I had a headache for a couple of hours.

I have today off work as a precaution, and they really could have done with me first thing this morning just for short period pre-opening up- and now if feel a fraud 

How are you feeling about going back sunny?...  they've picked a bad week for returning all children - Mother's Day on Sunday!

Ah - I'm sure you have had a 'real' vaccine - think this side effect thing is variable.....

I had mine at 1:25 - all good until I woke up at 3:30 in the morning with flu like symptoms, but was feeling much better by midday

Really looking forward to going back, pleased that it is just two sessions up until Easter, ease everyone back in gently

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The difference in side effects is really interesting. My son was poorly all week after having his (but he has a shocking immune system after having glandular fever) Most of the staff from the home and the doctors staff had it at the same time and the majority of them had side effects. My Mum (85) had a sore arm and my Dad (89) had no effects whatsoever!

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tis Friday again!

Not sure where the time goes and worried about how I will cope with going back to work, will I have the time?!🤣

I am sort of doing my accounts today - well they are spread out across my table - how much will actually get 'done' I really couldn't say......

Hope everyone is okay and coping well

Have a lovely weekend

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3 hours ago, sunnyday said:


I am sort of doing my accounts today - well they are spread out across my table - how much will actually get 'done' I really couldn't say......


I started to do mine few weeks ago..... I really need to finish doing them now! 😳🤣

Have a good week-end everyone, ready for the big return surge next Monday 😱


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On 01/03/2021 at 15:23, BenC said:

Don't have any reading that I can point you towards, but I remember having a similar situation with a child in my class once. We decided in the end that the child was not going to be harmed by not eating for the day, but being 'forced' to eat (and I don't mean literally!) might cause more stress which can lead on to other long term issues, especially around eating.

I think once the pressure was off, and people weren't worried about whether the child was eating, they then started eating with the other children! We did expect them to come and join the other children at lunch time, listening to the story etc, but if they didn't want their food, they didn't have to get it. This was also all done with the relative's permission of course! 


On 01/03/2021 at 17:48, Cait said:

That’s reminded me that we had a little boy who downright refused to eat his lunch.   We requested that he still sat at the table and I would sit close by.  We’d all just chat and then once when I was eating a satsuma, I asked one of the children (who I knew would say ‘yes’) if they wanted a bit, and when she took it I just casually asked him if he wanted a bit as well, which he did.   He had a couple of pieces, then I noticed that he had a satsuma as well, so I asked him if I could ‘pinch’ a few bits of his.  He said I could, and I peeled it and broke it into segments, which I put between us, and he ate the lot.   So after that, one of us would share our sandwich and then ‘share’ his.  (With Mum’s permission of course).  This was just after he had a new brother, and probably just a kick-back.  Mum was at the end of her tether as he wasn’t eating at home.  He didn’t stay for lunch with us normally until she said she was having problems.  I hoped that sitting with his friends would help, but it didn’t, for a few days, until the satsuma.  
Once we ‘d got him eating at preschool, Mum made it so she would put the baby down for a sleep and out of the way before sitting down with M at home to eat.  Then of course, when she was more relaxed with him, he was fine.  


On 01/03/2021 at 18:02, finleysmaid said:

we have lots of children who have issues with food . Have you tried finding a quieter area for him to eat? sometimes children are put off by the noise or the bad eating habits of others. He may need adult support or a visual timetable to explain he eats and then he plays? Have you called it lunch when its dinner or vice versa? Sounds like he may have some sensory processing needs perhaps? 

Thank you all, so sorry I haven't replied to say that until now - it has been a busy week!  All your answers were really helpful.  For now we have backed off completely which seems to be helping a bit - he's really not eating enough but at least he's not refusing to eat things we know  he likes.  FM  I am convinced that there are sensory needs.  I also think a lot of his behaviours are about controlling the world around him.  I think the need for anyone to do that is exacerbated by his minimal language.  He has lots and lots and lots of 'traits' but parents are not in a place to hear them or put two and two together from our descriptions of his behaviour.  I would love for all of you to be part of a solution circle for me - he is such an interesting (yet challenging) little one!

As for Friday - very glad it's here although a little worried at the moment - I sent a child home with a high temp this afternoon and am anxiously awaiting news - mainly because I am due to have the rest of my class back on Monday and 2 in particular are very anxious and I have been reassuring them that all is the same as it was before.

The weekend will be the TDL, knitting, crochet, reading and possibly baking something - although I don't know what - I got on the scales and regretted it!

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I have been up to my setting - all set up and ready for Tuesday - just need to add play-dough and children!

Wore the shoes that I always wear to work - very comfy sketchers - oh my life, my toes felt squeezed, couldn't work it out, but the realised I have actually only worn them once in the last three months - it's been slippers indoors and wellies out of doors - strange times we are living through!

Oh and first time that I have driven my car since 10th December - crazy

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😂 Similarly, I filled the car up for the first time since before C, Thursday.   Pulled into Tescos, managed to get the correct side of the car (not always a given🙁.  So I'm standing there waiting for the pump to be switched on - nothing - then I try to catch the eye of the shop assistant inside and he's making some kind of signal at me through the window -   DONG!  eventually the penny drops, I haven't pressed the button on the pump to signify if I want to pay at pump or in the shop!    

I felt so silly.   I've filled up at Tescos for years, it's not like it was the first time 😂


HOpe all goes well for you on Tuesday Sunnyday - a big day for everyone.

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23 minutes ago, Cait said:

Oh goodness how quickly things are unlearned! 

It's quite mind blowing really and that's us as adults, it does make me even more concerned for the children

My youngest granddaughter (5) is showing some real worries about going back to school on Monday, she loves/loved school, but when I think about it she has hardly been there at all, she started Reception 2019 and had Sept through to March and then lockdown, she didn't go back in June so was out until Sept 2020, back in and into Y1, her school closed the first week of December Covid was rife.....

I'm sure she will be fine and the school are brilliant and will concentrate on social and emotional well-being for the time being, can't help but worry about her though

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Hi all, hope everyone has recovered from vaccine side effects?

I can now book mine....but what a fiasco! used my NHS number first and it came up saying ‘As you didn’t/couldn’t attend your first appointment you now need to rebook both’ 🤷‍♀️ Yesterday was the first time I’d been near the booking site, so continued but just a white page where the appointments should be, I then tried with my post code and that gave me appointments miles and miles away. Tried again this morning and just a blank white page so not sure if that means no available appointments or the site is down ....is it like booking a shopping slot? are there better times to try?

I might just plead techno idiot (which isn’t far off the mark) and ask my surgery to take pity by letting me be added to the end of day now I’m the right age and that’s only 5 mins away. 🤔

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6 minutes ago, Mouseketeer said:

Hi all, hope everyone has recovered from vaccine side effects?

I can now book mine....but what a fiasco! used my NHS number first and it came up saying ‘As you didn’t/couldn’t attend your first appointment you now need to rebook both’ 🤷‍♀️ Yesterday was the first time I’d been near the booking site, so continued but just a white page where the appointments should be, I then tried with my post code and that gave me appointments miles and miles away. Tried again this morning and just a blank white page so not sure if that means no available appointments or the site is down ....is it like booking a shopping slot? are there better times to try?

I might just plead techno idiot (which isn’t far off the mark) and ask my surgery to take pity by letting me be added to the end of day now I’m the right age and that’s only 5 mins away. 🤔

Oh no!

I booked mine very early one morning - probably about 6:30am and it was easy peasy…….try ringing 119 instead

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5 minutes ago, sunnyday said:

What do you think of this little beauty - she will be joining eldest sons household 6th April (she is a Sprocker)

What a beauty 😍

1 hour ago, Mouseketeer said:

Hi all, hope everyone has recovered from vaccine side effects?

I can now book mine....but what a fiasco! used my NHS number first and it came up saying ‘As you didn’t/couldn’t attend your first appointment you now need to rebook both’ 🤷‍♀️ Yesterday was the first time I’d been near the booking site, so continued but just a white page where the appointments should be, I then tried with my post code and that gave me appointments miles and miles away. Tried again this morning and just a blank white page so not sure if that means no available appointments or the site is down ....is it like booking a shopping slot? are there better times to try?

I might just plead techno idiot (which isn’t far off the mark) and ask my surgery to take pity by letting me be added to the end of day now I’m the right age and that’s only 5 mins away. 🤔

I booked mine while watching the 6oc evening news.   One of my staff got her's booked yesterday when they realised the next age band and she's a the lowest age.

Have you tried using a different browser?  (Something I now find I'm asked whenever I comment on access to site problems - I have a Mac, and  it doesn't seem to like some sites- even ones I've been using for years previously) 

What it did find was the slots were  going quickly.  By the time I booked out the first time my first chosen slot had gone, and I had to choose another time slot- then it takes you back to the start rather than just change the dates which was a bit frustrating. I did get both sorted the second attempt.

On the day I actually had the jab a the time of the earlier slot I'd be rejected from.   Good luck with trying.

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She not he 🤣 but she really is the sweetest little thing - I am as excited as they are, can't wait to meet her

18 minutes ago, zigzag said:

Oh my goodness he is gorgeous. Cleo cocker spaniel would like to come and play as well please!


10 minutes ago, Froglet said:

He is gorgeous!!



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yes Finley is a sprocker ! Have i been hiding?? 😄 i have been made chair of the allotment society...so have given that a bit of time this week. Yes i came out yesterday...took the dogs for a walk got overwhelmed by the quantity of people and came home! Got over myself and went to Homebase to buy some paint, felt more normal after that!!!! i have only been in a supermarket twice in the last year, now have to go and deal with a full group this morning 🙄

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3 hours ago, finleysmaid said:

yes Finley is a sprocker ! Have i been hiding?? 😄 i have been made chair of the allotment society...so have given that a bit of time this week. Yes i came out yesterday...took the dogs for a walk got overwhelmed by the quantity of people and came home! Got over myself and went to Homebase to buy some paint, felt more normal after that!!!! i have only been in a supermarket twice in the last year, now have to go and deal with a full group this morning 🙄

Apologies fm - the 'hiding' thing was just a jokey comment 

Hope all goes well today xxx

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