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It's Friday!


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3 hours ago, Mouseketeer said:

I know where you are coming from zigzag, I’m really not looking forward to this half term, also did a few hours on Monday but have taken the rest of week practically to chill and do what I wanted to do, which is mainly knit baby things since finding out recently that I’m going to be a nanny next spring …..so excited 😆 

We could be due Ofsted any time in the next 2 years now I guess (post 4 yrs now), I’m not sure all my team are strong enough to talk the talk now that more expectation will be on staff than mainly speaking with managers, but can’t be worrying about that for the next 2 years. 

Hope you all have a stress free half term 🤞

Yay! Mousie that is the best news - you will love being a Grandma, nanny, nana or whatever the little one calls you, make sure you let us know when he/she arrives!

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Yes she certainly is a force to be reckoned with.   I have generally liked Halloween night Strictly, but strangely thought it a little lack lustre this evening - maybe because there aren't enough of an audience to make it special.  There seemed to be those couples who had a little extra special staging spent on them and others who  clearly didn't.

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1 hour ago, sunnyday said:

Oh and someone needs to have a word with the wardrobe dept - that outfit that Judi (or is it Judy?) wore was quite awful...I suppose it was 'fitting' for the song choice, but in her shoes, I would have said 'no I'm not wearing that' 🤦‍♀️

Well, they had plenty of time to work on it, it was a cha cha from the previous week she was doing but she had Covid so could do it then and couldn't train for a new dance in time.    Some odd stuff going on this year, even Craig is being somewhat nicer, not quite so cutting but does still go on more than he needs to when he has a chance😂

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I know it's not Friday, but Wednesday are the new Fridays in my world Yay!!!!  😂

That said- next week my daughter starts her new job, two days a week, childcare provided by the two Nannies... my day is Wednesday 😳, so I'm done to working [at work] to two days a week! 😁.  We are really quite this term though, but once she turns two in the new year  I shall return to work- with her coming with me though, hope this works out!!

I've got a stinking head cold- and I haven't had one for over 2 years!!!   Hot bath and off to bed now, and hoping I've recovered ready for Friday's Friday thread 😊

Hope people's working week is going well though, thinking of you Zigzag and hope it wasn't as bad as expected Monday xxx



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1 hour ago, louby loo said:

I know it's not Friday, but Wednesday are the new Fridays in my world Yay!!!!  😂

That said- next week my daughter starts her new job, two days a week, childcare provided by the two Nannies... my day is Wednesday 😳, so I'm done to working [at work] to two days a week! 😁.  We are really quite this term though, but once she turns two in the new year  I shall return to work- with her coming with me though, hope this works out!!

I've got a stinking head cold- and I haven't had one for over 2 years!!!   Hot bath and off to bed now, and hoping I've recovered ready for Friday's Friday thread 😊

Hope people's working week is going well though, thinking of you Zigzag and hope it wasn't as bad as expected Monday xxx



Sorry you're not feeling too well Louby loo, hope an early night will help you.

I had 2 granddaughters at nursery with me, it worked really well.   They used to come back home with me for the afternoons, the elder of the two used to pick out dress up clothes or a toy that she wanted to borrow before we left each time.   They used to ask to come in with me if they were off school for some reason too and I was working.  I look after the youngest granddaughter now on Wednesdays, a good day I think to babysit.

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1 hour ago, louby loo said:

I know it's not Friday, but Wednesday are the new Fridays in my world Yay!!!!  😂

That said- next week my daughter starts her new job, two days a week, childcare provided by the two Nannies... my day is Wednesday 😳, so I'm done to working [at work] to two days a week! 😁.  We are really quite this term though, but once she turns two in the new year  I shall return to work- with her coming with me though, hope this works out!!

I've got a stinking head cold- and I haven't had one for over 2 years!!!   Hot bath and off to bed now, and hoping I've recovered ready for Friday's Friday thread 😊

Hope people's working week is going well though, thinking of you Zigzag and hope it wasn't as bad as expected Monday xxx



Get well soon louby

I have had all five of my grandchildren at pre-school with me, all perfectly fine, that was one of my very few regrets about retiring that I wouldn't see my youngest grandson right through and off to school - but he is (touch wood) doing just great with the new owner and her team

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maybe we should start a humpday thread too ! We were out on a schoolnight last night to celebrate my eldests 30th birthday ! how did that happen?????!!! She should have moved in to her own house weeks ago but its taken 6 months to do the paperwork (there isn't even a chain!) we have fingers crossed it might happen next week ...She's been a bit of a yoyo so im hoping this finds a place where she can settle.

Lots' of germs going round Louby, hope you feel better soon. we have an epidemic of hand foot and mouth!

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6 hours ago, finleysmaid said:

maybe we should start a humpday thread too ! We were out on a schoolnight last night to celebrate my eldests 30th birthday ! how did that happen?????!!! She should have moved in to her own house weeks ago but its taken 6 months to do the paperwork (there isn't even a chain!) we have fingers crossed it might happen next week ...She's been a bit of a yoyo so im hoping this finds a place where she can settle.

Lots' of germs going round Louby, hope you feel better soon. we have an epidemic of hand foot and mouth!


4 hours ago, Cait said:

Ugh I can remember HMF doing the rounds!  I imagine we are all very susceptible to germs now with compromised immune systems after being so scrupulously clean for so long!  
Get well soon!  Xx

oh yes and parents being in complete denial at times!

Everything crossed here for your daughter fm - it is hard, I think, when they are 'all grown up' and you can't sort things out for them...

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Another Friday!

Hope everyone is okay - how was your first week of term 2 - next stop will be the festive period that must not be named!

I have just booked my booster jab for 23rd November, Mr S has his next Friday...will be good to get them on board and then, hopefully, forget all about vaccinations for a while

Have a lovely weekend x

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3 hours ago, sunnyday said:

Another Friday!

Hope everyone is okay - how was your first week of term 2 - next stop will be the festive period that must not be named!

I have just booked my booster jab for 23rd November, Mr S has his next Friday...will be good to get them on board and then, hopefully, forget all about vaccinations for a while

Have a lovely weekend x

Well, 'that'll learn me' to celebrate Wednesday as the new Friday!!!

We had Ofsted today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     They phoned yesterday morning whilst I lay on the sofa with cold in the head self pity (watching a Christmas film I should add) 😂

For various reason I could have actually deferred - but we went with it as it was a short day.

Anyway, all very positive and we're happy with the result. :) :) :)

I feel like a weight has been lifted of my head. I did have a rant about the stress- and she agreed!  

Andy had his booster yesterday no side effects as of yet.  Hope you're the same sunnyday 😊

Good weekend everyone. xxx

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14 minutes ago, louby loo said:

Well, 'that'll learn me' to celebrate Wednesday as the new Friday!!!

We had Ofsted today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     They phoned yesterday morning whilst I lay on the sofa with cold in the head self pity (watching a Christmas film I should add) 😂

For various reason I could have actually deferred - but we went with it as it was a short day.

Anyway, all very positive and we're happy with the result. :) :) :)

I feel like a weight has been lifted of my head. I did have a rant about the stress- and she agreed!  

Andy had his booster yesterday no side effects as of yet.  Hope you're the same sunnyday 😊

Good weekend everyone. xxx

Whoop! Yay louby it's all over and all good - I am so very pleased for you

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19 minutes ago, sunnyday said:

Whoop! Yay louby it's all over and all good - I am so very pleased for you

Thank-you. I now have the weirdest feeling, it's like a non-headache headache. I think it must be my blood pressure returning to normal! I really feel like going to bed (still have the head cold), but I think my brain is to wired up with relief to actually sleep.

I now intend to spend the weekend chucking out soooo much paperwork and stuff that I've kept 'incase' - just random bits,  like things I feel we should have displayed etc.

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Louby Lou, so glad that you have that over and done with. Is it weird to say that I am envious? I hope it was a good experience for you, maybe when you have collected your thoughts and feel better you can share some of it. Hope you have a relaxing weekend now. Xx

This week at school has been nice and not as bad as I was fearing. 
 My Dad has not been having a good week and when you see what him and Mum are going through it puts everything into perspective. Very pleased to say that he is now much better and on an even keel again.

We usually are shut on Thursday mornings but had to swap our Friday session this week as the school had workmen coming in to check for asbestos before the new fire alarm system goes in. They expected us to be running whilst the men were doing this! Can you imagine the carnage! We are in the old Victorian building, so has it very high ceilings so very tall ladders would be needed and I know quite a few of my children would have thought this was a great challenge! Also the building is so decrepit that I fear what may actually happen when they start poking around! Seriously, I would not have been surprised to receive an email today to say that it was unfit for purpose.  I await the results of the asbestos test with bated breath!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, enjoy the fireworks if you are going. Xx


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41 minutes ago, zigzag said:

 maybe when you have collected your thoughts and feel better you can share some of it. Hope you have a relaxing weekend now. Xx

This week at school has been nice and not as bad as I was fearing. 
 My Dad has not been having a good week and when you see what him and Mum are going through it puts everything into perspective. Very pleased to say that he is now much better and on an even keel again.

Will do, but to be honest I think I was so highly strung about the whole thing, and the relief of it actually happening I not sure I took much in. Definitely nowhere near as bad as I expected, I just remember a lot of me saying 'we do this/that because it suits us!'  She was a lovely inspector though- which makes a huge difference.

Sending positive vibes your way for you dad.  I somehow feel worrying about you parents is more stressful that worrying about your own children. I guess it's seeing them so vulnarable when they used to be your rock.  😢  xx

glad you week was better than expected. Our hall is currently having a lot of work done, and the inspector praised how well we were managing to work through it!

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