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It's Friday!


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Well, 1 week into my holiday and I have...

- defrosted the freezer and started refilling it - have eaten proper meals a few times (South Indian fish curry, chicken fajitas and tonight will be having 'Spicy cauliflower and halloumi rice)

- done quite a lot of work sorting out - am working in the mornings and resting in the afternoons which is going pretty well

- eaten a lot of chocolate

- crocheted half a dishcloth

- knitted half a pair of socks

- written a letter

- visited my sister for Sunday lunch

- had several naps

- been for a couple of short walks (literally ten minutes but it's a novelty just to get out)

- read a book

All is going well so far!

Edited by Froglet
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On 03/08/2022 at 19:08, sunnyday said:

Young Froglet - your 'crocheted half a dishcloth' sparked a memory for me - that's how I learned to knit - mum set me up with big wooden needles and some cotton yarn and I knitted dishcloths 

My mother in law told me that growing up in Germany, one of the Christmas presents was a ball of string, with which she had to knit a dishcloth before dinner was done.   It was to keep her, and her sister out of the way, I guess.  That’s what they got every year, an orange, if they were available, and the ball of string.   There would sometimes be a few yards of fabric to make an apron or skirt.   How countries and times are different!  

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Another week gone 🙀... and I can now book an online shop for September!!!

A relaxing week, did preschool work on Monday (my regular only day I will do a couple of hours max preschool work) GD Tues, Weds +overnight. 

A do nothing day today. I may even have a nap this afternoon while watching a mindless film.  



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Time does disappear scarily quickly in the holidays doesn't it?!

I've now reached the point of the holiday when I'm not so exhausted that I fall asleep at the drop of a hat which is great except that it means I am reminded just how badly I sleep!  I have been trying to do work in the mornings and 'me stuff' in the afternoons but yesterday I slept through my alarm and didn't get up until nearly 9am.  I decided to take the day off and spent it watching mindless TV and crocheting - I am having a go a making a doll for the first time.  Today was going to be back to the school work in the morning but my next task is one that I am anxious about so am procrastinating over - I have done a couple of bits but have mostly been unfocused!  I must get back on it properly tomorrow with no excuses.  My plan is to have a clear two weeks off in the middle of the holiday so that things don't drift and I feel like I've worked every day.  I'm going over to mum and dad's for tea in a little while which will be nice so have decided to try and tick a few housework jobs (ironing, tidying etc) off the list before I go so I have fewer excuses tomorrow.

I had an exciting yarn delivery today including some gold which is to make anniversary decorations and I may have accidentally had to buy a little more sock yarn just to bring the shopping basket up to the free postage limit!  It will all get used eventually.  I'm contemplating whether to go back to the crafternoon again tomorrow and also what my 'fun activities' will be for the next two weeks.

Have a lovely weekend and week ahead everyone!

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I could get on board for that!

We have had a lovely visit from eldest son and our two youngest grandchildren, they have just come back from their holiday in the New Forest, son said that he had never known it to be so quiet there, that's a bit sad, I guess that's the cost of living crisis...

They picked a load of tomatoes to take home with them - granddaughter asked her granddad "why are some orange and some red, are there tomato painting fairies"

Granddad (as ever, practical and lacking in imagination) explained that they are different varieties - meanwhile nana much prefers her idea😂

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On 06/08/2022 at 12:46, sunnyday said:


They picked a load of tomatoes to take home with them - granddaughter asked her granddad "why are some orange and some red, are there tomato painting fairies"

Granddad (as ever, practical and lacking in imagination) explained that they are different varieties - meanwhile nana much prefers her idea😂

I love this idea!

 I am struggling today. I have a planning task to do which is making me incredibly anxious and therefore I’m avoiding it. Any tips for making myself get on with it gratefully received. Part of me says ‘leave it till tomorrow, you work better in the mornings’ but I intended to do that today and failed!

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On 06/08/2022 at 15:13, Froglet said:

I love this idea!

 I am struggling today. I have a planning task to do which is making me incredibly anxious and therefore I’m avoiding it. Any tips for making myself get on with it gratefully received. Part of me says ‘leave it till tomorrow, you work better in the mornings’ but I intended to do that today and failed!

My advice would be - it's 3:30 which is far too late to start this task now - 3:30 is made for  bit of knitting, crochet, reading or cake eating

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You must do all the little things that are preventing you from making a start.   Clear a good table space, if that’s what you need.  Check your pen works, and you have a back up or two.  Good paper and plenty to go at, plus scribbling, doodling area.  A cup of tea/coffee and a bottle of water, biscuit or an apple chopped into wedges with the core cut out, satsuma peeled and the pith cleaned off, dish of grapes…….  
respond to any texts that have come through then TURN YOUR PHONE OFF.   
sit down and make a start - that’s the hard bit.  Once you’ve done that, it’s just a matter of working though it.  Hydrating, nibbling and scribbling as you go.   

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