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It's Friday!


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Happy Friday, happy September!

Quiet week here. I haven't got half (any!) of the TDL that I'd planned to done. I do, though have a beautifully tidy house! ;-) This weekend is really just about nothing special. Am awaiting the arrival of my latest nephew (due today), working on a new pair of socks and a new book. I'm having my hair cut this afternoon - am hoping to be brave enough to have a lot cut off although I'm not good with hairdressers!

I want to try and work out a weekend routine that I can follow well during term time allowing me to get the work I will need to done but at the same time stay on top of housework and relaxing 'work' - I may be being over ambitious but I'd really like to get to October half-term without the exhaustion and house mess to sort out that is the usual way of things!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy starting back everyone that is going to - I love the start of a new year.

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Hello All!

well ive had the most fantastic holiday and am definitely NOT ready to go back to pre-school.! having some issues with my neighbours !(too long and boring to get in to!) which is causing me stress ...just need to get to the **** it stage! difficult for a people pleaser 😂

Why is it when you get back from holiday and your bank balance is suffering you get loads of bills! ?!?!?

We went to croatia...truly beautiful ❤️ have swum in crystal clear seas every day and met some lovely new friends from all over the world (well mainly Australia! )

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On 01/09/2023 at 11:30, finleysmaid said:

Hello All!

well ive had the most fantastic holiday and am definitely NOT ready to go back to pre-school.! having some issues with my neighbours !(too long and boring to get in to!) which is causing me stress ...just need to get to the **** it stage! difficult for a people pleaser 😂

Why is it when you get back from holiday and your bank balance is suffering you get loads of bills! ?!?!?

We went to croatia...truly beautiful ❤️ have swum in crystal clear seas every day and met some lovely new friends from all over the world (well mainly Australia! )

Neighbours sound awful

Holiday sounds wonderful

Bank balance - not so good

Onwards and upwards!

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Have a good weekend everyone.

Hope baby arrives safe and well Froglet, and good that's it's after 31st August - so he's not the youngest in class!

Sunnyday, hope your sister is now on the mend.

Finleymaid, glad you had a good time on holiday, one of my staff has just got back form Croatia too! Sorry about the neighbours though.

I'm really not sure about returning to work Monday - part of me is looking foward to the routine of being out of the house and using my brain... and part of me is happy being in my own company and would like that to continue too!!! (well once the 'extra family finally move back out again 😂)

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On 01/09/2023 at 11:59, louby loo said:

Hope baby arrives safe and well Froglet, and good that's it's after 31st August - so he's not the youngest in class!

Funnily enough that was exactly what my sister in law said yesterday when someone asked how she was - 'still cooking, hoping we get to tomorrow so we don't have the youngest child in school'!

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On 01/09/2023 at 15:20, Froglet said:

Funnily enough that was exactly what my sister in law said yesterday when someone asked how she was - 'still cooking, hoping we get to tomorrow so we don't have the youngest child in school'!

I had an end of year, youngest in the class who was more than ready to start school, but I now wonder if they are more affected at the other end of their school lives where having had that extra year in school would have benefited them when it came to 6th forms and uni’s, and all their friends are doing things like learning to drive way before them 🤔 


FM, I’m paperwork ready to go back but that’s about it 😔 I don’t really seem to have been away from the place much but love coming and going when I want to.

Holidays and expected babies sounds great 👍 

Hoping those about to start back have a stress free first week 😊 

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Good luck to all those going back, hope it goes well. 
Well I’ve booked a cruise to Norway and the fjords, we leave in two weeks! Super excited but also overcome with anxiety and worry (which is standard for me) Will absolutely love it when I get there but I just overthink and worry about everything before hand. Always have done and alway will I guess. If anyone has any hints on dealing with anxiety that they would be happy to share I am willing to try anything! I’ve done the CBT and mindfulness courses and tried medication over the years but not had any huge improvements. 

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On 03/09/2023 at 21:35, zigzag said:

Good luck to all those going back, hope it goes well. 
Well I’ve booked a cruise to Norway and the fjords, we leave in two weeks! Super excited but also overcome with anxiety and worry (which is standard for me) Will absolutely love it when I get there but I just overthink and worry about everything before hand. Always have done and alway will I guess. If anyone has any hints on dealing with anxiety that they would be happy to share I am willing to try anything! I’ve done the CBT and mindfulness courses and tried medication over the years but not had any huge improvements. 

oh zigzag how exciting!

Have you ever tried Bach's Rescue Remedy?

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On 03/09/2023 at 21:35, zigzag said:

Good luck to all those going back, hope it goes well. 
Well I’ve booked a cruise to Norway and the fjords, we leave in two weeks! Super excited but also overcome with anxiety and worry (which is standard for me) Will absolutely love it when I get there but I just overthink and worry about everything before hand. Always have done and alway will I guess. If anyone has any hints on dealing with anxiety that they would be happy to share I am willing to try anything! I’ve done the CBT and mindfulness courses and tried medication over the years but not had any huge improvements. 

Your trip sounds wonderful! You must report back please- as this is something I really want to do. 🙂


Had our first day back.... it was hard we had 9 children in! 🤣     Hope everyone else has a good start to the term.

I (we) managed to make a good start on cleaning out the cupboard this morning 🙂 I had planned to do it on my own this afternoon, so a bonus.  Again I have proven to myself I really don't need to be so 'in control' of everything, and actually not having everything done before the start of term is really not that important at the end of the day, also that I can actually work through stuff 'at work' in worktime and I do not need to encroach into my own free time.

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On 04/09/2023 at 10:24, sunnyday said:

oh zigzag how exciting!

Have you ever tried Bach's Rescue Remedy?

Yes I use the spray, and it does help a bit when it’s mild anxiety. But when it’s really full on it doesn't work! 


On 04/09/2023 at 15:38, louby loo said:

Your trip sounds wonderful! You must report back please- as this is something I really want to do. 🙂

I will definitely report back!

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On 04/09/2023 at 15:38, louby loo said:


I (we) managed to make a good start on cleaning out the cupboard this morning 🙂 I had planned to do it on my own this afternoon, so a bonus.  Again I have proven to myself I really don't need to be so 'in control' of everything, and actually not having everything done before the start of term is really not that important at the end of the day, also that I can actually work through stuff 'at work' in worktime and I do not need to encroach into my own free time.

That is brilliant louby and absolutely right - I ran myself into the ground with the idea that everything had to be done and even worse done by me - it's just not worth it - I put myself under such unnecessary pressure...

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On 04/09/2023 at 21:55, sunnyday said:

That is brilliant louby and absolutely right - I ran myself into the ground with the idea that everything had to be done and even worse done by me - it's just not worth it - I put myself under such unnecessary pressure...

This is exactly what I did as well. Being on the other side of it now, I realise how unnecessary a lot of it was!

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On 04/09/2023 at 21:55, sunnyday said:

That is brilliant louby and absolutely right - I ran myself into the ground with the idea that everything had to be done and even worse done by me - it's just not worth it - I put myself under such unnecessary pressure...


On 05/09/2023 at 07:23, zigzag said:

This is exactly what I did as well. Being on the other side of it now, I realise how unnecessary a lot of it was!

Yes,  since covid I've really had a mindset shift change!    I am far more relaxed about things now, and have definitely realised a lot of things we do just aren't necessary!!

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On 08/09/2023 at 11:32, louby loo said:

Oh, Sunnyday I really do hope things get better for you. 💐 (((Hugs)))

We've had a good first Week. Have already decided I will cut my hours  (again) from next week. 🙀


That's so kind louby thank you x

Actually had two bits of 'positive news' since my earlier post...

Mr S has heard from the Royal Brompton - he is to go up on 13th November this to repeat all of the pre-op tests as the delay has been so long that the original tests are now out of date - I am just taking from that - things are actually moving and hopefully his op can and will happen 🤞

My sister is, as we speak, on her way back to hospital - that doesn't sound like good news - but it really is - such a panic with her yesterday evening which I won't bore you with - but hospital really is best place for her right now.

Onwards and upwards!

Oh louby what will your new hours be?

Edited by sunnyday
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Hope everyone’s week has gone well and you haven’t all melted 🥵🤞

We unusually have more in the 2025 yr group than 2024, so 9 has seemed like 90 at times 🙈, sessions have chopped and changed which has meant a whole register reprint today 😞 and I’ve never known a group of parents who can’t return the requested paperwork 🤷‍♀️

have a good weekend ☀️ 


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On 08/09/2023 at 17:17, Mouseketeer said:

Hope everyone’s week has gone well and you haven’t all melted 🥵🤞

and I’ve never known a group of parents who can’t return the requested paperwork 🤷‍♀️



Oh Mousie I feel your pain - some of my parents were also great at losing paperwork...

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On 08/09/2023 at 12:02, sunnyday said:

Oh louby what will your new hours be?

Good to hear your sister is in the right place now, also things moving again for Mr S.

I shall be going doen to 9 currenlty do 15 - I shall do some bits form home though.

On 08/09/2023 at 17:17, Mouseketeer said:

and I’ve never known a group of parents who can’t return the requested paperwork 🤷‍♀️

Pur..lessse do not mention the parents this year!!! 😂


On 08/09/2023 at 18:30, Cait said:

Ugh I remember register rewrites!   I just did it all as an excel workbook in the end! 

Excel is my firned here too!

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Good morning - 'tis Friday!

Hope everyone is okay?

Touching wood as I say this but I have had a slightly better week - Mr S is feeling much better since the drop in temperature (+ steroids and anti-biotics), my sister remains in hospital, she is being very well cared for (I am enjoying not having to worry so much about her for a while), the 'borehole' work is finally finished and we seem to have fully functioning drains and have been able to get the front lawn back into some sort of order...(wish the blessed pigeons would stop eating the grass seed!)

My little Knit and Natter (Stitch and Bitch) group have planned an outing (!) we are going to 'Spirit of Christmas' (oops I said the C word) at Olympia early November (please not too much Covid or I will not be able to go, need to protect Mr S) - anyway should be fun - watch out London - here we come!

Weekend plans include lots of gardening, I have lots of knitted squares waiting for me to edge with a crochet border, hope to catch up with eldest son and youngest grandchildren and that will do for me - just need some 'drama' free time...(please. pretty please)

Hope that everyone has a lovely weekend full of things that you enjoy x

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Oh my weekend plans have changed!

We now have flu and Covid jabs tomorrow at 12 noon - bring it on!

Our surgery had made an error - we both received a text to say...use this link to book and then seconds later a further text to say don't use the link it is broken DO NOT ring the surgery we will send another link next week...the promised new link didn't materialise - anyway, long story short we are now booked in for tomorrow

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Not a lot of excitement here this week, end of 2nd week already 😳

I can 'walk-in' for a covid jab from Tuesday at a local chemist. Bit of a joke in this house as I NEVER get anything offered to me by the Dr's- whilst Andy get lots of texts 😂 (and yes they do have my number).

Lunch out today with the granddaughter she has just start at a school nursery and is not happy as they don't have scissors and gluelike grandma's nursery 😳😂 ... my guess is with there ratios they probably want to see what they are dealing with before leaving the scissors out! (well I do hope that's why 😬)

Sunnyday, you do have to plan for Chr*****, which is exactly why we need to be able to dicuss it in September! 😂😂😂 🎅🎄

Lovely weather here, sunflowers have finally flowered- and are covered in bees 😁 and I've had more strawberries this week than the whole of strawberry season!


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Glad you've had a week that's been a bit better Sunnyday, hope the jabs went ok today.

Louby sunflowers, strawberries and bees sounds perfect!

Well, my first couple of weeks have been tiring but good - why is it I always forget just how much a school day can take out of you?! I haven't really stuck to the planned routines I made and have already done some very long days at school but I'm doing my best not to be too hard on myself about it. I have a fantastic new colleague who I think will really make a difference.

My newest nephew finally arrived on Thursday morning - almost two weeks overdue! He is doing great and we have had the loveliest smiley photo of his big sister meeting him for the first time!

I've had a cold this week so have spent most of today on the sofa dozing. I was going to do schoolwork tonight to get a school free Sunday but I think I'll probably be better off going to bed and getting up early tomorrow. I'm out with my mum and dad tomorrow - his church have nominated him to receive a 'Bishop's badge' and the ceremony is at the cathedral tomorrow afternoon. Apart from that and a bit of cooking nothing much else planned!

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On 15/09/2023 at 20:18, louby loo said:


Lunch out today with the granddaughter she has just start at a school nursery and is not happy as they don't have scissors and gluelike grandma's nursery 😳😂 ... my guess is with there ratios they probably want to see what they are dealing with before leaving the scissors out! (well I do hope that's why 😬)



Every time you post about your granddaughter - I think 'oh I like that little girl' - she sounds right up my street - I am with her on the scissors and glue - where are they! 

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On 16/09/2023 at 19:44, Froglet said:

Glad you've had a week that's been a bit better Sunnyday, hope the jabs went ok today.

Louby sunflowers, strawberries and bees sounds perfect!

Well, my first couple of weeks have been tiring but good - why is it I always forget just how much a school day can take out of you?! I haven't really stuck to the planned routines I made and have already done some very long days at school but I'm doing my best not to be too hard on myself about it. I have a fantastic new colleague who I think will really make a difference.

My newest nephew finally arrived on Thursday morning - almost two weeks overdue! He is doing great and we have had the loveliest smiley photo of his big sister meeting him for the first time!

I've had a cold this week so have spent most of today on the sofa dozing. I was going to do schoolwork tonight to get a school free Sunday but I think I'll probably be better off going to bed and getting up early tomorrow. I'm out with my mum and dad tomorrow - his church have nominated him to receive a 'Bishop's badge' and the ceremony is at the cathedral tomorrow afternoon. Apart from that and a bit of cooking nothing much else planned!

Yay! A new tadpole - welcome to the world little man and huge congratulations to all x

I will have to Google 'Bishop's badge' - it sounds impressive to me - congratulations to your dad

Jabs were okay - the surgery were aiming to vaccinate 800 people yesterday - it is a well oiled machine and I love that all involved are so chirpy - from car park stewards (volunteers) to the indoor stewards to the vaccinators - great teamwork!

Not too bad side-effects - I slept like the dead while poor Mr S had a very disturbed night - sore arms today but that's all - so glad to hopefully have some renewed protection on board

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Glad you're doing ok, hope Mr S has a better night tonight. The Bishop's badge seems to be a fairly local thing - churches and parishes nominate people who have made a contribution to their church for a really long time or innovated in some way. It was a lovely service - the cathedral is beautiful and the music was stunning. What was unexpectedly lovely though was that my previous school was a church school and their church had nominated a few people so had various people to support them. There were lots of familiar faces who I hadn't seen for ages so there was lots of waving and smiling!

Right now I'm back home cooking a new to me dinner (Mexican stuffed patty pan squash), finishing bits of school work to prepare for next week and contemplating the ironing!

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