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On 27/01/2023 at 14:02, zigzag said:

My son tore his meniscus playing rugby, he had to have an operation to have it removed. (He was only 16). Then a few years later he tore the one in the other knee and the flap kept getting caught in the kneecap! This had to be shaved off!  Are they going to operate Sunnyday? My knee is so painful especially when it gets stuck in one position and has to be straightened.  
Positive news about Mr S, let’s hope the wait is not too long.

That all sounds too painful to even think about!

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On 27/01/2023 at 11:21, sunnyday said:


'tis Friday again - how is everyone doing?

Lots of news here!

I had my knee appointment on Monday - it would seem that I have a 'torn meniscus' (cartilage) - I am doing my exercises religiously and following orders about 'staying off it' as much as possible - I think it's improving - back for another appointment next Monday

That's not the 'big' news though...

Mr S has been given the go ahead for lung reduction surgery - phew - such a long wait, but obviously we understand that everyone is waiting too - he has to complete eight weeks of 'rehabilitation' (physio) beforehand to give him the best chance of a successful outcome, and, of course, keep himself well in the meantime...

Hope that the weekend is kind to all x

Oh my!  It’s all go at your place!!   I hope your routine helps your poor knee and you’re able to stick to it properly!   
Mr S!  At long last!  Hopefully nothing will get in the way of that happening this time!   Fingers and toes crossed - 8 weeks takes into hopefully better weather when Zebedee will be starting his next load of chemo rounds.  
Put your feet up, everyone, ‘tis Friday! 

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Good morning - 'tis Friday!

How is everyone?

I now have a whole new diagnosis for my knee - this makes so much more sense - I couldn't see that it was a 'torn meniscus' as it didn't happen suddenly, rather it started at the beginning of December and gradually got worse...new diagnosis is pes anserinus - so just different exercises and rest and time to heal, I am grateful to the physio for his comment "this is going to be a long job", that sounds a bit odd but it stops all the 'oh it might be better today' thoughts - anyway, it's really nothing in the grand scheme of things, lots of people would pay to have my problems...

Hope the weekend is kind to all x

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On 03/02/2023 at 11:26, sunnyday said:

Good morning - 'tis Friday!

How is everyone?

I now have a whole new diagnosis for my knee - this makes so much more sense - I couldn't see that it was a 'torn meniscus' as it didn't happen suddenly, rather it started at the beginning of December and gradually got worse...new diagnosis is pes anserinus - so just different exercises and rest and time to heal, I am grateful to the physio for his comment "this is going to be a long job", that sounds a bit odd but it stops all the 'oh it might be better today' thoughts - anyway, it's really nothing in the grand scheme of things, lots of people would pay to have my problems...

Hope the weekend is kind to all x

That sounds more helpful, doesn’t it!   At least you know that you’re meant to be exercising it - it’s when you don’t know whether to do that or rest it, that things get complicated.  X

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On 03/02/2023 at 11:26, sunnyday said:

Good morning - 'tis Friday!

How is everyone?

I now have a whole new diagnosis for my knee - this makes so much more sense - I couldn't see that it was a 'torn meniscus' as it didn't happen suddenly, rather it started at the beginning of December and gradually got worse...new diagnosis is pes anserinus - so just different exercises and rest and time to heal, I am grateful to the physio for his comment "this is going to be a long job", that sounds a bit odd but it stops all the 'oh it might be better today' thoughts - anyway, it's really nothing in the grand scheme of things, lots of people would pay to have my problems...

Hope the weekend is kind to all x

You must feel better know what your're up against now.

Nothing exciting to report here... the weeks just seem to go so fast now, my lovely dad used to say the older you get the faster time fly's, so true! 😳

Have a good weekend everyone.

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Thanks Cait and louby - the only way is up!

Had a very unfortunate experience earlier this week...I was standing in our pharmacy, minding my own business, but was very aware of a young woman with severe special needs, she was accompanied by two carers, she was making some quite alarming noises, but as I said I was minding my own business and not looking at her, suddenly she launched herself at me, scratching at my arms and body, her carers were not as quick as her...I am unhurt, but what a bloomin' shock, when the carers managed to get her off me I completely forgot about my poorly knee as I quickly made my way around the pharmacy and positioned myself behind a guy who was built like a brick outhouse! 

Her carers were really apologetic, but my word, they need to speed up their reactions methinks...

In other, and much better news - have two 'granddogs' for the day tomorrow - whoop!

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Hoping the granddogs don't require running after with your knee.

Not a similar experience by any means but a couple of weeks ago I was in a local small store dropping off a parcel.  Two youngish lads at the till one paying for cans of drink etc, the other was then accused by the proprietor of trying to steal chocolate from the display.   Wow, did it kick off,  the lad protested so much and swearing and when the proprietor tried to take his photo he went absolutely bonkers, this carried on for a minute or so (me, just standing there watching hoping not to become involved, but not able to move myself!)    Well, the lads eventually made for the door but this one still shouting the odds about coming back with a car and smashing the front windows when the proprietor grabs a huge stick from behind the counter - well you see all life in a village shop I must say.   Anyway, nothing much else happened but it was one of those moments when I was just rooted to the spot.    Strangely after they had gone, me and the proprietor carried on as if nothing had taken place!   I left wishing him a better rest of the day,

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Granddogs have arrived - their 'parents' are off to London for the day to celebrate DIL's birthday which is tomorrow

- I said to my DIL "shall I give you your birthday present now, but you mustn't open it until tomorrow"

"Oh yes please, no I won't open it"

About five minutes later my son sent me a photo...she was opening her present 🤣🤣🤣

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Blimey, Sunnyday and Panders you have had eventful weeks!  Sunnyday that’s quite shocking that the carers did not react quicker to the situation it must have been very scary for you. I know situations like this are unpredictable but they need to act quicker. Hope you are ok. Glad you have a knee diagnosis, like you say at least you know now. I am now just waiting for X-ray results but am terrified I am going to be told to rest it! I looked up your condition and I must say the symptoms sound vey similar. I really need to lose two stone in weight as I know that would probably make a huge difference. But it seems over the last few years it doesn't matter what I do the weight stays exactly the same. In the past I lost weight successfully with WW but last time I tried it just didn’t work. I don’t think peri menopause is helping but I really need to find something that will work!

We are meeting my sons partners parents for the first time today! Seems like such a grown up thing to be doing! My son and his partner have been together for 4 years but with Covid and the fact they live at the other end of the county it just has not happened. I am really hoping that they will just be an extension of the family like Amy has become.

Louby Lou, I couldn’t agree more, the weeks seem to zoom by at the moment.  It’s lovely to see lots of signs of spring now though. Loads of daffodils, snowdrops and violets out here. Which makes you feel spring is on the way.

Have a lovely weekend all. Xx

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Hi, ZZ. Don’t know if it helps but I lost a couple of stone last year by not eating starchy carbs after 3pm ish.  So I can have sandwich and pizza etc for lunch, but then just light for tea, fruit, yoghurt, soup etc.   It really worked for me and I found I wasn’t craving carbs nearly as much either.  I’m still enjoying chocolate and cakes etc.     My friend has lost a similar amount by having just one meal a day, at 3.30ish, and drinking black coffee/ tea otherwise.    
I do find that if I have a biscuit or something at teatime, then I want more and more, so it definitely does something.   I’ve kept the weight off, apart from a small blip over Christmas, now reconciled, which I never managed before.  I tried the fasting diet, and that did help initially, but as soon as I started eating again on those days, it piled back on.   I couldn’t imagine keeping on for the rest of my life not eating for two days a week.   

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On 04/02/2023 at 11:25, zigzag said:

Blimey, Sunnyday and Panders you have had eventful weeks!  Sunnyday that’s quite shocking that the carers did not react quicker to the situation it must have been very scary for you. I know situations like this are unpredictable but they need to act quicker. Hope you are ok. Glad you have a knee diagnosis, like you say at least you know now. I am now just waiting for X-ray results but am terrified I am going to be told to rest it! I looked up your condition and I must say the symptoms sound vey similar. I really need to lose two stone in weight as I know that would probably make a huge difference. But it seems over the last few years it doesn't matter what I do the weight stays exactly the same. In the past I lost weight successfully with WW but last time I tried it just didn’t work. I don’t think peri menopause is helping but I really need to find something that will work!

We are meeting my sons partners parents for the first time today! Seems like such a grown up thing to be doing! My son and his partner have been together for 4 years but with Covid and the fact they live at the other end of the county it just has not happened. I am really hoping that they will just be an extension of the family like Amy has become.

Louby Lou, I couldn’t agree more, the weeks seem to zoom by at the moment.  It’s lovely to see lots of signs of spring now though. Loads of daffodils, snowdrops and violets out here. Which makes you feel spring is on the way.

Have a lovely weekend all. Xx

Thanks lovely zigzag - I am fine, I was wearing a good thick coat (thank goodness she didn't go for my face, that would have been a different story) and I had shelving behind me which although I felt 'trapped' prevented her from knocking me over, so honestly could have been so much worse

Hope that you get your xray results in a timely way. If I could give you a tiny bit of advice, it would be to have lots of answers ready for any physio that you get to see (if that's the route for you) I know that I didn't help get my diagnosis by not being able to pinpoint where the pain was precisely, I was much more prepared on my second appointment

Weight - ahem - yes, I can identify with that, I really need to shift some too

Hope that your meeting with the 'in laws' went well

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On 04/02/2023 at 18:59, Cait said:

Hi, ZZ. Don’t know if it helps but I lost a couple of stone last year by not eating starchy carbs after 3pm ish.  So I can have sandwich and pizza etc for lunch, but then just light for tea, fruit, yoghurt, soup etc.   It really worked for me and I found I wasn’t craving carbs nearly as much either.  I’m still enjoying chocolate and cakes etc.     My friend has lost a similar amount by having just one meal a day, at 3.30ish, and drinking black coffee/ tea otherwise.    
I do find that if I have a biscuit or something at teatime, then I want more and more, so it definitely does something.   I’ve kept the weight off, apart from a small blip over Christmas, now reconciled, which I never managed before.  I tried the fasting diet, and that did help initially, but as soon as I started eating again on those days, it piled back on.   I couldn’t imagine keeping on for the rest of my life not eating for two days a week.   

That's really interesting Cait and having seen a photo of you taken at your daughter's wedding I can testify that you are looking fabulous

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Good morning all - 'tis Friday - and half-term for those who get a break now - this one marks halfway through the school year - unbelievable really!

Mr S celebrated a significant birthday this week - we had a lovely family get together for this - happy days

Lovely views there louby

Zigzag - have you had your x-ray results?

Have a lovely weekend x

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On 11/02/2023 at 11:47, zigzag said:

Wow, it seems so weird, I had absolutely no idea that half term was next week!🤣.
 Sunnyday I’ve got a face to face booked in with the doctor on the 20th to discuss the X-ray results. She’s away next week unfortunately.  How are you getting on with your knee and enforced rest.

Oh crikey - the 20th that's still 9 days away

My knee is 'changeable' - awful yesterday just so painful, but today it's not too bad at all, I am not holding my breath though because I've been here before...

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On 11/02/2023 at 12:12, sunnyday said:

Oh crikey - the 20th that's still 9 days away

My knee is 'changeable' - awful yesterday just so painful, but today it's not too bad at all, I am not holding my breath though because I've been here before...

Yep, running on ‘Dreckly’ time!!  I know what you mean about being changeable, sometimes mine is almost normal in the morning and then by the time I’ve worked no walked the dog it’s absolute agony.  

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Zigzag and Sunnyday I do hope your knees hear some good news/recover soon!

I am on half-term as of today so have deliberately spent it being very very lazy with the odd nap or two in there. Our Ofsted report was published this week which was a huge relief - was terrified I was going to say something and invalidate it. My plans for the holiday include some serious house decluttering/cleaning. I am continuing work on my temperature blanket which I am really pleased with but have also just ordered various 'treats' for myself including a mini daffodil crochet kit and some yarn to make a pair of tardis socks for my nephew's birthday. I have never done colourwork before and the pattern is a bit odd so I will be slightly winging it!!

I'm on the look out for film recommendations if anyone has one although I feel that a rewatch of Anne of Green Gables or Pride and Prejudice may be on the cards...

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On 11/02/2023 at 19:40, sunnyday said:

Thanks for the good wishes on the knee front young Froglet x

Great that you have your Ofsted published and I take it you are happy with the judgement

Your crochet and knitting plans sound lovely

Are you on a two week break?

Have you seen 'Yesterday' - I love that film!

Yes, we got 'Good' - the hard work paid off! Only one week unfortunately and there is, inevitably, a TDL to go with it but it still feels like the first time off since last August! I think I've seen Yesterday - worth a rewatch though!

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On 11/02/2023 at 19:58, Froglet said:

Yes, we got 'Good' - the hard work paid off! Only one week unfortunately and there is, inevitably, a TDL to go with it but it still feels like the first time off since last August! I think I've seen Yesterday - worth a rewatch though!

Well done!

How about 'City of Angels' - another favourite of mine

The absolute best film that I have seen for ages is CODA - but only available on 'Apple TV' (we don't have that but enjoyed a film night at youngest son's house)

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Hi all, hope all ok , 🙌 to half term, it’s only been 5 weeks for us but has seemed a bloody long one of endless nose wiping and being coughed over continuously 😷 

well done on Ofsted Froglet 👏 relax and enjoy the half term.

Has anyone in EY had their funding rates yet? Have calculated our April wage increase will be somewhere between 4.5k & 7k depending on how the committee decide to proceed with staff already above the new rates currently and that doesn’t include the increased on costs of NI & pension contributions 🤷‍♀️

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On 11/02/2023 at 21:02, Mouseketeer said:

Has anyone in EY had their funding rates yet? Have calculated our April wage increase will be somewhere between 4.5k & 7k depending on how the committee decide to proceed with staff already above the new rates currently and that doesn’t include the increased on costs of NI & pension contributions 🤷‍♀️

Oh Mousie - nothing changes then - how the flippin' goodness can this be right - so you know how much your wage bill will be but no idea what the funding rate will be - I would be asking some questions of my LA (although I acknowledge you probably wouldn't get a straight answer) - I am so cross on your behalf

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Well I hope all the knees hold out.  In my circle friends/work colleagues parttime medical consultants we refer to it simply as 'fat girls knee' 🤷‍♀️ Obviously this covers a range of symptoms.

Well done Froglet, now that's out of the way it's time to REST!!!!!! Have a good week. I'm not really a big TV person and tend to just go for mindless films, although if you have netflx I did enjoy Magnolias, and Firefly Lane. both series but easy going.

It does seem to be a long 5 weeks!!. We have a particulary challenging child, and to be honest it's bringing the whole team down at the moment. 🙁   We've had our funding rates - £4.77.  Head in sand over what it will cost over the year, but have told staff that unfortunalty it could mean not much rise unless we lose a staff member!  We havent had a rent increase for 5 years... electricity is included in our rent 😳, I have to say the scouts (our landlords) have been fantastic- but not sure if that can continue much longer.

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On 11/02/2023 at 21:37, sunnyday said:

Oh Mousie - nothing changes then - how the flippin' goodness can this be right - so you know how much your wage bill will be but no idea what the funding rate will be - I would be asking some questions of my LA (although I acknowledge you probably wouldn't get a straight answer) - I am so cross on your behalf

It really does my head in how it's always left to the last minute - can you imagine any other business working like this?

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On 11/02/2023 at 21:37, sunnyday said:

Oh Mousie - nothing changes then - how the flippin' goodness can this be right - so you know how much your wage bill will be but no idea what the funding rate will be - I would be asking some questions of my LA (although I acknowledge you probably wouldn't get a straight answer) - I am so cross on your behalf

That’s the long and the short of it, a neighbouring county (who we usually are on a par with) have had their’s, 29p on 3 / 4 yr olds but only 6p on funded 2’s 😡 that’s 24p an hour when the staff member employed will need 90p…why would anyone continue to take them? We currently limit our 30 hr chn to keep some spaces for the 2’s but am beginning to think I should just give them their 30 hours,  8x 29p v 4x 6p is a no brainer .

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On 11/02/2023 at 22:43, Mouseketeer said:

That’s the long and the short of it, a neighbouring county (who we usually are on a par with) have had their’s, 29p on 3 / 4 yr olds but only 6p on funded 2’s 😡 that’s 24p an hour when the staff member employed will need 90p…why would anyone continue to take them? We currently limit our 30 hr chn to keep some spaces for the 2’s but am beginning to think I should just give them their 30 hours,  8x 29p v 4x 6p is a no brainer .

Yep.  That sounds the sensible option to me. If you’ve got established 3s then they get first dibs on places, especially if it’s financially sensible for staffing numbers! 

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On 11/02/2023 at 19:02, Froglet said:

Zigzag and Sunnyday I do hope your knees hear some good news/recover soon!

I am on half-term as of today so have deliberately spent it being very very lazy with the odd nap or two in there. Our Ofsted report was published this week which was a huge relief - was terrified I was going to say something and invalidate it. My plans for the holiday include some serious house decluttering/cleaning. I am continuing work on my temperature blanket which I am really pleased with but have also just ordered various 'treats' for myself including a mini daffodil crochet kit and some yarn to make a pair of tardis socks for my nephew's birthday. I have never done colourwork before and the pattern is a bit odd so I will be slightly winging it!!

I'm on the look out for film recommendations if anyone has one although I feel that a rewatch of Anne of Green Gables or Pride and Prejudice may be on the cards...

About Time (2013 film) cant think if i've recommended this before

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