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On 11/02/2023 at 22:43, Mouseketeer said:

That’s the long and the short of it, a neighbouring county (who we usually are on a par with) have had their’s, 29p on 3 / 4 yr olds but only 6p on funded 2’s 😡 that’s 24p an hour when the staff member employed will need 90p…why would anyone continue to take them? We currently limit our 30 hr chn to keep some spaces for the 2’s but am beginning to think I should just give them their 30 hours,  8x 29p v 4x 6p is a no brainer .

I think that's right - there are times when you just have to wear a 'business head'

I had a nosey around the Kent site (shudder - so glad that I don't have to worry about all of that anymore) it would seem that they haven't announced new funding rates either

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On 12/02/2023 at 10:55, Panders said:

About Time (2013 film) cant think if i've recommended this before

Oh I’ve seen that - came across it by chance one day. Definitely worth a rewatch!

Well, after a lazy day yesterday I am being relatively productive today - restoring order and cleanliness to my house! It’s lovely to do.

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You will probably think that I have completely lost the plot - I have just spent an hour looking back through this thread - back to when Covid first hit - wow what an interesting read - what difficult times and what difficult decisions we had to make...

fm - if you are reading - come back - we miss you x

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On 12/02/2023 at 22:20, sunnyday said:

You will probably think that I have completely lost the plot - I have just spent an hour looking back through this thread - back to when Covid first hit - wow what an interesting read - what difficult times and what difficult decisions we had to make...

fm - if you are reading - come back - we miss you x

How funny, I just the other day looked back to the first date of this thread just to see how many years it had been going (almost 10) and then looked through all of the ‘own makes’ one - there are some seriously impressive cakes on there!

Edited by Froglet
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On 13/02/2023 at 13:25, Froglet said:

How funny, I just the other day looked back to the first date of this thread just to see how many years it had been going (almost 10) and then looked through all of the ‘own makes’ one - there are some seriously impressive cakes on there!

Ooh. Not looked at the makes one for ages (dashes off) 

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On 12/02/2023 at 22:20, sunnyday said:

You will probably think that I have completely lost the plot - I have just spent an hour looking back through this thread - back to when Covid first hit - wow what an interesting read - what difficult times and what difficult decisions we had to make...

fm - if you are reading - come back - we miss you x

I lost two hours of my life reading the thread again after you said this!  Gosh what a different place we are in now with Covid. (Thank goodness) I’d forgotten a lot of the angst and worry that we went through at the beginning, it really was a difficult time, but how quickly we adapted and then adapted to normality again. Amazing really.

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Quiet week here as well! Been lovely when the sun is shining and have been able to get out and potter in the garden.  I will be glad when the seasonal jobs kick in again! 
Enjoyed a walk on the beach with this one this morning before the rain started.

Have a lovely weekend all. Xx



Edited by zigzag
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On 17/02/2023 at 16:56, louby loo said:

Hi everyone!

Just back from a lovely break in Suffolk with an old friend, we had fantastic weather plus lots of walking, talking, wine and eating!

We are dog sitting for the weekend 😁  First time he has stayed here but he seems to have settled well aready.

Oh louby how lovely, Suffolk is one of my favourite places

What breed of doggo?

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On 17/02/2023 at 18:28, sunnyday said:

Oh louby how lovely, Suffolk is one of my favourite places

What breed of doggo?

He's a cockerpoo- but on the big side so looks like a small labradoddle.

He's gone home now, but was a complete pleasure to have here, and I really hope he comes to stay again. Even the cat loved the company and kept following him around to sit next to him.

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On 20/02/2023 at 07:43, sunnyday said:

zigzag - good luck with the doctor today x

Ahh Sunnyday you have a good memory and thank you.  The X-ray shows wear and tear in all three sections of the knee and bony spurs growing on it.  She’s referring me to a muscular skeletal clinic.  The good news is that nothing I do will make it any worse. So I am free to grit my teeth and carry on which is great news. 

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On 20/02/2023 at 11:11, zigzag said:

Ahh Sunnyday you have a good memory and thank you.  The X-ray shows wear and tear in all three sections of the knee and bony spurs growing on it.  She’s referring me to a muscular skeletal clinic.  The good news is that nothing I do will make it any worse. So I am free to grit my teeth and carry on which is great news. 

That is good news (well sort of) I was worried that you would be told to rest and that's not so easy when you are working and have your beautiful dog to walk...

Hope that you get your next appointment soon

<perhaps we should set up a poorly knee page> 🙃

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On 20/02/2023 at 11:24, sunnyday said:

That is good news (well sort of) I was worried that you would be told to rest and that's not so easy when you are working and have your beautiful dog to walk...

Hope that you get your next appointment soon

<perhaps we should set up a poorly knee page> 🙃

I was dreading being told to rest it!  I wonder how common knee problems are amongst EY workers? I did 30 years so that’s a lot of time spent on the floor etc, no wonder it’s worn out!  I’ll probably get housemaids knee now with the cleaning!  How is your knee currently? Xx

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On 20/02/2023 at 12:05, zigzag said:

I was dreading being told to rest it!  I wonder how common knee problems are amongst EY workers? I did 30 years so that’s a lot of time spent on the floor etc, no wonder it’s worn out!  I’ll probably get housemaids knee now with the cleaning!  How is your knee currently? Xx

My knee is.............rubbish!

No improvement at all, it is so frustrating, I see the physio again next Monday, so will see what he has to say about it, to be fair he did say "this is going to be a long job", my ankle on that leg has decided to join in now - it is swollen (fluid?) and feels really peculiar. I have had a few 'sod it' moments and decided to do some gardening or whatever but that doesn't work I just end up in complete agony

I'm sure that you are right - years of time on the floor and, of course, the 'little chairs'

Oh well it is what it is and as i always say 'people would pay to have my problems'!

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On 20/02/2023 at 12:18, sunnyday said:

My knee is.............rubbish!

No improvement at all, it is so frustrating, I see the physio again next Monday, so will see what he has to say about it, to be fair he did say "this is going to be a long job", my ankle on that leg has decided to join in now - it is swollen (fluid?) and feels really peculiar. I have had a few 'sod it' moments and decided to do some gardening or whatever but that doesn't work I just end up in complete agony

I'm sure that you are right - years of time on the floor and, of course, the 'little chairs'

Oh well it is what it is and as i always say 'people would pay to have my problems'!

Sunnyday that does not sound good at all. Have you spoken to your GP about the ankle swelling up as well, think you definitely should. 

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On 20/02/2023 at 18:26, sunnyday said:

Nah - I will hang on until I see the physio on Monday 

Honestly what a state to get in! 🤦‍♀️😂

Swollen ankles need to be taken seriously- I would at least ring Drs/nurse and check 🙂 ... Although if your drs are like ours around here you could be still trying to get throught to them until next monday anyway 🙁

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On 20/02/2023 at 20:15, louby loo said:

Swollen ankles need to be taken seriously- I would at least ring Drs/nurse and check 🙂 ... Although if your drs are like ours around here you could be still trying to get throught to them until next monday anyway 🙁

It's only the one ankle - just the one on the same leg as the horrible knee which is also very swollen and has been since middle of December - but thanks for your concern that's very kind

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I would second the taking ankles seriously. I actually made myself go to the doctors over half term for an asthma review as it’s deteriorated recently and was a little perplexed when she asked whether I had any swelling in my ankles or lower legs - apparently it can be an indicator of clotting where it shouldn’t be.

Please take care all of you!

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On 21/02/2023 at 16:04, zigzag said:

Sunnyday, how’s the ankle today? I’m with the others on this and really, really think you should speak to someone and not wait until Monday. Xx

You are all so kind xxx

It's honestly not so bad today

I absolutely promise that if it was both ankles or the other ankle not connected to the horrible knee I would act

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Oh my goodness! I want to strangle my class! I have only been back 2 days and they are driving me to distraction and almost to tears. They are SO SO fussy. I spend my days responding to constant cries of ‘Miss Froglet! He/She’s looking at me!’ And other equally important problems. It feels worse because I have the ‘nice’ class this year - no major behaviour or SEND issues but I cannot manage them! I hoped to re-set after half term but it hasn’t and I feel like I’m permanently grumpy with them. Not good! If anyone has a suggestion for how to manage tale telling I’d love to hear it!

Apologies for the rant I didn’t know where else to go!

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Ahh Froglet, sorry to hear this. Like you say it’s always a chance to reset after a break and frustrating when it doesn’t happen. Are there any books I wonder that deal with telling tales? The only other thing I can think off is using some puppets to act out a story of your making. We used to have the brilliant boy and girl puppets and the children responded really well to them.  Not sure if you would be able to do this or even if it is the correct thing to do but once when we had a group who were a bit like this myself  and a staff member started acting out the behaviour in front of the children, you could have heard a pin drop in the room and they were so shocked by it. But they were able to offer up solutions of what to do. Might be worth a go. How are your acting skills?

I hope you have a better day tomorrow and things settle down. Xxx

PS. Never apologise for ranting on here!

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On 21/02/2023 at 19:16, Froglet said:

Oh my goodness! I want to strangle my class! I have only been back 2 days and they are driving me to distraction and almost to tears. They are SO SO fussy. I spend my days responding to constant cries of ‘Miss Froglet! He/She’s looking at me!’ And other equally important problems. It feels worse because I have the ‘nice’ class this year - no major behaviour or SEND issues but I cannot manage them! I hoped to re-set after half term but it hasn’t and I feel like I’m permanently grumpy with them. Not good! If anyone has a suggestion for how to manage tale telling I’d love to hear it!

Apologies for the rant I didn’t know where else to go!

Oh young Froglet - a confession - 'I want to strangle my class' made me laugh - not helpful I know...

Have you tried the "oh well done Jonny you are behaving so nicely"..."Petunia you are such a good girl, how lovely that you don't (whatever Petunia usually does)" etc

Otherwise I do like zigzag's suggestion of modelling their behaviour back to them

Tale telling is so wearing and it quickly becomes ingrained I do feel for you x

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