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It's Friday!


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Morning all.

I just went into the hall (first time since we left straight after our last day party)... opened cupboard door - groaned, grabbed there bare basics of what I need ... then came home again!

Hoefully FM is just enjoying the holidays.🤞   I do get the feeling that some are more carefull about posting now it is an open forum -especailly if unlike me they have a few more years to work.

Nothing but a peacefull weekend planned for me - daughter and GC not here for the weekend 😊 I may just lay on the sofa for two days!

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On 11/08/2023 at 11:25, SueFinanceManager said:

It's the chocolate chip cookies that often see me having to sort my wardrobe - 5 cookies = I less pair of jeans that fit 🤣

Please, please, please do not mention jeans I have all of the sizes/styles!!! Jeans are the one thing I cant get rid of for some reason!

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I’m fed up with the weather we are having, rain, fog and wind this week.  Had a glimpse of sun today for a while so I had a mad dash to try and dry all the laundry from my holiday cottage changeover. This week we had something called a fog bow form over the cove, it was extraordinary, I never even knew there was such a thing! Some people call it a ghost rainbow apparently. 

in our village on Sunday some people have arranged a vintage tractor rally to raise funds for the little four year old who has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It’s just amazing what they have managed to achieve, there are now 90 tractors, loads of stalls and an amazing raffle and silent auction. This is as well as the £3k that has been raised on the just giving page. It shows what a fantastic community we live in and that there are a lot of kind and compassionate people out there.  

Well my son and his partner have had an offer accepted on a house in the village and a mortgage offer accepted as well. So very excited for them both and really proud that a couple of 24 year olds can do this. It’s lovely seeing them starting out but don’t envy the next 35 years of mortgage payments!

Hope the weekend is kind to all. 

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On 14/08/2023 at 12:32, finleysmaid said:

sorry guys just have a lot going on and trying to give myself a break from all things work related. Didn't mean to worry you.xxx

and as to the allotment well at least i haven't had to water it! Away on holiday later this week ....i'll try and keep in the loop a bit more next term 😘

Great to hear from you. Enjoy your time away!

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😳  Time is really wizzing by now... soon be able to talk all things C*****mas!!!!! 😁😁😁

(in my defence a do like to plan and be prepared for work well ahead, however, personally for home - well that's a different matter and stays firmly in the background until Dec)

Had a busy week, walks, haircut, bus trip, beach and today is a lazy day.

I have not done a single thing workwise since we broke up apart from doing the new registers (and buying a few bits of stationary😁) I was supposed to go into hall and have a good clear out.  Guess what? - I've decided ***it!  I shall do it all first day back in the afternoon once everyone gone home. I did collect the things that needed washing though, although even that was only the basics like to sofa cover etc, and not the dressing up and so on!

Hope every one has a good weekend, only very light rain here, which i'm happy with for the garden. Has anyone else got the really bad weather that was forcast for today?

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On 18/08/2023 at 11:39, louby loo said:

😳  Time is really wizzing by now... soon be able to talk all things C*****mas!!!!! 😁😁😁

Nothing like playing with fire!!! 😄 I am sticking safely to all things autumnal at the moment and have been browsing crochet pumpkin garland patterns!

I have had a lovely week - finished knitting a pair of socks, did some more work on the bag I'm making, started another book. It's so good to feel I have the brain power to read new to me books again - have read an Agatha Christie Poirot book, John Wyndham's Trouble with Lichen (which is an old favourite) and have just started one of Joanne Harris's 'St Oswalds' books which I thoroughly recommend! I have made cherry and almond cake, vegetable curry and dal, greek couscous salad for lunch and done various bits of freezer restocking (chilli, barbecue chicken in a marinade, the dal, tuna pasta sauce), have been for a little walk most days and done masses of work sorting my dining room. I can't even begin to count the number of gift bags I threw out. I am gradually working my way through piles of school stuff that I brought home to sort out. The room doesn't look masses better at the moment but I know it is and it 'feels' better. 

I am making some of Nancy Birtwhistle's eco cleaning potions this weekend and continuing with more of the above. I had some plums in my veg/fruit box last week so am scouring recipe books for something to do with them.


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On 18/08/2023 at 13:29, Froglet said:

Nothing like playing with fire!!! 😄 I am sticking safely to all things autumnal at the moment and have been browsing crochet pumpkin garland patterns!

I have had a lovely week - finished knitting a pair of socks, did some more work on the bag I'm making, started another book. It's so good to feel I have the brain power to read new to me books again - have read an Agatha Christie Poirot book, John Wyndham's Trouble with Lichen (which is an old favourite) and have just started one of Joanne Harris's 'St Oswalds' books which I thoroughly recommend! I have made cherry and almond cake, vegetable curry and dal, greek couscous salad for lunch and done various bits of freezer restocking (chilli, barbecue chicken in a marinade, the dal, tuna pasta sauce), have been for a little walk most days and done masses of work sorting my dining room. I can't even begin to count the number of gift bags I threw out. I am gradually working my way through piles of school stuff that I brought home to sort out. The room doesn't look masses better at the moment but I know it is and it 'feels' better. 

I am making some of Nancy Birtwhistle's eco cleaning potions this weekend and continuing with more of the above. I had some plums in my veg/fruit box last week so am scouring recipe books for something to do with them.


You've acheived a lot!  I just can't get motivated to do any sorting 😬

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On 18/08/2023 at 14:43, louby loo said:

Ahhhhhh.... so sweet... a little c*****mas mouse!!!!

That is a doormouse....I can show you the door if you keep it up 🤣🤣

Please note any new members of the forum I am of course joking - I have an aversion the the early discussion of that few days in December that shall not be named until about a week before if I had my way 🤣


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On 18/08/2023 at 13:29, Froglet said:

Nothing like playing with fire!!! 😄 I am sticking safely to all things autumnal at the moment and have been browsing crochet pumpkin garland patterns!

I have had a lovely week - finished knitting a pair of socks, did some more work on the bag I'm making, started another book. It's so good to feel I have the brain power to read new to me books again - have read an Agatha Christie Poirot book, John Wyndham's Trouble with Lichen (which is an old favourite) and have just started one of Joanne Harris's 'St Oswalds' books which I thoroughly recommend! I have made cherry and almond cake, vegetable curry and dal, greek couscous salad for lunch and done various bits of freezer restocking (chilli, barbecue chicken in a marinade, the dal, tuna pasta sauce), have been for a little walk most days and done masses of work sorting my dining room. I can't even begin to count the number of gift bags I threw out. I am gradually working my way through piles of school stuff that I brought home to sort out. The room doesn't look masses better at the moment but I know it is and it 'feels' better. 

I am making some of Nancy Birtwhistle's eco cleaning potions this weekend and continuing with more of the above. I had some plums in my veg/fruit box last week so am scouring recipe books for something to do with them.


Sounds like you have had a brilliant week Froglet 💗

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On 18/08/2023 at 15:17, SueFinanceManager said:

That is a doormouse....I can show you the door if you keep it up 🤣🤣

Please note any new members of the forum I am of course joking - I have an aversion the the early discussion of that few days in December that shall not be named until about a week before if I had my way 🤣


You are talking my language Sue. Xx

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Weather just hitting us! Such a shame as it was meant to be the parade of sail of the tall ships and we were going out on the boat to watch them. But it’s now been cancelled due to the impending storm. We did it before and it was an amazing experience.  
It still feels really strange to not have a mad summer TDL and I don’t miss it one little bit, it’s very liberating! 
Not long before it all starts to quieten down a little bit down here on the changeover front which will be quite nice!  It’s pretty full on at the moment. 
well I’m off to baten down the hatches before Betty unleashes her full fury.   Have a lovely weekend all.

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On 18/08/2023 at 15:18, SueFinanceManager said:

Sounds like you have had a brilliant week Froglet 💗

I feel really lazy compared to Froglet’s week …though I am pretty much on top of the paperwork side of things now, just the dreaded staff rota to do (which I keep finding any excuse not to 🙄), and need to get in and do some cleaning/gardening type stuff. I need an action plan for the onslaught of funded 2yr olds come April, already getting enquiries, I can see us having to staff up to cater for them, then they’ll all turn 3 and you won’t need all the staff but won’t be able to bring in more 2’s as there won’t be enough floor space 🤷‍♀️

I also went on a coach trip, Mapperton House & Gardens (& cafe 😉), it was shown on the first episode of the Alan Titmarsh Dorset series a few weeks ago, I went along to make the numbers up but it was actually a nice day.

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Good morning 'tis Friday

Hope everyone is okay - summer has gone by in an absolute flash...

We have had much excitement (and much expense) here this week - long story short - we have no mains drainage in our village so we all have tanks and soakaways...not sure why but our soakaway has given up the ghost 🤷‍♀️ options were - dig a new soakaway or sink a borehole - after much deliberation we have opted for the borehole...drillers have completed this - I so enjoyed watching Mr S who spent the entire time they were here (all day) leaning against their big water tank watching and chatting - he was in his absolute element - I couldn't help wondering are they thinking 'wish he would just go indoors'! 🤦‍♀️🤣

This coming week will be next step of digging a trench and laying a pipe to connect the tank to the borehole. 

The borehole cost £2,500 and the rest of the work will be something like £700 - don't mind spending money but would at least like something good to look at and enjoy 🙃 but I will settle for functioning drains! 😂

Hope that everyone has a lovely BH weekend x

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That sounds great. Coming from a family of engineers I think everyone would have been out there! My brother invested in ground source heating and our family WhatsApp group got regular photos updating us on trenches and installation progress!

I have had a gentle week of meeting friends, crochet, making a chocolate cake and reading some more books. Plus some more sorting - I can’t explain how satisfying it is! Today my plan is to make sure that all those projects are finished. I might go for a walk on Sunday and then next week I am going to be going through my school TDL making sure I’m ready for September!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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Yes, the summer has certainly gone very quickly.

Sunnday and Froglet you both seemed to have acheived well this week!

I've had a busy but enjoyable week. Making the most of having the family here, they'll be back home next weekend as the building work is finally done- just decorating left to do this week.  I will say I actually need a 6 week holiday to recover now though!

Can't believe I'm back to work on the 4th!

Have a good weekend everyone.



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So, it's the last week of the holiday and I'd told myself that I'd do some school work every day this week just to make sure I'm ready for the new term and fit in all those other last holiday jobs (hair cut etc). Yesterday I spent the entire day with a horrible headache which wouldn't shift no matter what I did. Today... I decided that I absolutely had to clean out the cupboard under the sink as well as wax my walking boots which were cluttering up the dining room. That has meant that I have finally 'done' the dining room. I have a pile of things on the stairs which need to go up to my yet to be sorted spare (dumping things in) room and one by the front door which are to go in the car to go back to school. The dining table also has an assortment of school work on it too which doesn't really have a home at the moment. It belongs at home but one of my goals for next year is to be able to properly put school away at different points so that it is out of sight/out of mind. That may need to wait a little as I suspect the solution to the problem requires further sorting out.  I do love it though - keep walking through the room just to take a deep breath and smile at the achievement!

I also really want to bake something but have no idea what - am finding myself ridiculously hungry this week although that might be because I'm getting up earlier...

Hope you're all ok.

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That sounds like great progress young Froglet although I am sorry to hear about your headache...

How on earth is it the end of summer hols already

Fairly okay here - could do with a 'drama' free week - not this one for sure - my sister had a total knee replacement on Friday - long story short - everything has gone a bit pear shaped - she has developed blood clots on her lungs (not for the first time, this happened January '22 and led to a heart attack) and now the blood thinners have led to her wound bleeding and she has needed two blood transfusions...thankfully she is being well cared for in hospital and they will delay her discharge which can only be a good thing.

Onwards and upwards is my current mantra!

Edited by sunnyday
Hmm was it '21 or '22...
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Hi all, everyone sounds busy, busy, busy

I’ve had the dreaded email……….place your milk order for Mon 4th Sept 😭 (that they can’t deliver anyway as we never have a Monday delivery) and the registers are now printed so it must be true, I’m now ready for that break, told myself I wouldn’t do any work related things this week, I don’t know why I do that and this mornings job is change the outside tap and hope I don’t get soaked in the process 💦 then meeting a lifelong friend for our once a year catch up lunch 😊 

Enjoy the rest of the week everyone  x

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