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It's Friday!


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Opted for posh trouser suit in the end. Seriously lovely afternoon with OH, son + girlfriend. Lots of choice fantastic champagne as well as tea.


Well I don't want to out-do you, but I'm having afternoon tea tomorrow, at..........


Southend-on-sea! :lol: :lol:


Good to hear you had a nice time. :1b :1b :1b

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Had to drag this thread up again.......


Wow - thank crunchie it's Friday - I am totally cream crackered :o :lol:


Excitement in my setting is reaching fever pitch now :ph34r: :lol:


Mr S has been busy working on my kitchen this week - I know you can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs - but I am knee deep in sawdust, there seems to be paint 'everywhere' - I started a big clean up and he keeps saying "oh no I still need that" or "I will need that when I start the dining room" :o he almost certainly won't be starting the dining room this side of Crimbo........anyway must get off here and see what I can get rid off while he's not watching! ;)

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Had to drag this thread up again.......



Funny, I was thinking of this thread earlier and then you updated it. I have been at home today, a couple of weeks ago my headteacher came upon me having a mini-rant one morning and after talking to me about how overwhelmed and tired I was feeling insisted I book one of my non-contact days and that I must take it at home and use it to catch up on all the little things that haven't been getting done because of things like having a student, extra risk assessments for a trip etc. So, today has been that day and it has been so good. I got up when I was ready (which was 7am as opposed to the 5.30 I've been waking at) and have just focused on finishing jobs rather than just fire fighting. The TDL is still just as long of course but I'm going to work for another hour tonight and it should lessen the pressure over the weekend. There is a slim chance my relatives might even get some presents!!

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Oh thank goodness, I thought it might be just us! I have this idea that everyone else is enjoying an idelic pre Christmas run up! I was literally nearly on my knees when I walked out yesterday and was really thinking oh my god we still have one more week to go....

I even resorted to removing the hollow blocks from the playroom for the last week as they seem to have forgotten how to play safely with them! Keep thinking we are doing something wrong as whatever we provide is not really engaging them, they are just wanting to run around. But after reading this maybe it is not us and is just the time of year! Have been SO lazy today and not moved far from the sofa and a box set! Just trying to reserve some energy for next week.

Enjoy the weekend everyone and look forward to posting on this thread next Friday!

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One more week to go! ;)


Yippee! WhooHoo! This is such a long term and it always ends with CHRISTMAS!!! Just got over an 18 day working cold then onto the Christmas card/calendar conveyabelt!! (Got duped into this this year - never again I had forgotten just how unjoyful it is)!!


Next Friday.....Nativity and early finish...phew, if Santa works this hard every year then hats off to him! Sympathy to Nurseries who still have another week! eek!

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Happy Friday everyone :1b


We finished Wednesday - Lazy day yesterday then lunch with very old friend I've not seen for ages. Today cat's had her trip to the vets- then we've both come home and snuggled up for a Christmas film... Staff meal out tonight then not thinking about work until January :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Thinking of all the full year settings though xxx

Edited by louby loo
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I'm free! :lol:


Finished today with a lovely, lovely Christmas Party :1b

One of my three year old girls said to her mummy "this is the best day ever"! - How sweet is that :1b


Not too much on the jolly TDL either which is great - might have a bash at that tomorrow and then pack all thoughts of Pre-school away until the New Year........


Now to sort out own Christmas - everything bought (I hope) but nothing wrapped yet - no tree either, another job for tomorrow! :rolleyes:


Happy end of term for all those who have now finished and commiserations to those of you who will be battling on into next week

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Phew! That's all I need to say. It has been a long week only because I normally only to 4 days and this I have done 5 full days with the children due to staff sickness. But actually really enjoyed 'just' being a childcare worker. I do not mean that to be offensive to anyone. I shut the office door and played on the floor, sang christmas songs (including adapting and making up silly ones), read stories and yes - had fun!!

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I'm done (I know it's not Friday but it feels like one)! Such a long last couple of days although they were nice - so many poorly children - I was down to 65% attendance on one day. I sort of wished that we didn't have fun things planned for yesterday as there were clearly some children who really weren't well but were desperate to come to school for the party.

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I'm done (I know it's not Friday but it feels like one)! Such a long last couple of days although they were nice - so many poorly children - I was down to 65% attendance on one day. I sort of wished that we didn't have fun things planned for yesterday as there were clearly some children who really weren't well but were desperate to come to school for the party.

Yes my granddaughter missed out this year. They ought to have finished last Friday in my opinion. They were exhausted poor things and half her class off with D&V. Not much fun in that - and of course, ready to spread it to other members of families who are visiting - someone's festivities are bound to be spoiled. :wacko:

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