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It's Friday!


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Dear Friday People,

I love reading your posts in my 'unread content' feed.  It seems like you're all having such a great time.  But by the time I've clicked through to the thread, and then found PAGE 46 I've really lost the will to comment and ask to join in.  Do you all have some secret way of navigating?  Have you considered maybe starting a new thread?  It's Friday Too perhaps?  The Sequel?  

I'm really only disgruntled as I've given up Social Media for Lent and I'm getting a bit twitchy.  This is as far as I've allowed myself to deviate and that's because it's a professional duty you know.   Only a day and a bit to go.  

In the spirit of the thread, I made a Roulade yesterday for my son's birthday.  It was very nice and springy.  Putting off going out into this lovely day to work in the garden.  

Enjoy what's left of the break and don't eat too much chocolate,


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1 hour ago, HoneyPancakes said:

Dear Friday People,

I love reading your posts in my 'unread content' feed.  It seems like you're all having such a great time.  But by the time I've clicked through to the thread, and then found PAGE 46 I've really lost the will to comment and ask to join in.  Do you all have some secret way of navigating?  Have you considered maybe starting a new thread?  It's Friday Too perhaps?  The Sequel?  

I'm really only disgruntled as I've given up Social Media for Lent and I'm getting a bit twitchy.  This is as far as I've allowed myself to deviate and that's because it's a professional duty you know.   Only a day and a bit to go.  

In the spirit of the thread, I made a Roulade yesterday for my son's birthday.  It was very nice and springy.  Putting off going out into this lovely day to work in the garden.  

Enjoy what's left of the break and don't eat too much chocolate,


Honey you don't have to 'ask' to join in - the more the merrier - it's just a bit of fun!

I have been gardening all morning - have just popped in for lunch - we are looking after our two youngest grandchildren tis afternoon - yay - looking forward to that 

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I don't have a secret way in, I hover over the activity tab, which brings up a small menu, |I click on "content I posted in" which then will bring up the Friday thread.   you can click on page numbers at the top of the thread page and get to the last page quickly I,e its page 48 at the present time.  That all sounds rather convoluted, but its quick enough.

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Honey, I just click on the dot or star to the left of the thread title - that takes me straight to the first unread post no matter what page it’s on then I just read on from there.

By by the way roulade sounds brilliant!

In Anglesey for a family weekend and two such sweet sights - just 7 year old niece reading ‘The tiger who came to tea’ to the whole family (7 adults, an 11 year old and a 2 year old) all listening spellbound. Followed a few minutes later by the two year old getting ‘We”re going on a bear hunt’ and reading it to the 7 year old. Was just lovely!

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8 hours ago, Froglet said:

Honey, I just click on the dot or star to the left of the thread title - that takes me straight to the first unread post no matter what page it’s on then I just read on from there.


Get out of here!!!  I NEVER knew about that.  That changes everything.  Thank you Froglet.

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18 hours ago, Froglet said:

Honey, I just click on the dot or star to the left of the thread title - that takes me straight to the first unread post no matter what page it’s on then I just read on from there.


how many years have I been on here - I never knew it either xD  Okay,, why are some dots and some stars??

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2 hours ago, sunnyday said:

I came to say 'have you all got your work bags packed for tomorrow and the start of the new term - but then I thought - oh maybe others are not going back yet?

mutter, mutter, mutter.... work bag backed, newsletters printed off, registers updated.. mutter mutter.... sand in boot of car ready... mutter mutter mutter....


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Excellent first session for us - we even got to watch a homing pigeon release - ah the joys of a rural pre-school :D - the pigeons were flying back to Canterbury so we all very helpfully pointed the way for them xD xD

Their 'owner' told me that he takes them as far away as Barcelona - can you imagine, how on earth do they find their way back from there?

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1 hour ago, Panders said:

I have a bird phobia and have done since very young I would have been totally freaked out:oxDxD

From one phobia sufferer to another, have you tried anything to cure your phobia at all?  I have suffered with my frog and toad phobia since the age of sixteen and would love to cure it but nothing has worked for me.  Always interested to hear from others and their experiences.

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8 minutes ago, zigzag said:

From one phobia sufferer to another, have you tried anything to cure your phobia at all?  I have suffered with my frog and toad phobia since the age of sixteen and would love to cure it but nothing has worked for me.  Always interested to hear from others and their experiences.

Oh no - is the croaking?

No I'm being naughty - what is it about frogs and toads?

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1 hour ago, sunnyday said:

Oh no - is the croaking?

No I'm being naughty - what is it about frogs and toads?

I have absolutely no idea.  I can pinpoint it to a night walking home from the college bus in the wet and dark and something must have happened, arrived home in such a state my poor parents thought I had been attacked!  Been awful ever since. 

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2 hours ago, zigzag said:

From one phobia sufferer to another, have you tried anything to cure your phobia at all?  I have suffered with my frog and toad phobia since the age of sixteen and would love to cure it but nothing has worked for me.  Always interested to hear from others and their experiences.

No Zigzag..   In a sense, as it doesn't stop me carrying on with "normal" life I haven't ever done anything about it.  In many ways I enjoy birds, but I just can't be too close to them or the thought of touching one leaves me cold!   When my boys were very small I had to be very brave to walk through town as there was a rather large pigeon population in the precinct, I couldn't possibly pass the fear on.   However, someone I worked in pre-school with brought her budgie in for the children to see.  |I was fine all the time it was in the cage but she let him out to fly around and it nearly did for me, I am worried I passed the fear on to a dozen or more small children.

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I tried desensitisation but it didn’t work and boy was it traumatic.  Also went for hypnotherapy but after the first session I found out I was pregnant and because I had previously had two miscarriages, the hypnotherapist decided not to continue with the frog therapy but did a couple of sessions of pregnancy hypnosis instead!  My problem is, that wherever I go I always find a frog or toad!  I could be in the middle of a concrete jungle and I would still come across one!  It used to stop me going out after dark and really impacted on my life, I am better with that now and have the attitude that I will just deal with it when it happens. It’s just the panic attack and the freezing with fear that is so horrendous to try and cope with.

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Oh Zigzag, I know what you mean about these fears seeking us out - you can bet your life a bird will unexpectedly pop up somewhere - even on TV!  Thankfully I have never got to the panic and freezing stage - that being said, I do think that is a knife edge thing - but the fight or, excuse the pun, flight impulse has always kicked in and I can just about manage.  

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