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Not only is it Friday (again) but we have a long weekend to look forward to :1b


I am busy tackling the old TDL this afternoon (hmm probably evening too) so that when I switch off this lap-top I can also (hopefully) switch off all thoughts of anything work related for the weekend ::1a


I have a lunch date booked tomorrow with a group of (very) old friends - really looking forward to that :1b


An eye test (long overdue) booked for Sunday (love that Specsavers are open on Sundays!)


Monday I hope to spend the entire day out in the garden! :1b


Hope your weekends are good for you and that you can all spend some quality time happily engaged in activities of your own choosing!


Happy (long) weekend all :1b

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Sounds like a lovely weekend Sunnyday. My children (my class) were a real challenge yesterday afternoon - my fault; I mis-pitched the lessons, wasn't as well organised as I should have been and the resulting behaviour/mess was horrible. I was torn between being glad my student wasn't in to see it and at the same time wishing she was so that she could see what happens when you do get it wrong!


I had tea with mum and dad last night which was nice as I haven't seen them for a couple of weeks.


Today is just working on the TDL plus the usual cleaning and cooking but tomorrow is a bit of a busman's holiday as I'm going down to help run my niece's 5th birthday party for 19 reception children. I will be tired but I'm so looking forward to it - she has one of those faces that when she is thrilled she has a shy smile but at the same time looks as if she will burst with pleasure!

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So - here we go again - another Friday!


Has been a funny old week :blink: therefore more than pleased that the weekend is here! :1b


No exciting plans for me - just lots of gardening - hope the weather is kind :1b


Have a lovely weekend all

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So - here we go again - another Friday!


Has been a funny old week :blink: therefore more than pleased that the weekend is here! :1b


No exciting plans for me - just lots of gardening - hope the weather is kind :1b


Have a lovely weekend all

Me too - lots of patient breathing and tongue biting here! No real plans for me either - other than rediscovering the dining room floor M

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Not been the best week but could have been a catastrophic week. At work on Tuesday and got a phone call from my Mum, "can I come up as they have had an accident and Dad is not good". Luckily I only work two minutes away so shot up straight away, not knowing what to expect. Long story short, they had both been knocked over and dragged by their car and pinned to the fence and the ground. Not good when you are 86 and 81. They had managed to eventually somehow get themselves up and back in the house to call me. Mum has hurt her back, has terrible bruising and was obviously suffering from awful shock, Dad has taken all the skin off his arms and hurt his chest. Of course all they said to the paramedic was we are not going to hospital, we are ok, we don't want any fuss. Cannot believe that they have no broken bones, head injuries or worse. Think the shock has mainly gone through them now, but is going to take a while for their poor bodies to recover. So I am quite glad it's now the weekend!


Oh Zigzag - how we all seem to get caught between the care of the young and the care of the elders! I suppose it has always been so I hope they recover well and regain confidence etc., thank goodness they had the sense to call you.


Not been the best week but could have been a catastrophic week. At work on Tuesday and got a phone call from my Mum, "can I come up as they have had an accident and Dad is not good". Luckily I only work two minutes away so shot up straight away, not knowing what to expect. Long story short, they had both been knocked over and dragged by their car and pinned to the fence and the ground. Not good when you are 86 and 81. They had managed to eventually somehow get themselves up and back in the house to call me. Mum has hurt her back, has terrible bruising and was obviously suffering from awful shock, Dad has taken all the skin off his arms and hurt his chest. Of course all they said to the paramedic was we are not going to hospital, we are ok, we don't want any fuss. Cannot believe that they have no broken bones, head injuries or worse. Think the shock has mainly gone through them now, but is going to take a while for their poor bodies to recover. So I am quite glad it's now the weekend!

Oh zigzag how awful, hope they both make a full and speedy recovery. I am sending the hugest virtual hug to you


Whoosh..........another week gone - all quite alarming really :o


Can't moan about this week at all - have had a pretty smooth ride all in all :1b


Plans for the weekend include some shopping for a new baby - not immediate family - my DIL's sister - a beautiful baby girl who weighed in at 7lbs 2oz on Monday evening :1b I love shopping for baby outfits, can't wait :1b


Lots of gardening - I am seriously behind with everything.......


Happy weekend to all :1b


Off to Essex for my nieces wedding, going tomorrow and back Monday, so flying visit but get to catch up with family. Unfortunately Dad is not well enough still to come, but my Mum is going come hell or high water, she really is a tough old bird! Shall be keeping a very careful eye on her and will be flapping round her like a Mummy bird!

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Off to Essex for my nieces wedding, going tomorrow and back Monday, so flying visit but get to catch up with family. Unfortunately Dad is not well enough still to come, but my Mum is going come hell or high water, she really is a tough old bird! Shall be keeping a very careful eye on her and will be flapping round her like a Mummy bird!

Do hope it all goes well Zigzag, I'm originally an Essex girl! I visit every Saturday to see my dear old mum.


'ere we go again - it's Friday!!! :lol:


We have had a good week - yay - long may it last ::1a


I have middle granddaughter (10)) staying over on Saturday - really looking forward to that :1b


Sunday - hoping for some good weather - would like to get some serious gardening done :1b


Hope the weekend is kind to everyone :1b


We only had a 3 day week this week, closed one day as I was travelling home and next day closure due to my other level 3 being ill. It actually feels like it was a 10 day week. Left work today questioning everything. It's a really tough term this one, not sure I have ever had one like this before. So glad it's the weekend and only one more week until half term. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.


It's Friday.........a hard, hard week. Funeral for our lovely, born too soon grandchild on Tuesday and today my best friend died. and yet there are smiles and the sun is shining. Life DOES go on,but it certainly shakes you up sometimes.


It's Friday.........a hard, hard week. Funeral for our lovely, born too soon grandchild on Tuesday and today my best friend died. and yet there are smiles and the sun is shining. Life DOES go on,but it certainly shakes you up sometimes.

Sending hugs to you Narnia x

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We only had a 3 day week this week, closed one day as I was travelling home and next day closure due to my other level 3 being ill. It actually feels like it was a 10 day week. Left work today questioning everything. It's a really tough term this one, not sure I have ever had one like this before. So glad it's the weekend and only one more week until half term. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

You really having a tough time of it lately zigzag - hope things start to improve for you real soon x


Been a bit of a weird week at work....feeling frustrated with schools again!

Issues with private schools taking littlies too early and parents just thinking of us as child care....local school has yet another new head who has put in another set of rules/regulations and ideas...for some of the children this is the 4th head in 5 years!


add to that the grumpy mums moaning at me because ive had to change the rules in order to sort out the 30 hours (why don't people read letters properly!!!)


and lots of children with that horrible I don't care attitude ...im going to school


but reading through this thread these are all minor and fleeting maybe I just need to go walk the dogs and enjoy the fresh air ;)

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