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DBS delays

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Is any one having problems with DBS taking forever. To cut a long story short I applied for a new DBS in July. I am still waiting 80 days later. Apparently it is with metropolitan police who have huge back logs. Why are they taking more if they can't cope.

Waiting patiently to start a new job


Could you cancel that one and go with another provider? We use Capita and they are very prompt - does it have to be through the Met?

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Yes dreadful delays and with Capita and they're blaming the Met as well. Since July 4th its been stuck at Stage 4 and not moved.

We've started our staff member and at this rate her probationary period will be up and she'll still have no DBS.Its ludicrous that it should be taking so long. She has one anyway from helping out at a previous place but wasnt signed up to an update service.

I'm waiting for two committee members as well since beg of September.

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Yes dreadful delays and with Capita and they're blaming the Met as well. Since July 4th its been stuck at Stage 4 and not moved.

We've started our staff member and at this rate her probationary period will be up and she'll still have no DBS.Its ludicrous that it should be taking so long. She has one anyway from helping out at a previous place but wasnt signed up to an update service.

I'm waiting for two committee members as well since beg of September.

I am so frustrated can't start new job with out it. Hopefully will be sorted soon.
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I thought I'd phone ofsted today to give names of new CMs as it might be a while before they can start their EY2s if DBS takes awhile and I don't want them saying I left it to long to update from AGM, and to tell them that one of the existing members is now the chair......

"so your no longer the chairperson"?

"I was never the chairperson"

"So who are you"?

"I'm the manager and nominated person"

"Yes, but you are the chairperson to" (is that even allowed ?)


Before phoning I'd tried to remove the leavers from the 'self service' area which I was able to do last year but looked like half the table on 'update associates' was missing, I asked about this, they didn't have a clue what I was talking about or how I'd got to the screen I was talking about and could I send screen shots :-/ ... Ever wish you hadn't bothered with something

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I thought I'd phone ofsted today to give names of new CMs as it might be a while before they can start their EY2s if DBS takes awhile and I don't want them saying I left it to long to update from AGM, and to tell them that one of the existing members is now the chair......

"so your no longer the chairperson"?

"I was never the chairperson"

"So who are you"?

"I'm the manager and nominated person"

"Yes, but you are the chairperson to" (is that even allowed ?)


Before phoning I'd tried to remove the leavers from the 'self service' area which I was able to do last year but looked like half the table on 'update associates' was missing, I asked about this, they didn't have a clue what I was talking about or how I'd got to the screen I was talking about and could I send screen shots :-/ ... Ever wish you hadn't bothered with something

AARRGGHHHHH - that's just me screaming for you Mousie


I loathe ringing Ofsted Towers - it is never a straightforward experience

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AARRGGHHHHH - that's just me screaming for you Mousie


I loathe ringing Ofsted Towers - it is never a straightforward experience


Thanks for support 'scream' sunnyday ...I sent them the screen shots and they haven't even bothered replying, out of interest who else has used the 'self service' screen to remove old committee, they were adamant I couldn't have seen that screen as it 'hasn't been rolled out yet". ...and that was after leaving me on hold for another 10 minutes to go and talk their manager :-/

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Thanks for support 'scream' sunnyday ...I sent them the screen shots and they haven't even bothered replying, out of interest who else has used the 'self service' screen to remove old committee, they were adamant I couldn't have seen that screen as it 'hasn't been rolled out yet". ...and that was after leaving me on hold for another 10 minutes to go and talk their manager :-/

I had the screen Mousie, but it never let me do anything!

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I contacted DBS again as another week gone. They gave me an email for the met.

This was the response.


This is an automated response, please do not respond.


Unfortunately we are unable to comment on individual applications due to the complex and confidential nature of the process.


The MPS Disclosure Unit completes applications in date order, and if your application is over 60 days old it will have already been automatically escalated by DBS. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we are making every effort with the DBS to improve processing times as quickly as possible.


Please note the MPS Disclosure Unit will be unable to enter into further correspondence regarding escalating your DBS application.


If the delay is having an exceptional impact on your circumstances or your job opportunity is under threat please contact the DBS and explain your situation.


" By telephone; 0300 0200 190

" By email; customerservices@dbs.gsi,gov.uk,



If you have any more questions, please refer to DBS website


Many thanks for your patience.


Thank you for your patience, Whats that about. I have now not worked from July after closing my business. I have debts outstanding from that so money is really tight at the moment. There delays are having an impact on practitioners and business's. Fortunately the position I have been offered will wait but it must be having a huge impact on staffing for them also.

I await for a response to my email to DBS but I don't hold much hope.

A very bored


Edited by Buttercup
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  • 2 weeks later...

Its ridiculous isnt it? I rang last week to ask what was happening and was told that if my staff member rang DBS they could tell her what police force (but we know its the Met) is holding things up. They said they had a note on file for her now saying that as it was morre than 60 days DBS had escalated it. We applied at end of June and still waiting- unless she has heard this week but i doubt it. At the rate things are moving her probationary period will be up before the DBS is through but obviously we wont be able to offer her a 'full' contract unless that has come through clear.


I honestly thought that moving everything over to this system would speed things along, it seems ludicrous that in this day and age with all the technology we have I still cannot get a DBS done on someone four months down the line

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I am so frustrated. If I new how long it vould take I would do something temporary. It was hard enough closing my business but not being able to work is horrible. I tried to claim jobseekers allowance but because I was self employed paid class two NI. You need class one. Worked in childcare all my life at the end of my tether.


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Hmm, well we are still waiting. Staff member rang the number given by DBS and was informed by an automated service that it was the Met (we had guessed this as this is where we live) she then was given an email and sent off an email query asking what the hold up was. She got the same response as Buttercup. It does say 18 weeks turnaround and we are almost at that now.

However it also says if this is having an effect on your livelihood then ring this number xxxx but its the same number that you ring

in the first place!! This is an absolutely disgraceful situation. I really hope you get it sorted soon Buttercup- for us its an annoyance and inconvenience as much as anything but for people like you its a dreadful situation.

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Thank you yes rang them at 60 days then two weeks later and again since. All they can say is it's been escalated and monitoring it. Did get a nice email when I complained. All I got was apologies and doing all they can.

Can't believe they can get away with it. People are loosing jobs because of it. If I knew how long it would be I could have got a temporary job although not in childcare.

Waiting patiently


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I waited 11 weeks for mine and made many calls to them. I Decided to apply again(yes pay again!) the second one came after two weeks? Apparently if you call to complain they go into a different pile(priority pile) but as so many people have complained this pile is bigger than the new applications pile!!! (if you get my drift?)

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Tiday is a fantastic day after 101 days came through. Felt like i won the lottery. Start new job next monday. When spoke with dbs about cancelling they said not to as could end up in same situation. I ended up contacting local pm he contacted them it went to high priority and came back a werk later. Such a poor show that then can get away with it.

Thanks for all the replies


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