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Haas anyone got an example of an ILP they can share with me. Am trying o create one for a girl in my setting who is having difficulty with numbers mainly counting 1 to 10


Have decided to include rhymes and stories also involve her with counting out fruit and milk cartons at snack time


Just need a plan to put it on

Posted (edited)


Haas anyone got an example of an ILP they can share with me.  Am trying o create one for a girl in my setting who is having difficulty with numbers mainly counting 1 to 10


Have decided to include rhymes and stories also involve her with counting out fruit and milk cartons at snack time


Just need a plan to put it on



Just checking do you mean IEP Individual Education Plan


Edited by Guest

No it wasn't just you Deb........I couldn't either! :o


I think this is temporary problem, a solution was mentioned on another post but I can't find it now.


I am also having exactly the same gobbleydegook problem when downloading. It is really annoying me. I am unable to open attachments that have been emailed to me that I need to access urgently. What a nightmare. Does anyone have any idea what it is???

If other people are experiencing it do you think we have picked up a horrible bug or something??? AAGGHH!!!!!

Advice greatly received



I think this is a problem from changing the server-which Steve felt was imperative as we were having major problems with the old one. Please be patient as Steve is trying to get this sorted and I am sure he will have it all back up running as normal as soon as possible.



On another topic, which I cannot find, someone suggested right hand clicking on the link, choosing save as (and here's where I'm not certain but it worked for me) add .doc to the file name and it will save it.


Not very technical I know but it worked.



Just checking do you mean IEP Individual Education Plan




Hiya Mimi


Just to warn you, you have inadvertently left the name of your nursery, name of child and DOB on one of the pages.

Hiya Mimi


Just to warn you, you have inadvertently left the name of your nursery, name of child and DOB on one of the pages.




:o Thank you I have corrected my mistake. xD

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