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So nearly there, any resolutions for 2017?

I am determined to get a grip on my confidence, I have decided that at the age of 42( and a half) that now is the time because if not now, then when??

Also want to get fitter and lose the weight that has crept up and found me in the last year!

Professionally I am determined to get a grip on a staffing issue and remain calm and serene at all times with the staff member! I am also going to introduce Tapestry this year, have been thinking about it for a long time and this is the year!

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Sounds great zigzag .... I've been doing the 'couch to 5K' programme and that's really worked for me. Staffing is always tricky ... that's why you need us on the FSF ... Tapestry will go great I'm sure - remember to ask for help if you need it, have you had a trial yet?

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Oh I do like a NY resolutions thread :1b


On a work front I am determined that there will be no pre-school work undertaken at weekends - life is just too short........

Also need to do less list making and more actually dealing with 'stuff' on the TDL - hmmm not sure how that one will go :ph34r:


On a personal front I have a few niggly health issues I need to stop ignoring these and be more sensible and seek some help - nothing major you understand (at least I hope not)

I will keep my own diary properly, no missing days at all - I might have bought myself a new and rather beautiful 5 year diary ::1a


Think that's about it really.........


Happy New Year one and all

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I might have bought myself a new and rather beautiful 5 year diary ::1a

Scarily, I'll be on my ninth 5 year diary now!! Recorded every single day, except two, when Zebedee did it for me (rather busily in labour)


My resolution is to learn to crochet, and to get on with my sequel book! Well, to get it written down!!


Happy New Year one and all from me too!

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Feeling rather lax in the old resolution area! Back on the sugar free diet I think, although that chef Tom Kerridge has a new book out in January, might take a look at that, not that I have 10 stone to lose, thank goodness.


The bullet journal thing has made me far more organised that I could imagine, so I don't need to prod myself about that.


Might have to go for, clearing out the office/den/dump/crikey shove it in there hole. Just pop in for an hour or so each day until it's done. Then........ keep it that way ::1a ::1a ::1a ::1a ::1a yea, right!

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Happy New Year everyone! ☺☺ My resolution needs to be around being more organised - in work and personal life. Might steal Panders idea of clearing out in 'patches'. I think I may be a horder! Anyway, I am also going to try (in the words of a popular song) to let it go! Concentrate on the things I can change and not waste energy on ranting. (Although I do love a good rant)

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I'm going to lose weight.

I stopped smoking just over 3 years ago and the weight has suddenly piled on. No idea what weight I am or what I should be, but I've got a lovely dress I used to wear and if I can get that to fit, I'll know I've done it.

I cant exercise as I'd like, arthritic knees and sciatica but I walk as often as I can if not as often as I should!


I'd just like to not feel myself moving when I move :rolleyes: ;) :lol:


I dont have any other resolutions, I've learnt over the years that I dont keep them so there is no point ::1a


I hope everyone has a good 2017 and if you dont fulfill your resolutions it must mean you were already perfect and hadnt realised it. ::1a ::1a

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I'm going to lose weight.

I stopped smoking just over 3 years ago and the weight has suddenly piled on. No idea what weight I am or what I should be, but I've got a lovely dress I used to wear and if I can get that to fit, I'll know I've done it.

I cant exercise as I'd like, arthritic knees and sciatica but I walk as often as I can if not as often as I should!


I'd just like to not feel myself moving when I move :rolleyes: ;) :lol:


I dont have any other resolutions, I've learnt over the years that I dont keep them so there is no point ::1a


I hope everyone has a good 2017 and if you dont fulfill your resolutions it must mean you were already perfect and hadnt realised it. ::1a ::1a

https://thefastdiet.co.uk/ I'm doing this and it's really shifting! Lost a stone in a little over a month, put on a little over Christmas, of course, but not as much as I'd imagined I would, plus the fast day was very welcome!

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I'll continue my weight loss journey. Eating (fairly) sensibly and lots and lots of dog walking has helped me lose 21lbs since October. A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes swiftly followed by a very frightening documentary on the consequences of diabetes has spurred me on. I would like to lose another 21lbs though - or maybe a few more having gained some over Christmas!


I've been looking online at bullet journals and they look an interesting way to get organised.


And as for the office....oh my goodness, I don't know if it will EVER be tidy and organised so not sure if that is a realistic resolution.

Happy New Year everyone! Thank you all for your support, advice and laughs. I hope 2017 is a happy and healthy year for everyone.

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Lose weight by moving more - I always lose a few pounds by drastically cutting down but of course it goes back on with a little more each time, need to make sure I do at least my 10,000 steps EVERY day

Learn to let go of 'stuff' in my house - my children are no longer 5 so why can't I let go of all their toys?!

Write a CV - never had one!

If I achieve all the above then maybe I'll have the confidence to apply for a job!


Happy 2017 everyone and thank you for all your support in 2016 :1b

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My resolutions well definately have to loose a little weight and to help hubby loose a lot of weight!

Work - only do what I can in the time I gave. No more stealing family time to do just 1 job for nursery that turn into 4 or 5.

And yes sort through boxes of paperwork and other stuff that is clogging my house.

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Learn to let go of 'stuff' in my house - my children are no longer 5 so why can't I let go of all their toys?!


I am with you on this! I have a bedroom full of stuff that I would really like to turn into a 'spare room for visitors' rather than a floor to ceiling dumping ground full of boxes of left over uni stuff from DD1 and DD2 and every toy they ever owned.

I find it very hard getting rid of stuff though. :ph34r:

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I am with you on this! I have a bedroom full of stuff that I would really like to turn into a 'spare room for visitors' rather than a floor to ceiling dumping ground full of boxes of left over uni stuff from DD1 and DD2 and every toy they ever owned.

I find it very hard getting rid of stuff though. :ph34r:


Arghh.... When you're out shopping for your new Bullet Journal notebook - you need to pick up a copy of 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying'!!! :lol: :lol:


I will be honest I have the book and have read it - but not actually tried it yet, but I would love to be able to declutter with ease.

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I am with you on this! I have a bedroom full of stuff that I would really like to turn into a 'spare room for visitors' rather than a floor to ceiling dumping ground full of boxes of left over uni stuff from DD1 and DD2 and every toy they ever owned.

I find it very hard getting rid of stuff though. :ph34r:

So do I Conker, I just think how much I've paid for things and whilst I was working ai used to take games to preschool to play but now I'm no longer there I don't have that excuse - my excuse now though is that all these games & Thomas stuff is so expensive and not as well made as it used to be so perhaps I'd better keep hold of it should I be lucky enough to have grandchildren in the next 20 years!!!
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So do I Conker, I just think how much I've paid for things and whilst I was working ai used to take games to preschool to play but now I'm no longer there I don't have that excuse - my excuse now though is that all these games & Thomas stuff is so expensive and not as well made as it used to be so perhaps I'd better keep hold of it should I be lucky enough to have grandchildren in the next 20 years!!!

Yay! I now have an excuse to ferret it away in the loft for future grandchildren!

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