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Does Anyone Ever Chat In The Chat Room?

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Guest tinkerbell

Does anyone ever ?I would like to chat , it might improve my typing skills!

Tinkerbell x


Funnily enough Tinkerbell Susan and I were only talking about this a week or so ago.


In the dim and distant past, we had a small selection of members who were willing to host chat on cetrtian nights..basically just so that if anyone wanted to, there wuld be someone there at particular times. It all went pear shaped at some point although I cant remember why, but we had talked about suggesting it again.


So there we are then.

If anyone is willing to be available in the caht room for an hour on any evening, then tell us here.

Ill start the ball rolling.


I shall do Thursday night from 8ish..as of next week!!!!


(now I just have to remember)


I should be able to as well but I may have half an eye on the TV! I m already hooked on Anthea Turner's perfect house organisation programme on BBC3 - my 10 year old son enjoys it too and went sraight to the airing cupboard aftr the programme last week to fold towel :D s!

Guest tinkerbell

Great Mundi and Marie ,I will chat next Thursday at 8pm



Oooh! this is exciting. Hopefully I'll be there, but since I've never 'been' before I might get lost (I am notorious in certain circles for having a hopeless sense of direction), and there's also the possibility of forgetting. :o


I too was beginning to wonder what the chat room was all about.


I'll try and look in to - memory permitting - I wil try 8.00 on Wednesday and Thursday



I've just had a little practice and found I had to download Java first before I could access it properly. If you are planning to chat next week, it will probably be worth checking whether you need to download anything first!


Ooh have just tried going in to - might have met you there had it not been for the fact that I don't know how to access it - must give it another try


I should be able to as well but I may have half an eye on the TV! I m already hooked on Anthea Turner's perfect house organisation programme on BBC3 - my 10 year old son enjoys it too and went sraight to the airing cupboard aftr the programme last week to fold towel :D s!



Oh I saw the folding towels bit - but she was folding them ON THE FLOOR :o Now, I may not be the world's best housewife but I would never stoop that low...

Guest tinkerbell

Send him out for milk at 8pm !


Well I met up with Steve in the chatroom last night and nobody joined us so I think I'm the turn off. People see my name 'Barb has joined the chat' and go and make the tea or reach for something stronger! I think Steve was bored after 30 seconds but he's such a gent he stayed and replied to my random witterings!!!!



Dont panic Barb, the chat room is there for witterings, and I think Steve undersatnds the witterings of us lesser mortals!!


Bt I shall look forwad to seeing 'barb has joined the chat' next week so I hope you can make it, adn there definaetly wont be anyhting stronger, tea and cakesonly...


Sorry, I've been AWOL today. Nothing boring about your conversation Barb! In fact you were the one that legged it just as I was composing something devastatingly witty in reply to something you'd said. Can't remember what it was now though... :o


I like the idea of set times, which worked well for a while. If I can though, I'd like to be a free floater - things like puppies or technical problems always seem to get in the way!

Send him out for milk at 8pm !



I like the idea of that for 2 reasons. Firstly he's taken to making cappuchino's for him and his friend when he gets home from school which means we're often short of milk. And the nearest shop is 4 miles away so it should take him ages. :o


will try to be there, have never used a chat room before, so not sure what to do??

Trudie :o


If you see people logged into the chatroom Trudie (which you can see from the forum index page near where you see how many members are currently online), just click the Live Chat link at the top of the page which should log you in. From there, the best thing is just to watch the conversation for a while until you feel comfortable with what's going on. :)


Susan, your private technology department sorted you out did it? :D

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