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I've become addicted to this site. I don't get any of the work done that I had intended for pre-school, because I just have to see if there are any relevant articles or discussions on this site first. I then spot an article totally unconnected to what i originally wanted to look at and 30mins ( or more) have gone by.

How do the rest of you cope?

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Well, I for one don't :D I've been a member for over a year now and I still have to have my daily (minimum) fix. xD


Not only do i spend lots of time but also money. Just this afternoon followed a link to a site which sells dice with pockets and spent £57 on resources. :o


I wouldn't be without it though, this is one addiction that is good ( in moderation though).


Pretty soon I think there will be an addicts help group...My names Peggy...and I'm a forumholic ( not to mention a paperholic, although i've admitted this already somewhere else on the site.



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It is an absolutely fantastic site and I hope it continues to be one!

I am so grateful to people for comments, suggestions and support.

Just one question - How did we all manage before THE FOUNDATION STAGE FORUM!!!!!

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Guest tinkerbell

Well I will sign up too.My name is Tinkerbell and I am addicted.I have to have my daily fix before I do any planning/paperwork...that is if I get round to the planning/paperwork...

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My names Raine, I am an addict, it has taken me three day to complete my planning for this half term because I keep 'just having a peek' and going off at a tangent :o . Finally today had to discipline myself not to log on until I had finished. Horray I'm up to date again :) and can finally log on for my daily fix!

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Hi. My name's Louise and i'm definately addicted to this site. But it is absolutely brilliant :D



Don't know how i managed before this site, everyone is really friendly and helpful and i have had so many new ideas from people here!


Also just got a new job that i start tomorrow! :(:(

It's brilliant, but am a bit scared!


Don't wean us off this site Steve! xD Please :wacko: :o:(

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Normally I would have hung my head in shame at the amount of time I spend on here...But, I've just vacumned and polished the living room so I feel my addiction can be fed for a while now. Still got to do some ironing, I do sometimes wonder what my son's teachers think, 'poor family, children not very well turned out!!' :o It's not my fault xD

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Just a little note to Steve, Yes, this is a fantastic forum, yes, you have us all addicted, No, we don't want to wean off, we are consenting adults and have to work out our own time management, and although the forum is worth twice the subscription fee, I would prefer it to only rise with the rate of inflation and not rise like other addictive things such as cigarettes and alcohol- I'll pack them up first before I pack up using the forum and just to add that as I and others are so loyal, please don't let all this admiration and praise go too much to your head or encourage you to raise the subscription too much. Thanks. :DxD:(



p.s. Have I beat your longest sentence yet :o

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What is it about this site? The people? The product? BOTH! I haven't been around for ages, then we get broadband and instead of sleeping (which I really need at the moment) what do I do? Log on to see what's happening.


It's a form of escapism - but I can justify it with how much I learn from such skilled practitioners. Where else could I turn to at midnight when school is stressful, planning seems unmanageable or if I want to scream something from the rooftops?!! :(:( :wacko:


The forum just gets better & better (but to reiterate Peggy's plea, we love it - but please don't charge us in relation to how much we love it or we'll never be able to afford to keep up our addiction!!!) :oxD:(

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I have been addicted for almost three years now and can say that I have made some very good friends from it-and will no doubt make more over the years to come.

Long may it last!!


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Well, goodness! :o


Bet Debbs didn't expect quite this substantial a topic when she started it...


It's been a pleasure to see it grow, and I can't see it vanishing - what would I do with my time without you all giving me grief?


The success of the Forum is most largely down to the community of which it's made up, so that's you! The rest of it is just technology. For as long as you're here to offer support and community to each other, I reckon it will be the best place it's possible to have on the web. Thanks for all your comments. :)

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My family talk about having to surgically remove my laptop

and I agree my planning takes me so much longer because I have to check out the site first but its fab so long may it continue.

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Harricroft here and ......... yes, I'm an addict. But I can justify this will all the help, support and great ideas I've received from my fellow addicts. Thanks everyone. And hope you're settling into your new job Princess Lu.

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Hello, my name's Nikki and I am a part time addict - part time student - part time parent - part time worker - just a part time everything. Never get anything done to any great extent but just try and keep everything going. But it's good to get on here when you have an issue even if to just rant and rave, receive information, give advice. enjoy


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Hi everyone,


I thought I would quickly check my emails before spending quality time with my children and guess what - one hour later I am still browsing the forum!!!!! :o I think I mentioned the forum on six different topics in our 30 minute lunchbreak today. The girls I work with thought I was inspirational with some of the ideas I have come up with recently but I have confessed that Peggy suggested this or Linda suggested that or Sue suggested................on the forum.


I love it and hope the forum continues for many years. Definately addicted!!!



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Yes I will agree I'm an addict as well. only joined a few months ago but don't now what I would do without it. I'm like you Rea have just hoovered upstairs so feel I can justify my break on the forum :DxD:o

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