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Dfe Model Agreement out too!

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Just love this one...


2.51. ............providers should work with parents to ensure that as far as possible the pattern of hours (offered) are convenient for parents working hours


I put out a questionnaire and my parents want me open from 8 - 6 and we are a sessional term time pre-school!!

Edited by MegaMum
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Just love this one...

2.51. ............providers should work with parents to ensure that as far as possible the pattern of hours (offered) are convenient for parents working hours

I put out a questionnaire and my parents want me open from 8 - 6 and we are a sessional term time pre-school!!

Apparently we ARE opening 4 extra hours per day from April...or so people keep telling me, they're going to be mighty disappointed :D


When is anyone going to give any thought to what is convienient for the parents (and even those not affected by their own childcare logistics) who are expected to be working all these so**ing hours to accommodate this latest whim ! My staff are taking the stance that if they wanted to work 8-6, 50 weeks a year they wouldn't have gone for a job in a term time only setting and I have to say I agree with them.


And they need to update it to reference the 2017 framework not the 2014, not much partnership working there :-/

Edited by Mouseketeer
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What hours are you offering Mouseketer?


We are currently open 21 and I am going to extend 3 morning sessions by an hour to 1:15... but that is it, 24 hours, that's their lot. My staff don't want it and I certainly don't. I am only doing that because we won't need more staff, I will only need to pay staff an extra hour each week (the other day we stay for a staff meeting) and I worked out we would make just under £200 more a week, so it benefits us.


I only have a couple of working parents, who would benefit from the extended hours...the rest will be wanting free childcare!!! When one parent said she would like us open 8-6 year round, I politely reminded her the daycare was just up the road from us (ah...but they charge £9 per hour!) and I also reminded her she is asking us to be open longer than a school day with younger children, and I went on to remind her that schools are term time too!!! Honestly, some parents take the preverbial.

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We are 9 to 3, chn either stay all day or don't, chn can go home at the end of the morning or at the end of the day...that's as far as flexibility goes :-p, we have approx 60 on roll, it works, we have some that do 3 days and are staying with that for now, I've decided to wait and see what the need is come Sept before changing anything.

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We are 9 to 3, chn either stay all day or don't, chn can go home at the end of the morning or at the end of the day...

Ha Ha, sorry Mouse that line made me laugh - Chn can go home.....


We are open for 18hrs pw - receive payment for 18hrs a week.

We are in setting for 28 hours per week (plus) - packaway setting : ( = 10 hours non profitable working time.

30 a session, 3 lunch clubs a week,

A mixture of 2-4s, including 5 with Sen, 1 with undiagnosed PDA!! To be observed, assessed, observed assessed, blah de blah...

5 staff + me, who all need peer on peering, Supervisions, meetings ecetera....ecetera


So I already DO 30 hours!! Plus more hours at home...


The idea of offering an extra 15 does not inspire me.....it just tires me. So I'm not.

Chn can go home..........Ahhh those words...... : )

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Hehe...not that they're going to remember what home looks like !


On a serious note, 10 hrs with no income isn't good, would it pay to bring in a few chn earlier and later, if you had an area that 1 member of staff could supervise, feed, play with whilst others set up/pack away the remainder, maybe have one trolley for before/after that could come out first and go away last.

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