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Setting up the KS1 and KS2 assessment sections

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This tutorial will take you through the setup process for the KS1 and 2 frameworks on Tapestry. They can be adapted to suit your own school’s requirements, so it's important that you have a quick read through this first to make sure they work for you.

Okay, so onto what we're here for!

The first thing that it is really important you do is make sure the framework is activated and labelled to your preference. With that in mind, please go to your Control Panel (1), Settings (2), then Assessments (3), then scroll down the page (4)


Scroll down until you get to the Key Stage frameworks and then click on the 'Configure' button.


 You will be able to choose to enable whichever year groups you would like to use this account for. For those that you do tick to enable, you will also see the option to display those assessments to relatives. Displaying assessments to relatives means that they will be able to see the assessments you've made for their children (within published observations), but they will not be able to make any assessments themselves. 




You will then need to customise your tiers. To explain; for each statement (or group of statements) you select for a child, you can assess their achievement using our tier system. You can choose how many tiers you have, but generally we recommend having 5. However many you choose though, tier 1 should always be the lowest level.

How you want to set these in qualitative terms though is up to you. We're envisaging the standard way being tier 3 for the national age related expectations (ARE), 2 for a little below that and 1 for children who need extra help, then 4 for a little above national average, and 5 for your gifted and talented children. However, when setting yours up you might want to consider how children at your school do in comparison to the national 'expectation' bearing in mind that children with a scaled score of 100+ at the end of KS1 have reached the expected standard.

So, if you look back at the last couple of years results for your KS1 SATs, what proportion of children achieved the 100+ scaled score? If most did with a roughly equal number of children above or below the 100+ score then you should set your national expectation tier as Tier 3. This gives you Tiers 1 and 2 to show progress up to the expected standard and Tiers 4 and 5 to show progress beyond the expected standard.

If few children achieved the 100+ scaled score and the majority achieved below this you should set your national expectation tier as Tier 4, this will give you Tiers 1,2 and 3 to show progress and impact of intervention up to the national expectation.

If most children achieved the 100+ scaled score, with very few below if you should set your national expectation as Tier 2, this will give your Tiers 3,4 and 5 to show progress beyond the national expectation.

I'm going to leave the names of my tiers as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for this tutorial, but you can name them whatever works best for you, you may already have terminology that your school is familiar with (although feel free to leave them as tiers 1 to 5 too!). Please do remember that they need to stay in their hierarchy though - if you rename tier 2 to 'mastery' and tier 4 to 'developing', your results will be very confusing!

You will also need to give each tier a short version for when it appears in charts and a colour code, otherwise the full name might be cut off. This shortened version needs to be a maximum of 4 letters.

By default, you will have 5 tiers set up on your account. At the beginning of each academic year you can edit the number of tiers if you need to but you will need a minimum of 3 tiers. It is important to set up your tiers up at the beginning of the academic year as once you have made an assessment for the year you will not be able to remove any tiers. You can add more, but if you do you might need to adjust your previous made assessment scores to reflect this change.

You set the tiers in the same box as you where you just enabled the framework, just scroll down a little bit. You can also choose a colour for each tier which will help you see ‘at a glance’, where your children are achieving.




Remember to press submit at the very bottom of the page if you make any changes in that options box.

That's all you need to do for now in terms of setting the framework up, but you will also need to add some groups to make assessing the children easier.

Some groups are set up automatically by Tapestry based on the information you put in when adding the children (e.g. EAL, sex, autumn born, PP), but ability groups will need to be added manually from within the Manage Groups section of the Control Panel (1). Simply click on the + Add Group button (2) to create a new one.

Each child can be in as many groups as you like so if you also sort the children into the groups they are set in for teaching it will make your formative assessment data much easier to input. So, an imaginary child ‘Lisa’ can be in these different groups Girls/PP/Top English group/Middle maths group/Middle Science group.




After enabling the framework on your account you will want to see what we call the 'Maintained Achievement Points' for your children. This tutorial will talk you through how to do this. 


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  • 1 month later...


No, the MAP is set for each aspect of the subject area rather than the strands within it.


Let me know if you need any more help!

Guest Guest

Is it possible to create observations using the tapestry app against KS statements? Even though I have altered the settings on my account, when I try to make an observation in the app the Year 1 statements I have enabled do not show? It would be really useful if this could be the case, as many year 1s are still using continuous provision and play based learning,




Hello Catherine!


As the new KS1 and 2 assessment frameworks are still in their BETA phase, they are not yet available to access on the app. We are hoping to add these very soon so that you will be able to add KS assessments to observations via the Tapestry app!

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