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Glove up for sun cream?

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Hi all,


Just interested in what's happening with sun cream application. Do you wash hands between children? Glove up, and change gloves or not between children?


Does it depend on the children's skin, or the brand of sun cream? Does anyone have policies for sun cream application or does it fall under general skin cream application?





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Hi Jacq, yes I have a policy which covers sun cream, however, parents do forget, and they also do not always provide a named bottle of sun screen for their child.


So that all children can go outside, we do have sun screen we can use. It is a "sensitive" Factor 50 spray. We glove up, we spray it onto large cotton wool pads and apply it to a child, we then throw that pad away and have a new one for the next child. Thankfully, we need only do less than a handful each day, it's very time consuming. I tend to do it just before snack time, after which the children go outside, this gives it a good 15 minutes to begin to work.


It is also available to parents to use - but I tend not to "advertise" this fact as they would rely upon us to provide rather than remembering to do it for themselves.


Can you believe one parent said last week, oh I forgot to put sun stuff on, and she hasn't got a hat, but she's got thick hair. This child is probably one of the fairest children I have ever come across. We also have a huge selection of sun hats, so that was sorted out too.

Edited by Panders
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we get them to sign ...but no separate policy. We don't glove up (unless there is a reason to) but we do clean our hands after use so as not to 'cross-contaminate' (all children should have their own...though many don't, we supply if needed....we have a no hat no play policy though!!)

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we get them to sign ...but no separate policy. We don't glove up (unless there is a reason to) but we do clean our hands after use so as not to 'cross-contaminate' (all children should have their own...though many don't, we supply if needed....we have a no hat no play policy though!!)


Same as us.

Gloves - only if there is a reason.

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we only use gloves if needed and are careful about washing hands if child is sensitive or has an allergy etc. We have a policy of no suncream-no outside play, we used to have our own suncream to use but we were getting taken advantage of and it was too expensive, parents usually bring cream when they are told they can't play out. we have lots of spare hats so that's not a problem.

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We don't use gloves.


Our application forms states that we will top up children's sun cream with a Nivea factor 50 that we keep onsite, parents sign our form to allow us permission to apply the cream.

Our policy states that all parents should apply suncream before their child comes to pre-school and then we top up the children who stay all day. A reminder about this stays on our half termly newsletter during the spring / summer. Who ever is on the door each morning checks with each parent as they come in that they have applied sun cream and a note is made of parents who say they forgot, or didn't have time. We find that asking parents as they come in acts as a reminder for the following day as they don't want to be the one who says they haven't put sun cream on.


For us Its much easier for us to use our own than having 30 different labelled bottles to keep in order.

We are currently having discussions about this as it is one of the things the Government now says we can charge for.

see : MODEL AGREEMENT Early Years Provision free of charge and free childcare

paragraph 2.48 The provider can also charge for consumable such as nappies or sun cream


How you would do this I have no idea.....one dollop or 2??

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, all. The Cancer research article is interesting (thanks, Sue) as they are talking about at least factor 15. We have always used factor 50, and were considering moving to factor 30 following advice from a skin cancer doctor.


It is a time consuming job! We always asked parents to provide and apply before their first session of the day so we only had to cream all-day children before afternoon garden time, but we now have an all-inclusive policy, and so we get to cream up twice for some children. Fortunately parents are still doing this for us out of habit. We get through lots of cream, too.



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