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Just wondering if you share details of funding with your parents?


I never have, although it is no secret on this forum what I think about the pittance that we are paid, I always kept my thoughts to myself with regard to parents (really it's not their problem)


This week has been quite trying (not the children they are lovely :1b ) - but management/paperwork issues - I now have to register for 30 hours even though I only provide 15 - this because a couple of children also attend a childminder.......


Was reflecting on how much work is continually being piled on us.......


Kent is raising funding by 5p per child per hour in September which brings us up to the grand total of £3.96 per child per hour


I'm thinking that maybe it is time I shared that info with my parents........



Grumpy of Kent

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I do let parents know how much KCC give per child per hour occasionally, when trying to prove a point, often parents are visiting us after going elsewhere and elsewhere are charging for extras in a way that they are allowed, I might add, and I say why we don't go down that route! but do charge what we think is fair for 2 year olds.


As we get further away from the days when no funding existed for any child for our provisions, parents will have little appreciation as to what it would be like without it for their family. I think they should be amazed at how much is expected of us for so little! As ever, champagne and lemonade come to mind :mellow:

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I for one am getting thoroughly '*' off with amount of research and printing I am now expected to do and give to parents!


I'm not sure why 'I' have to keep telling them who, how, and where they can apply!!!!!



OK, rant over. (just spent another unpaid few hours trying to sort next terms funding- and, like Sunnyday we do not even actually open for 30 hours anyway!)

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Glad I'm not alone in feeling teed off with all the extra admin this 30 is giving us.

I only open for 18 but now have 4 children/parents wanting to use their '30' to cover the extra 3hrs a week!!

What I really want is CASH!!! I do not want to have to jump through hoops - during my holiday period to receive this pittance!

It's costing me in admin time checking, prompting, checking again and now our LA has opened a PORTAL - which sounds to me like A BIg Black Hole - of which I know nothing!!

I have just managed to give up being a keyperson and now I can see I shall be full time administrator!

Bring on the hols.........I need a break!

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my pi**edoffisnessmounted today...............parent who had said they want 30 hours each for their two children announced that they have now changed their minds. 'BUT you're SO wonderful............we love you.........but there is a new preschool opening' at their other child's school and they have been told that if they want the other two to have a chance of getting in to the school they MUST use their 30 hours by going to this new preschool. I am sick of playing nicely, playing above and beyond the rules,being the good guy, scrimping so we don't charge parents for extras. I think I might just about have had it now

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if they want the other two to have a chance of getting in to the school they MUST use their 30 hours by going to this new preschool.

unless they are an academy then this is incorrect.

School pre-school do not come under the schools admission policies. They are not allowed to choose children it is up to the lea to do so and parents will get very cross if they are told this and then refused a place because they don't meet the criteria or there are no spaces

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I'm with you on this louby loo, I am fed up with how much county sends us expecting us to keep sharing it with parents and my biggest gripe is how much colour printing they expect us to do gggrrrrrrr...my take on this is they've been told, given umpteen links and reminders, if they still can't be bothered to sort it then that's their problem not mine....does this face look bothered ?

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By packing up and getting a job stacking shelves in a supermarket I fear.........


I currently in the situation where I take the setting over or we close next week. :mellow:


At the moment I'm 75/25 split. I love my job, the parents are mostly wonderful (always have the odd one!) ............. But I'm really not sure if I want the other stuff that goes with it.

The staff are great, but think they expect me to just fix everything - they really do not seem to have a clue how much actual work it takes to run the preschool.

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finleysmaid................you know it, we know it,I know it.............but if parents are frightened into it, how do we combat it? By packing up and getting a job stacking shelves in a supermarket I fear.........

sorry teaching my grandmother (as the saying goes...sorry not saying you're old or.....ok big hole opening :o:o :o :P )

I'm fighting the same issue with a local private school (who are of course able to say that!) but it is Bl***Y annoying i'm losing 6 children a year early to a setting which is nowhere near the same quality as ours :angry:

As for the local state schools I do ensure parents are aware of the rules...sometimes makes a difference :huh:

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Thank you all for your responses - where would we be without this forum?


I did tell one parent how little we are paid this morning - she said "that's outrageous is there anything that us parents can do about this"!


I intend to spell the situation out to all parents in my September newsletter.......

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Sunnyday- tell them- tell them very loudly so there is no mistake about how little funding is paid and how much of a difference there actually is between fees and funding. Ours will be £1.10p


I have always told parents (not that the vast majority really care particularly) and yes it is their problem. they need to know and need to help do something to try and change things. We are signed up for 30 hours but will see how we are managing financially by the end of the year. We have just over 12 children signed up for 30 hours so far for next term- which is a lot of money we are losing. WE open for 26.5 hours per week and since we opened for the additional 11.5 hours over and above the 15 funded (around 5 years now) have managed to accumulate a fairly healthy bank balance- but I do wonder how much we will be using of this bank balance now to subsidize our income over the next academic year.


We have decided that from September once a child is in receipt of funding we will be charging them a £25 voluntary 'fund raising contribution' except its not going to be voluntary, each new child coming into us have signed a T&C form where this is spelt out quite clearly. We have also said why we are being forced into this. Quite honestly if you are getting five mornings per week for nothing then paying out £25 every three months isnt too bad and I dont feel you can complain. No one has said anything, well one lady did tell me we shouldnt be doing it and it should be a voluntary contribution but she has now decided that we are not the right setting for her child so that's fine. Anyone else who doesnt like it can do the same thing.


To be honest we have played by the rules for so long and its got us nowhere. I'm sick of doing everything we should do and watching other groups charge deposits, top up fees and more and getting away with it. if people dont like it they are free to go elsewhere or they can report us to our LA. Who still havent paid our full funding for this term!! They owe us for quality supplements and inclusion funding still. I pointed out to them today that if a parent owed us that amount of money we would be stopping sessions until the debt was paid. They deliberately 'misunderstood ' me and replied that I could not withhold funded hours. I got so cross that I ended up firing an email back saying as I still hadnt received the proper funding there were no funded hours to withhold so would do what I wanted with them.


I thought i better stop at that point before things got worse- but am sure i will get a phone call off someone tomorrow.


So sorry Sunyday have completely gone off track here but am so mad over the whole funding issue, let alone the 30 hour fiasco.


thats it- rant over

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just wondering if you share details of funding with your parents?


I never have, although it is no secret on this forum what I think about the pittance that we are paid, I always kept my thoughts to myself with regard to parents (really it's not their problem)


This week has been quite trying (not the children they are lovely :1b ) - but management/paperwork issues - I now have to register for 30 hours even though I only provide 15 - this because a couple of children also attend a childminder.......


Was reflecting on how much work is continually being piled on us.......


Kent is raising funding by 5p per child per hour in September which brings us up to the grand total of £3.96 per child per hour


I'm thinking that maybe it is time I shared that info with my parents........



Grumpy of Kent


Yep - I share. I think it's only right that they should understand the implications and it stops them viewing us as greedy or money grabbing. I put up the link to the 'Champagne nurseries, lemonade funding' animation for them as I think it explains it perfectly.

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