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I'm A Non-smoker!


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Hi All,

Just thought I would let everyone know, I have been a week without a cigarette - It's great!

With all the stresses of work, I was getting worried because I seemed to be wanting more. Been creeping up from 3 or 4 a day to last week reached 15 after more work related problems! Have been really concerned over the last few months, so brought some patches last week and I feel great! I have been down this road before (a few times), so I'm letting you all know on here so I won't be able to start again.

The relief is enormous, I haven't got to worry about getting the last one in before leaving in the morning, don't have to worry about coming home lunch time and best of all, I've got an excuse to come on here! My husband said that it would take my mind off it - bless him! I know I'm in the minority, smoking just isn't popular these days (although not many people knew I did - I was that ashamed!).

So, if any of you are thinking of giving up - DO IT! I must admit, I did enjoy it, got excited about going home to have one at the end of the day - even if I did have to smoke outside! but I do feel so free now. The family are happy and the patches certainly help, so I'm not miserable either.

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Awwwww thats fantastic news. Keep it up.

When my friend quit she put the money she would have spent in a jar and then at the end of the month went out and spent it on something nice.

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I had my last cigarette 7 weeks ago this Tuesday. It has been hard (and after too much wine about 3 weeks ago smoked a couple of cigars :o ) but this time I think I might just do it. I've been down this road a few times before too, this time is different because there is no gum or patches, I read Allen Carr 'Easy way to stop smoking' and watched a CDrom with him asking what I think smoking does for me. Er, nothing as it turns out, so loads of congratulations to you and keep up the good work. :D:D

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Well done to you both - as a smoker (ooh its horrible to admit) I have also been thinking seriously again about giving up. Its something that I think about everyday but I too am getting to the stage where I really need to reassess my life, my habits (good and bad) and sort myself out. I have the Allen Carr book too, the Paul McKenna cd's so perhaps I will set a date and go for it. I admire you both immensely, Keep it up - I was thinking of going to the NHS clinics as they seem to be good and several people seem to have succeeded.


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Nicola, while lots of people do stop by using nicotine aids, Allen Carr recommends not using them because while you're not smoking you are still having nicotine. I understood what he said because the last time I tried to stop using gum I couldnt stand the constant chewing and had a fag instead. Which ever way is best for you is the only way to do it, but I recommend reading the book first, it took me three reads before I got to this point so if it doesnt work dont feel that you've failed, see it as a blip. Guilt will make you feel like smoking. I hope you manage to stop. How about a stop smoking page for support Steve? :)

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Well done to you too Rea!! Can't wait to be in your shoes and say 7 weeks!

I know what you mean with the patches. I too tried Alan Carr, I had it all clear in my head - certainly looked at a totally different approach! All was well until we did the hypnosis bit, my friend lay next to me totally relaxed and breathing deeply, all I thought about was - oh heck, I'm not hypnotised yet and kept thinking any minute, I'll be ok, but it didn't work, my friend said it was 'cos I don't know how to relax, so didn't listen properly. Anyway all was fine and then something went wrong (at work again!) and I just went for a cigarette at the end of the day! Can't tell you how annoyed and upset I was with myself.

You have obviously understood his concept and I admire you for that, it certainly worked for you. I think I didn't want to do it bad enough at that particular time, so I put obstacles in my way, my birthday in August, Christmas, millenium party I was going to (mind you this was in March! - see I wasn't wanting it enough!).

I feel I am ready now and I have reached the other side of 40 and feel if I don't do something now, I might not get away with it. Like you Nicola, I have had to reassess my life - it's just dawned on me that I am getting older and my life style is not good and have had a few warning signs lately. My mum is really worried about me and I have promised that I will be looking at ways to change for the better - She said leave Pre-school and my problems would be over!! :( Can't do that. xD


Ha, Ha Steve!!!!! :o

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Well done to everyone who has managed to give up :) I really admire you all, I have tried several times but always fail :o I really can't afford to smoke and would love to be ciggy free, I've never heard of Allen Carr but will keep an eye out for the book.


Keep it up Kymberley and Rea :) hopefully one day I'll be able to say I'm a non smoker too :)

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I'm sure you will! loads of people I know have tried (succesfully) with Alan Carr. You can get his books in any good book shop, but read it thoroughly! You can still smoke while you're reading it - all becomes clear in the end. But as they say don't give up, giving up. You will when the time is right. Our time is now because it's right (hope I don't regret saying this!!!), no I am confident this time.

You still sound young, so keep thinking on it and give it a go!!

I'm going to come back on this bit every week and tell you honestly how things are going and look forward to week 7. Rea, you'll be on 13 or 14 by then!!!

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well done to all those who have given up, i quit a 40 a day habit on jan 18th this year and still going strong.


i used the patches, and they worked, im not on anything now. did fancy one when at a party last night, but had another vodka instead!!!


oh well, it was the weekend.


keep going strong.

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Well done to you all. I gave up years ago but have never regretted it. I have a friend/staff member who gave up 2 years ago and the difference she ahs found in the winter when she doesn't get those awfull hacking coughs, is incredible. so well done to you both and keep it up. you are now NON- Smokers. not reformed smokers. :D

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Well done all of you, You and your family will also smell a lot better too. xD Isn't it awful :o when the children arrive with coats and clothes smelling of stale cigarettes. Keep up the good work!!! :D

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Kymberley thankyou so much for saying I still sound young :D I am in my late 30's but I try not to think about that too much xD I'm going to get the Alan Carr book at the weekend if I can and then I'll take it from there. I just hope I can stay sane but think I'm probably in the wrong profession to do that :o


maybe in a few weeks I can join you all and say I'm a non smoker :)

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Yes, I'm good too! 2 weeks tomorrow - Still feel very positive. Couple of parents came in yesterday and had obviously just smoked in the car. Usually (on other attempts!) I would think 'lucky you' and fancy one, but I didn't. The weirdest thing is, I'm not drinking as much coffee (palpitations much better!) - because not having a fag with the usual cuppa, not eating as much because I don't have to take the taste away and not drinking so much wine (although I did last night while chatting with some of you!), so I'm losing weight!!

I've never smoked in doors, in front of my children or some friends, so it's been easier. This forum is the best thing, because I can come on here and it keeps my mind busy, so hopefully I won't have so many negative thoughts as I used to about missing fags.

I hope you've got that book teenytiny!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

3 weeks today kymberley :D

Hope everyone is doing ok. If anyone's having doubts or difficult moments say this.


A cigarette reduces my oxygen levels causing fatigue, listlessness, low concentration and irritability. I do not need a cigarette because I didnt need one before I had the first one. Addiction kept me smoking, now I have broken the addiction the only thing that can make me light up is me. I am a happy non smoker. :D:D

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If I do fancy one, i'll look at your post Rea! I must admit I do feel so much better.

I went to work Tuesday and it got to &.00p.m. when I realised I didn't have patch on!

Still going strong and am definately alot happier!

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Thought I' d say well done it's not easy.

I gave up over a year ago after 15 years of smoking on and off.

The patches took a bit of getting used to, was not advised to wear them at night - wouldn't have anyway. I feel my general health has improved, but so has my appetite!

It is well worth it, when all the staff do line dancing on a Tuesday after school I'm not having breathing difficulties.

I think the hardest thing is the social side, as you have a drink you still want to light up, whether this urge will ever go away for me, I don't know. I do know that I feel a lot better, my skin is much better, it is well worth the early withdrawal symptoms.

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