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Hello All


I've made several posts on the forum during the past year I have been chair at our pre school.


Our AGM is fast approaching and I am unsure if I want to stand again.


Long story short it's been a tough year, two members of staff have left, leading to us having to recruit. I led this predominantly alone, with little experience.


Then there have been issues with the Manager and their relations with staff, something that is improving over time but will need alot of work to change her ways.


More recently an incident that involves an Ofsted visit (they were happy with how we dealt with things thankfully)


All in all its been a long year, I've been stressed and anxious and feel I've done the majority it alone as the committee just do not realise what is required.


My head is saying walk away, its been too much and my family have suffered as a result. Also my his has taken on a new job which requires working shifts and unregular hours so I can't commit to all meetings. My heart is saying I've come this far and learnt so much and to stay another year (my daughter has 2 years left) and try and see things through. Focus on a new committee and making sure they are all clear on the responsibility and share the workload.


I am not sure of the point of my post. I guess I'm looking for encouragement either way. I've spoken to the PLA who actually said I should just leave...


Anyway,thanks for reading :-) x

Edited by C1403
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As a manager I would also say leave if someone is willing to step up, it sounds like you've had a lot to deal with, I would hate to think that my chair was feeling like you have been, I know from time to time we all have a moan about our committees but there is a ridiculous expectation on committees and especially Chairs to know all they need to know, don't beat yourself up over it, it isn't worth making yourself ill over or the upset to your family...good luck :-)

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I think you have to be strong and do what is best for you and your family rather than feel guilty about walking away. The problem is - the more you do the more people expect.


If you really don't want to leave could you step down as Chair but stay on the committee? I have someone who did this. They stepped down to vice chair to encourage someone else to come forward as chair but with support. Then the following year left. It's all in the title because I am not sure vice chair is a recognised Officer????

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I would also suggest stepping down to a general committee member, if you have done a year virtually on your own then next year you will totally be on your own as the committee and parents are obviously happy for you to do all the work.

I do think as you still have a child there it would be good for you to remain as a general member, and you might enjoy the experience of being part of a team again.

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Thank you.

I am happy to stay on and support the new chair where I can. We just need to see if anyone else is willing to take that role on.

We also need to make sure everyone realises what is actually invovled when on a committee. It's fine when everything is running smoothly but when things go wrong it shocks you just how much you need to know.

Regardless of how this year has been, I simply will not be able to dedicate that sort of time next year so ultimately will have to step down I think :-(

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You have to do what is best for YOU. If you said you would stay until a new chair is found............guess what?? Everyone will sit back and let you. You say that your family life is suffering................and I would say, to a certain extent, family life suffers for all of us involved in childcare . Sometimes, you have to take a deep breath, stay calm and just say NO. No more, no more me, no thanks. If parents want the setting to continue, then they have to step up to the plate.......but it doesn't have to be you, especially as your hubby has changed his work....another thing that will impact on your family. Stay on the committee if that feels right, so you can offer advice and the benefit of your experience. But put you, and your family first x

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And this is why I cannot see a future for us committee run groups. It's unfair to expect parents to take on this responsibility, god knows if our committee members really knew what they were responsible for they would run a mile. At the moment we are lucky, we have the retired EYFS teacher and a deputy head from a secondary school as chair and vice chair, so they are clued up about things. But not sure about our future as a committee run group when they step down.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, probably against my better judgment I've decided to stay on as chair. I've asked that we appoint a vice chair to work alongside me and highlighted that we must make our next Commitee aware of their responsibility. All but two of our 9 members are staying on also. I am probably crazy and had several people say they're surprised but I feel I've come this far, I will give it one more year to try and get some things done.

So, expect to see more posts from me over the next year!

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So, probably against my better judgment I've decided to stay on as chair. I've asked that we appoint a vice chair to work alongside me and highlighted that we must make our next Commitee aware of their responsibility. All but two of our 9 members are staying on also. I am probably crazy and had several people say they're surprised but I feel I've come this far, I will give it one more year to try and get some things done.

So, expect to see more posts from me over the next year!

We're all here ready to help! :1b

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So, probably against my better judgment I've decided to stay on as chair. I've asked that we appoint a vice chair to work alongside me and highlighted that we must make our next Commitee aware of their responsibility. All but two of our 9 members are staying on also. I am probably crazy and had several people say they're surprised but I feel I've come this far, I will give it one more year to try and get some things done.

So, expect to see more posts from me over the next year!

you need to make sure you delegate out some jobs - sometimes people would like to help but don't like to ask and others just sit back and let you do it all - write down the jobs that need doing- think about what each involves and whether you can delegate it. Support the parent but let them get on with their job -they might come back and want another job.

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