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How many Observations

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Please can we have a way of seeing how many observations that staff have done of a child in a period, both published and unpublished. Currently if you look at the children page, the numbers there include anything parents have put on. If you go to thoroughness then it doesn't show unpublished observations or ones that have COEL attached to them.


This would allow me as a manager to be able to look and check that staff are doing enough observations on their children.



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  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone, 

A screen that shows how many observations each individual staff member has made is still on our to do list but it is very near the top now. 
I'm afraid we still don't have a release date for it yet, but one of us will reply on this threat to let you know when it's ready. 

Columbo26, what you've described is a little bit different to what we had in mind. Is it important for you to be able to see the number of staff made observations for each child (so the chosen child has 17 observations in this term made by a staff member), regardless of which assessment, if indeed any, has been made? Or would being able to see the number of observations each staff member has made (which we were intending to add in this new screen), and the number of assessments for each child in certain frameworks/aspects (which you can already see in the available analysis screens) be enough? If you do need to see the number of staff made observations for each child, would you need to see that as a single number for each child (so all the observations across all staff members), or broken down into how many each staff member has made for that child (so staff member 1 added 3 observations for the chosen child and staff member 2 added 5 observations for the chosen child etc)? 

Best wishes,

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Hi Lauren, The sooner we have this tool the better ive had so many meetings and discussions with staff on how to limit the observations but without me giving them actual numbers its very difficult to show them what im talking about. So I would like to see Staff member A made X obs on child B in this period, and then a total obs by staff member in that period.x

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone!

We are very excited to announce that we have just released a ‘Staff Observation Counts’ screen on Tapestry!

You can find the screen by clicking on tracking > general.

This screen will allow you to view how many observations each staff member has added for the children in your account. This information can be accessed directly for individual children, but you can also take a wider look for entire groups.

You are also able to consult this data for specific periods, the child/children’s full Tapestry history or custom-made periods.

Alongside this new screen, we have also written a tutorial that will talk you through the feature. You can check this here.

I’m taking this opportunity to also inform you of another new screen that has been released simultaneously.

This is the ‘Relative Engagement’ screen. This screen will allow you to monitor parental engagement in terms of number of observations added, when was the last observation made by them added, the percentage of observations that they have liked, commented on, etc. The screen is also available for individual children and groups, as well as for specific assessment periods, full history or custom made periods!

This tutorial explains in more depth how this screen works and the data that can be found within.

Thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions – these have allowed us to add two features that we are sure will become very popular!

Best wishes,


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Thanks all, it’s a really useful screen, will be invaluable in checking for inconsistencies in key groups and where some key workers are not pulling their weight and some are doing far to many, we know who our serial parent posters are but it’s been interesting to see which parents haven’t added anything (only a couple thankfully but I will be talking to them about the benefits of their child being able to share their achievements and news from home :P)

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Hi everyone,

We're sorry for the confusion, unfortunately we have had to temporarily take the Relative Activity screen down as we noticed some issues with the way the scores were being calculated and we didn't want the screen to be giving people information that was misleading. 

We are working on fixing this as we speak and we are hoping to have the screen back up and running very shortly. We will let you know as soon as we have been able to add the screen back again.

Best wishes,


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We'll look at amending that long term, but right now the data for the PDF comes from the same place as the data comes from when you load the page. So the filters you set will carry through to the PDF, but how you order the information when it's already on the page won't. 

We can definitely see the benefit of being able to export the PDF with the data in the order you've chosen though! 

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50 minutes ago, DanB said:

Hey Mouseketeer. The PDF export has been updated to maintain the ordering you've chosen. Hope that proves useful :)

Thanks Dan, that will make it really easy to check that children are getting a fair crack of the ‘obs’ whip as children attending most should be sitting up the top and so on down :)

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Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know that the Relative Activity screen is now back on Tapestry!

All managers will be able to see the screen by default but if you want staff to be able to see it as well you just need to change the user permission for it from not permitted, to permitted. You can do this from the Control Panel -> User Permissions.

Do let us know if you have any more questions about it!

Best wishes,


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