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Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all having or had a good half term break.

We are currently discussing RWI at my school. We began last year and we can see an improvement in learning and recall of sounds and with reading although our Y1 Phonics screening was low.

Our biggest concern is writing - we didn't get any exceeding writers in this years EYFSP. As writing leader as well as EYFS Leader I have a constant niggle about the teaching of writing, the quantity of independent writing, is RWI enough for Reception and Year 1. I followed it last year and did as was asked by the Reading Leader, however, I just felt that our youngest children were missing out on all those contextual reasons for writing. Many of our local schools teach the phonics part but then still deliver a Literacy Lesson.

I would be interested in your views, ways that you have made RWI work for you, what you do in addition to RWI sessions.

Many thanks


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