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Inadequate woes

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Hi All, 

We were inspected back in April and through an error of judgment on my side, we were found to be inadequate.  I am broken hearted and deeply upset and if it wasn’t for my staff and wonderful, supportive families, I would have said after thirty years of childcare that was enough.

We were found to be inadequate on leadership and management and subsequently welfare went out of the window.  She judged us good in the other two areas.

We have been working hard and have improved enormously over the past three and a bit months, aiming ultimately for at least one outstanding outcome.

I’m just wondering if anyone else has been in this position recently and if they have any tips from their reinspection and also if we would get a notification from them.

I am so stressed and beginning to wonder if anything will be right!

Thank you in advance 😊

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Willow sorry to hear but you are showing strong leadership in keeping going and making changes. 

The best advice i can give is dont forget the children. I know that may sound odd or even patronising it is not meant to be. It is just that sometimes you can get caught up with what you think ofsted wants. Just keep thinking is this change goingto benefit the children.

Good luck.

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I feel for you, it must be an absolutely awful experience and it could happen to any of us, all it takes is one small thing that has not been updated or missed.  As hard as it must be it sounds like you have a lot of support around you and the only way is up.  I agree with the above comment about not forgetting the children, despite the yards of red tape, the endless updating of policies and procedures and trying to keep up to date with everything just remember why we do what we do and who we do it for.  Very best wishes on your next inspection.  Let us know how it goes.

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Hello Willow,

This is my first post in the forum. I am the nominated person for an established Montessori setting, and we have been through a number of changes over the years as we have grown and then contracted again. At each significant change we had to re-register and under-go all that that entails. It has not been a smooth journey, and we are now the size we are because we extended the age range (for good strategic reasons) but it did not work - and we had a very distressing inspection - enough to make me consider was all the hassle and the limited return on investment worth it.

We took some hard decisions - re-trenched - re-organised and put it behind us as best we could. Now I am delighted to say that I believe we have an outstanding setting and I am able to provide a brilliant and flexible education service to my grand children, as well as a hosted of other families - well worth it.

I would also say that we do not strive to be judges by Ofsted as outstanding - we strive to be an outstanding setting for the children, parents and staff. The pressure to be outstanding in the eyes of inspection process is substantial and does not necessarily help the setting or provide better outcomes for the children.

It is impossible not to take bad feedback personally, but you are showing real leadership in taking responsibility for any weaknesses or errors and as long as you have an action plan to address the issues then there is no reason why the re-inspection will reflect the progress you have made.

I am not going to wish you lick - you do not need luck as you are doing the hard work. 



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Thank you, that has been really helpful.  It is awful and you are right about being outstanding for the children, we always believe we are as our little lot are very capable forward thinkers and we couldn’t be prouder of them.

I'm sorry to hear you have been through the same, similar situation.  It was so good to hear you were successful and got through that time, congratulations.  It is the worst feeling and to be honest I wanted to just hide away.  I’ve been through a lot before and taking all that on board I’ve dusted myself down and got back up as I told my fabulous team I’m no good snivelling in the corner!

I’m feeling positive, but the doubting gremlins just keep sitting on my shoulder.

Hoping for that visit any day now.

Thank you.  Feeling better, Willow



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19 hours ago, Willow_98 said:

Hi All, 

We were inspected back in April and through an error of judgment on my side, we were found to be inadequate.  I am broken hearted and deeply upset and if it wasn’t for my staff and wonderful, supportive families, I would have said after thirty years of childcare that was enough.

We were found to be inadequate on leadership and management and subsequently welfare went out of the window.  She judged us good in the other two areas.

We have been working hard and have improved enormously over the past three and a bit months, aiming ultimately for at least one outstanding outcome.

I’m just wondering if anyone else has been in this position recently and if they have any tips from their reinspection and also if we would get a notification from them.

I am so stressed and beginning to wonder if anything will be right!

Thank you in advance 😊

Good luck Willow_98, we are all here to support you - let us know if you need any help :) I've had a look through the inspection documents and can't see any reference to whether you will get a notification call. Somewhere in my head I think it is a 'No' i.e. they just turn up within 6 months. I'm happy for someone to say otherwise though - sorry not to be more help

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Sorry to hear this - we also have been through the same and although it was 4 years ago we did not get notification of the return visit.  It is my worse nightmare, missing something on the paperwork side - our inadequate was due to a water butt that had no lid - it had no water either and was not accessible to the children but deemed enough to be inadequate - but I genuinely fear that one policy which is not updated or similar.

You are doing the right think and being positive and remembering you are doing it all for the children and not Ofsted  - you will nail it when they return.

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2 hours ago, Willow_98 said:

Thank you and will do.  All going good and we have a good action plan, I’ve realised after looking at it and a clear direction of where we are going.  I just need to get that across and all should be well.  Positivity is the best way forward 😊

'Positivity is the best way forward' - it certainly is Willow - wising you all the luck in the world for your inspection :)

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yes - got nowhere and the next Inspector even said it was ridiculous and strongly criticised the previous Inspector and other things she had done - but it is all water under the bridge - just a shame we all have to go through the stress when we know we are doing a fab job and yet other settings are running under ratio etc but 'talk the talk' - sorry don't mean to sound bitter but I do wonder how some settings are given Outstanding. 

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