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Transition From Fs To Ks1

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I am to become FS Leader at my school and want to encourage more consideration towards the transition from FS to KS1 - especially in terms of how the Y1 classroom is set up. Does anyone have a policy/ways their school works that they would be willing to share?



Emma :o

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  • 4 weeks later...


Thanks very much for attaching your policy. I have only just seen it today, as I'm starting to put our together, it looks great!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Marion - sorry, but in your policy it says something about the Y1 teacher working in your unit for the summer term. Could you tell me how you are going to manage this please? How many days will this be for? What will she/he be doing? etc. Thanks!

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Hi Marion - sorry, but in your policy it says something about the Y1 teacher working in your unit for the summer term. Could you tell me how you are going to manage this please? How many days will this be for? What will she/he be doing? etc. Thanks!




The head is organising cover to free her to work alongside the FSU staff. He is very much in favour of a 'Bottom Up' model for the school :) and has already sent the Y6 teacher down to work with us to see good practice. The Y1 class is very formal at the moment and he wants to change this so that KS1 is working more along the lines of the FS. The plan is it will provide time for her to get to know the children and also show how we work in the FS so that it will carry on at least into the first term of KS1. I think the plan is for her to spend at least 1 day a week in the unit after half term. Also in September we will be teaching together for part of the day with movement between the classes.

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Thanks Marion. Could you expand a bit on your last sentence for me? How is that going to work and what is the rationale for that? That sounds very aggressive but it isn't meant to be - I can't think how else to phrase it - I am genuinely interested and wonder if it's something we need to think about. Thank you! :)

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Thanks Marion. Could you expand a bit on your last sentence for me? How is that going to work and what is the rationale for that? That sounds very aggressive but it isn't meant to be - I can't think how else to phrase it - I am genuinely interested and wonder if it's something we need to think about. Thank you!  :)


Not at all aggresive :)

I'm sure we are not the only FSU who experiences doubts about the way we work (mostly from KS1 ) We have had lots of remarks such as ' they wont be ready to do proper work!' 'Whats going to happen in September?' Our Y1 is currently quite formal (lots of worksheets and sitting :o )

Our new head very much believes in Every Child Matters EPPE and a bottom up child centred curriculum.




The way we plan to work is that the 'least mature/Y1ready children will spend additional time in the FSU unit in September when we obviously wont have as many nursery aged children so staff/child ratios wont be compromised. Myself and my NNEB will take turns in supporting all the children and the Y1 teacher in the initial weeks. Not sure how it will work in practice but thats the plan

The staff and the Head see it as important to allow the children opportunities to learn by doing/experiencing/investigating as much as possible and obviously we are currently in a better position to provide that (although it is intended to extend the provision into KS1)

If you get a chance to look at Ros Bayley's Smooth transitions and FoL curriculum it underpins our vision


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Thanks Marion. Could you give me a synopsis of your 'Clever' attachment as my computer has got the hump and decided it didn't like it and couldn't do anything with it!


I think the 'doubts' about Foundation Stage aren't limited to FSUs. In my school the Y1 teachers (a job share) were/are very worksheet based and hated the changes they were 'forced' (I have deliberately chosen that word :o) to make last year for transition. There used to be a Reception teacher at the school who would have the children sitting around all day doing worksheets or cutting and sticking and they valued this approach and the 'results' it gave and would like me to do this too. Does it go without saying that this won't be a model I will be adopting? Y1 have told me, with a straight face, that they like to do 'work' with the children and would hate to be in Reception because they don't do anything you can get your teeth into! At this point I smiled through gritted teeth, excused myself and went and locked myself in the loo so that I could make frantic V-signs in their direction. Incredibly childish I know but it made me feel a whole lot better xD.

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Our Y1 teacher actually commented that we 'just mess about' and is frightened the children get dirty when we have gloop and slime :(:o:(:(

GUESS what we will be doing when shes working with us :):DxD



Teaching ‘CLEVER'

Clever teaching is about using everything we already know and everything we are finding out about how children learn to help in our work.


'CLEVER' teaching is ...


Child Centred

A curriculum which is child centred, and takes into account all we know about the ways children develop will help CLEVER teaching. We must continue to develop our own professional knowledge to ensure this.


Learning (not teaching) focused

A focus on learning, rather than teaching, will enable us to to concentrate on the activities and methods which meet children's needs. We will not waste time on methods or activities which are 'empty' of learning



People, places, objects and activities that engage children's interests, enthusiasms and enjoyment will ensure CLEVER teaching. We now have much more information about what engages children, and what doesn't!


Value based

CLEVER teaching values children, their unique qualities and contributions. Children who value themselves and know they are valued will be more motivated and will learn more.


Efficient and effective

A clear focus on children's learning, and teaching methods which support learning, will ensure efficient use of time, space, resources and people. CLEVER teaching ensures effectiveness, not just efficiency.



CLEVER teaching will focus on what children can and should be doing, rather than the things they can't. It ensures a focus on 'sustained shared thinking' in the real world - a realistic approach to teaching and learning.

Edited by Marion
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  • 1 month later...

Hi there


The Ros Bayley book is very good, as is 'Children Starting School' by Hilary Fabian. Although it is primarily concerned with transition into reception (foundation 2), there is a section on later transitions and also a section on the social and emotional issues.



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