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Setting Key Stage Maintained Achievement Points for children

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After enabling the KS1 and/or KS2 framework/s on your account and setting up your tiers, you then need to set Maintained Achievement Points (MAPs) for your children, if you haven't set up your tiers yet, please read this tutorial.

A child's MAP is just the tier you expect a child to be assessed in throughout the year for each subject. You can use this at any time during the year to check the child is being assessed where you expect them to be or whether they are working above or below this. 

For children starting in year 1, this tier will be based on their EYFSP tier, and as you go up through the years, the MAP for the child will be based on their end of year tier for the academic year they have just finished.

To set a child's MAP you will need to go to the Tracking section (1), click on the appropriate Key Stage and year group (2), then in the Snapshots column, in the 'Maintained Achievement Point' section, click on 'Individual View' (3). Please note it's only possible to set MAPs for children individually. 





On that page, you will need to select a child (1) and make sure the correct year is selected (2). You will be able to see just below that a key to remind you what tier each colour relates to (3).




Below that you will see a full chart with the KS and year subject areas and aspects (1). Next to that, if you have EYFSP data for that child on Tapestry, you will see the scores that were assigned there (2) and to begin with a column with what will be the child's MAP but that currently says 'None' (3).




You should then use the EYFSP scores and/or your own professional knowledge to assign their MAP for each aspect.

We're expecting that each child will generally be placed in the same, or one of two tiers for all aspects. If this is the case for the child you are looking at, rather than going through and assigning the same tier 26 times, you can just select the tier that you know you'll assign the most from the 'Select Default Tier' drop down (1) and then press 'Save Map' (2).

For the child I'm demonstrating this with, I'm going to say that he is Tier 3 for most things but Tier 4 for English, so I have selected Tier 3 in the Select Default Tier box.




After saving it you will be asked whether you would like to lock it. If you do this you will essentially be saying that you're happy with the scores there and you do not want to change them. If you do want to go back at any point you can unlock this. Any changes you make though will be recorded in the History section of the Control Panel. This will help senior staff see how effectively children’s MAPs are being set.

I am going to save without locking it for now, so I can make the tier changes to the English aspects.




When the screen reloads, all the tiers will be set to the selected tier, but they can be overridden just by clicking on the appropriate one and choosing the correct tier from the drop-down.




Once you are happy with all the selected tiers, save and lock it.

The drop-down boxes will then disappear. You can export the page to CSV or PDF file by clicking on the links (1).




You will see a child’s MAP appear both when making assessments through the formative assessment screens, and when you are checking a child or group’s summative assessments, so you can always see how they are working compared to their MAP. This is so that you can plan interventions for children who are over or under achieving according to expectations.


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