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New User Permissions for editing observations

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We've just added two brand new permissions to Tapestry regarding who can (or can not) edit observations. Before this change, it was set so that staff could edit any observation they could see and relatives could never edit an observation.

While these are still the default rules, we've now added two new permissions so you can change this. These new permissions are: 

1. Allow users to edit their own observations

This permission can be changed for both relatives and staff. By default staff can edit their own observations but relatives cannot.

2. Allow users to edit observations created by other people

This permission can only be changed for staff. By default, they are permitted to edit other people's observations. Relatives can never edit observations created by other people. 

You can find tutorials linked below which will talk you through how to set up User Permissions for Staff and Relatives.

Setting user permissions for staff

Setting user permissions for relatives


Important information for non-beta app users

On the app version of Tapestry, unless you are using the beta Android or iOS app, the edit observation button might be shown or hidden at the wrong time. This is because the original apps have not been updated to support the new permissions, but the beta versions of them have been.

If you allow relatives to edit their own observations, they won't be able to edit via the apps at this time because the edit button will not be displayed. They will need to use the web browser until the apps are updated.

If staff are disallowed from editing their own observations or observations created by other people, they will see the edit observation button but will not be able to save their changes.

To become a beta tester for the Android or iOS app, please get in touch with us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info

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