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In this article I'm going to explain the different child statuses there are on Tapestry and answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding them.

There are four different types of status a child can have on Tapestry:

Enrolling - This was designed for when you want to add a new cohort of children at the end of the academic year before your current children have left. You can't use the full functionality of Tapestry with children that are enrolling. You can only: attach them to relatives, assign them to staff as key children, add them to groups, add them to Memos, complete their All About Me and print name labels for them. It's only possible to add the same number of enrolling children as you have active child spaces, so if you have an up to 60 child package, you could add up to 60 children as enrolling. Once you make an enrolling child active, it's not possible to change them back to enrolling. 

Active - Only active children contribute to the number of child spaces on your account. A child can be added as active or they can be added as enrolling and then activated at a later point. You can also reactivate an inactive child and you can restore a child that is awaiting deletion within 90 days to become active again. 

Inactive - You can make a child that is active or awaiting deletion inactive on your account. Once you make a child inactive, they will no longer contribute to your number of active children, so it will free up a child space on your account. Inactive children will remain on your account until you reactivate or delete them. There is currently no cap on the number of inactive children you can have on your account, but this might be something we add in the future.  

Awaiting Deletion - Once you select a child to be deleted from your account, they will remain in an 'awaiting deletion' state for 90 days. During this time you can restore them to active or you can make them inactive. At the end of the 90 days they will be deleted from your account. If they are included in any group observations with other children who are still active, these observations will not be deleted. Any reflections for them will also not be deleted, but their name will be changed to 'deleted child' for data protection reasons. After they have been deleted from your account they will remain in our backups for a further 90 days. During this time we can recover them, but we do have to charge for this as it involves one of our developers going into our backups which can be tricky and time consuming work. 

Below I've linked tutorials explaining how to add a child or children as active or enrolling, how to activate children that are enrolling, how to make children inactive or delete them and how to reactivate children that are inactive or awaiting deletion.

Adding children individually

Adding children in bulk via CSV (spreadsheet) file

Activating children that are enrolling

Deactivating children

Deleting children

Reactivating an inactive/deleted child


This chart just quickly lays out what the different statuses are and some of the key points about them:


Status Do they contribute to the number of child spaces? What functions can you do with them? When are they removed from an account? What statuses can I change them to?
Enrolling No

- Link them to relatives 

- Assign them to staff as key children

- Add them to Memos

- Add them to groups

- Print name labels for them

- Complete their About Me

- View their history 

- Respond to a subject access request

They are only removed if you specifically select to delete them Active & awaiting deletion
Active Yes

- All functions on Tapestry that you can complete with a child

- You can only access tracking screens for active children 


They are only removed if you specifically select to delete them Inactive & awaiting deletion 
Inactive No

- Export their learning journal

- Bulk export media and accident forms

- Merge with other children 

- View their history 

- Respond to a subject access request

They are only removed if you specifically select to delete them Active & awaiting deletion 
Awaiting deletion No

- Export their learning journal

- Bulk export media and accident forms

- Merge with other children 

- View their history 

- Respond to a subject access request

90 days after you deleted them  Active & awaiting deletion 


Now that I've covered the different statuses, I'll answer some of the frequently asked questions about them.


Should I make a child inactive or delete them?

If you know a child will return to your setting, we would recommend making them inactive as then you can simply reactivate them when they return. If you know that children are definitely leaving your setting, we would suggest you delete them. If you keep children inactive on your Tapestry account that have left your setting, this may be in contradiction with your GDPR policies and whilst we don't currently have this in place, we may put a limit on the number of inactive children you can have on your account.

Remember, if you delete a child from Tapestry, you still have 90 days in which you can restore them or download their journal again if there are any issues.


What do I do if I've run out of space and I need to import more children?

When you transfer children between Tapestry accounts, they will arrive in the receiving setting as enrolling, meaning they will not contribute to your number of active child spaces. You won't be able to make them active and use the full functionality of Tapestry with them though until you have enough free spaces on your account. If the children currently on your account are leaving, you can export their journals and delete them, this will then create extra spaces for you to make the enrolling children active. If you want to keep all or some of the current children active and will be over your package limit, you will need to upgrade to a larger size. For help with this, you can email us at customer.service@eyfs.info


I have several accounts, can I move spaces from one into another?

Package sizes for Tapestry accounts are set and are not customisable, so it's not possible to share spaces between separate accounts. 


How long should I keep a child inactive for?

If you know the child will be returning to your setting, you can leave them as inactive until they do return, otherwise we would recommend deleting the child as keeping them on your account may not be in line with your GDPR policies. If you have any concerns about deleting children, do remember that you have 90 days in which you can restore them or download their journal again. 


Can I reuse active spaces if a child leaves part way through the year?

Yes! If a child leaves your setting during the year, you can make them inactive or you can delete them. Doing either will free up a child space on your account. 


Can I restore children who are completely gone from my account?

After the 90 day awaiting deletion period a child stays in after they are selected to be deleted from an account, they will remain in our back ups for a further 90 days. During this time, they can be restored but we do charge for this as it involves one of our developers going into our backups which can be tricky and complicated work.


Can I export PDF journals and media ZIP files for inactive and awaiting deletion children?

It is still possible to export PDF learning journals and ZIP files of photos and videos for children that are awaiting deletion and inactive on your account and the process is exactly the same as doing this for active children. 


Can parents still access their account if their child is awaiting deletion or made inactive?

As long as the parent is still active, they will still be able to access their account if their child is deleted or made inactive. They will not be able to see any of their child's observations once they have logged in though. If you have exported a child's learning journal and/or media ZIP file, the parent will still be to download these.

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