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Enabling and setting up the child login feature

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The Child Login feature can be used to allow children at your setting to view observations and activities they have been attached to, leave comments, and upload their own posts about their learning. Each child will have their own password and can be set up to access Tapestry whilst at school and at home.

Note: Before you start using Child Login you should think about how you're intending it to be used and update any policies you have which might be affected. For example, take a look at the user permissions for your account to see whether children and relatives are allowed to comment on group observations. If they are, are you happy with that still, and do you need to discuss with the relatives or children when you would expect them to comment and the sorts of things you'd expect them to say? You can find out more about how to find and amend user permission at the end of this tutorial. You should also consider whether the children aware of who they're sharing the things they put on Tapestry with (the school, Tapestry, and in some cases their relatives, other children's relatives, and other children).

To use this feature, you will need to make sure that it has been enabled for your setting. You can do this by going to the 'Control Panel' (1), then 'Features' (2).





Scroll down the Features list to find 'Child Login' (1) and click to enable the feature on the right (2). 




If the Child Login feature has a 'Disable' button on display and the text 'Currently Enabled' next to it -




- then this means the feature is already enabled and you should be able to see 'Child Login' as an option in the blue menu at the top of your screen, alongside other the features such as 'Observations' and 'Documents'.




As with other features in the Features list, you will also see there are buttons relating to the settings and permissions for the Child Login feature. You can use these to set or change permissions for children, relatives and staff and use the settings to customise the password visibility for when children go to log in.




You can access the Child Login settings from within the Control Panel by selecting 'Settings' from the left-hand menu (1) and then 'Child Login' from the drop-down menu (2).

Here you can set whether when a staff member or relative switches to login as a child, you want the child's password to show up automatically when entered, to allow a button which they can click to show the password or to never show their password. 




The user permissions for children, staff and relatives can also be changed at any point by selecting 'User Permissions' from within the Control Panel (1) and then choosing the appropriate user type from the tabs at the top (2). 

Below you can find tutorials talking you through how to set permissions for staff, relatives and children. 




So, that's how to enable and set up Child Login on your account. Linked below you can find tutorials explaining how to generate passwords for children, set up login pages, set up home access and how to use this feature. 



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