Guest Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 orning all Who in puts your profile data onto the e profile. Our LA says that administritive staff in school do it. Our head is also very willingling to support this. However when i mentioned this to the clerical staff they were not happy bunnies. They seem to think that i am using them as my skivvy or personal secretary. I am ot at all and have inputted the data myself before but am just trying to follow the LA's advice. What do othersa do? Lola.
AnonyMouse_2157 Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 I would definitely input the data myself. I do it at the end of each half term and this allows me to reflect and think about the children, adding any comments that may be needed in the indiividual pages ( I very much doubt the clerical staff could do this). I tend to use the class assessment grid for inputing the scores for each scale and then print these into a word document to use in the class. By doing them each half term ( I use a PPA time) I can also print out the bar graphs which are really useful for tracking and showing value added. If profiles are left until the final moment at the end of the summer, then lots of useful info can go to waste. hope this helps
Guest Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 Thanks apple - thats what we have always done in the past. The only reason i was asking was because our LA has stated that teachers are not to do it clerical staff are - we seem to be at logger heads at the mo - our head saying we are not to do it, clreical staff are and clerical staff refusing meanwhile, like you rightly say valuable data is being wasted!!
AnonyMouse_2157 Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 unortunately Lola, all I can say then is the LA dont understand the complexities and the value of using the eprofile effectively. I personally find it so valuable, if I didnt use the printed out class assessment grids then I wouldnt know what the gaps are and where I need to focus my teaching next. Have you pointed out the value to the Head and therefore the LA? You didnt say when the clrical staff where going to input the data.... i do know that some do leave it till the last term but then it is even more work for whoever than if it were done termly. Plus why the insistence that clerical staff do it? Is it a time thing? if so why do we Have PPA the A being for assessment I hope yo can get it sorted Lola apple
Guest Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Hi Lola Im no help really!!but interested in your discussion on e-profiling-what is it like and does it save any time? Im in process of using an alternative to profile booklets but feel I haven't collected evidence for each pupil-how do you collect evidence in your class?
Guest Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 Hi angela69 and welcome! You dont need to collect evidence for every child in your class. We tend to collect a piece of evidence from a low achiever middle achiever and high achiever. We make sure it is not the same child every time. The types of evidence we colllect are photographs, observations, mini observations, maybe something a child has said on a post it and our assessment sheets from our focussed activity. Bascially anything which proves that a child has or has not acheived that profile point. I really like the e-profile as if you iinput your results termly it gives you so much information about your class. It helps you identify really easily children who are maybe not acheiving as much as you would hope. It also gives you excellent graphs which helps you identify points which have not been achieved and so is really valuable when you some to plan for your next term. We don't use the booklets either as we found them very time consuming. We use a grid with scale points on and we then feed this into the e profile. However if a child leaves our setting then we transfre this data into their booklet to send on with them. What are you using as an alternative to the booklets? Lola
Guest Posted April 10, 2006 Posted April 10, 2006 I agree! It is much better to do it your self and analyse your data as you go along. You can also check it is all being inputted correctly as you know your children and (no disrespect) admin staff are only number crunching and mistakes are easy to make. But do back up your data on a memory stick (or transfer it to your HT or Assessment coordinator's computers) Know of a school that lost 2 classes worth of datd last year when the lap top went kaput. In "data files and back up", choose "export data for merging with another e profile" and copy your data across to another computer. Is really easy but essential!!!!!
Guest tinkerbell Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Thanks for that advice tea lady I havent copied any of mine across so need to do that this holiday. I don't mind the e-profile it is far better than individual paper profile booklets as groups of assessnents can be entered and as Lola and apple say you can get whole class print outs and see where areas are lacking. What I dont like about the e-profile is that each of the points from 7 up to 9 have so much in them...they really need to be broken down and because they contain so much the children now seem to have slowed down in their progress and may not be seen to be moving on the bar doesn't mean I havent been teaching or they havent been learning , to the untrained eye or data anaysist person it may seem that were not working as hard!!! What do you think? Tinkerbellx
Guest Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 I agree Tinkerbell. Our LEA has broken down the profile points into smaller chunks and given them new codes for example point 8 in KUOW is broken down into 3 points. By using these smaller chunks we are able to see that children are still making progress. However until all 3 of the parts of KUOW8 have been acheived we can not mark it as acheived on the e-profile so like you say on the bar charts it looks like progress as really slowed down. Although we are now being told that the average child will achieve 6 points so maybe this is because point 7 - 9 have so much to them? Lola
Guest Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 I don't think we should have to justify not meeting the higher points!!! As long as we can say how the children are progressing does it matter? The FSP is not the be all and end all of FS!!!! We need empowering with our professional judgements! (Will stop ranting) By the way, when I said about saving your FSP e profile data on another computer - the HTs and Assessment co-ordinator's are good ones - let them analyse the data!!!
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