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It is a dead cert that our school is going to be Ofsteded next term. I have read a lot of things on here about the self evaluation form. i know our head has completed this as he has made a lot of references to it He did mention that he would let us know what he has put in the SEF. However after many requests fom staff it seems to be that sharing it is one of those things he never seems to getr round to doing.


As a staff do we need to be very familiar with what has been put in the SEF? From speaking to other collegues i kinda get the impression that Ofsted look at it and sort of inspect you by what your head has put on the form. Is this correct??


I have never experienced an Ofsted inspection before and so really want to get it right.


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Hi lola, You've put this post in the preschool sector, but mention a "head". I don't know how schools manage SEF but if you are in the preschool sector then how can a "head" or manager complete a SEF without information from the workforce.? I am a bit confused.


In my preschool the SEF is agreed and produced by information gained from all the staff. How has your "head" gained the information to complete the SEF?


As far as I am aware Ofsted do give regard to the SEF so I think that you should be aware ( or actually should inform the content of the SEF) prior to Inspection.



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Oooops just saw 'inspections' and posted there should move it to reception and year1 just don't know how to!


I am in a reception class in a primary school and the head teacher of the school has completed the SEF but has done so without any input from the work force.

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Guest tinkerbell

Hi Lola

Peggy is right of course,the SEF is completed by the headteacher but the information should be shared with the staff.Our head teacher wrote ours and showed it to us all asking for imput........as it was avery good one she didn't have any problems in doing that ,if for example some area were not so good it could highlight say weak teaching and this could cause concern.The SEF is a live document which headteachers are constantly up dating and changing but as soon as Ofsted make the call it freezes so nothing can be added.

I too work in R (also have 7 yr1s) there is a section on each part of the SEF relating to the Foundation children so I think you ought to have a word with your head and ask if he feels everything is ok and could you please see it.

Is he approachable?


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Guest tinkerbell

Anyway what are you two doing up in the wee small hours????If you can't sleepI recommend acupuncture....


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We completed our SEF as a staff over a series of staff meetings to ensure everyone was happy with the content prior to our OFSTED earlier this year. It continues to be a working document which we update at reqular intervals as part of our staff meetings.



Sorry Peggy Im in a school too xD and I hit reply instead of edit to add that bit :o

Edited by Marion
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