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Reception Nc Planning

Guest tinkerbell

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Guest tinkerbell

I love the Norfolk plans and have adapted them these last 4 half terms to do my planning.However if the Reception children are now supposed to be working towards a National curriculum summer term has anyone sorted out their planning to include National Curriculum objectives?

I have just bought the featherstone publication Managing the curriculum in mixed age classes foundationstage and year1 it looks ok apart from the topics are not what I would be doing I am doing Transport.The book comes with a disc so no doubt i will be able to fiddle with stuff..

has anyone adapted their planning ?


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Children in Reception should be working to ELGs NOT NC objectives. Rather than reception working to NC in the Summer term it is reccommended that Year1 work to ELGs where appropriate for the children.




To that end the Year 1 teacher will be spending time in the FSU next term and in September I will be working alongside her in Y1. We are already working together to produce suitable planning for her ready for September (THANK GOODNESS for head who understands young children :) )

Edited by Marion
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Guest tinkerbell

Thanks Marion

I teach R/yr1 and whilst these younger year1 have been accommadated using Foundation Stage planning and ELG's ,points 7,8 and 9 of the ELG's seem to me to overlap so that is where i am coming from.Also in my small school I am very aware that the other half of the year1 have been taught in a Class where the majority are year2 and the planning for them is very much National curriculum.

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I understand the problems of mixed KS classes (my first school had 2 classes R Y1 Y2 and Y3,4,5 &6 )and trying to juggle 2 curriculums (nightmare) but at last the powers who be are recognising that these children have very different developmental needs. As you say there does seem to be an overlap so why not stick with ELGs? That way you cover what is required in a way that is age appropriate. Also the present infomation many of us are recieving is that level 6 on the FSP is where most children are expected to be by the end of reception year......

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Guest tinkerbell

Hi Marion

Iv'e just posted on the where are your children now for Moose and as i said my children are doing well .I don't push the gifted Reception child in fact I have talked to mum and told her very firmly that I operate a play based Foundation currriculum and where my YR1 may be doing a longer pice of writing and L can join in that is how i cater for her everynow and agin...God bless her she will make her own books and put my yr1 right over their reading and writing.

I just want some one to break down points 7,8 and 9 in the profile that is compatable with NC, perhaps this is what the newlit and maths will be??

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With most children expecting to reach point 6 by the endof the reception year my worry is what happens to point 7, 8, 9. I have read on here that yr1 need to be adapting FSP for the early part of year1.


However in reality this does not happen in my school at all. The children are just expected to pick up year1 NC. We have had many exhaustive discussions about htis is my setting and whilst the head and Yr1 teachers agree that there is a gap they are not willing to adapt to the FSP and FSG. It is so frustrating!

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Hi Marion

Iv'e just posted on the where are your children now for Moose and as i said my children are doing well .I don't push the gifted Reception child in fact I have talked to mum and told her very firmly that I operate a play based Foundation currriculum and where my YR1 may be doing a longer pice of writing and L can join in that is how i cater for her everynow and agin...God bless her she will make her own books and put my yr1 right over their reading and writing.

I just want some one to break down points 7,8 and 9 in the profile that is compatable with NC, perhaps this is what the newlit and maths will be??



Why break them down as you say they overlap and they are designed as an age appropriate curriculum. I noticed in your post to Moose you say your children's 'weakness is in PSE which is why it is vitaly important to resist NC expectations for the youngest children in our care. I have 1 child in my class who is capable of working at point 9 in maths/ literacy / KUW but has other needs that cannot be met by a top down model of education.

Sorry but I feel strongly about the pressures put on reception staff.


Can I just add that Smooth Transitions: Building of the Foundation Stage (Early Years Library S.) ~Ros Bayley, et al

Featherstone Education Ltd is a worthwhile read for anyone in reception or Y1.


Smooth Transitions; Building on the Foundation Stage

by Ros Bayley & Sally Featherstone (2003)

Smooth transitions has been written to help everyone with a professional or personal interest in providing five year olds with a virtually seamless, stress-free move into Key Stage 1.


It begins with a review of the successes of Foundation Stage Curriculum, and explains how it was constructed using research-based evidence on how young children learn best.


The book offers suggestions for working with colleagues across the two Key Stages and gives practical advice on managing the transition process. The authors suggest that by providing a child-centred curriculum, one which is learning (not teaching) focussed, year 1 teachers unfamiliar with the Foundation Stage are encouraged perhaps to develop a new way of reviewing their practice and provision.


The book emphasises the importance of maintaining the children's motivation to learn and supports growing opinions that "a 'bottom up' model, where the best of foundation stage practice is extended into year 1 is more likely to be successful that over preparation of children in a 'top down' model which puts inappropriate pressure on children in Reception" (p.5). A slim book, readable in an evening, Smooth Transitions offers manageable advice on setting up a successful transition process to prepare young children for the next major step in their education.




Edited by Marion
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Guest tinkerbell

Thanks Marion for your post.

I have read the featherstone publications and it was the Managing the curriculum in Mixed Age Classes Foundation Stage & Year 1 that got me all wound up about the steps 7,8,9 the publication hasn't done what I would have liked it to have done really, there again I am very pinicky that is why I am so bothered by it all , you sound to have cracked it by 'overlapping' where you see fit.

I too feel strongly about the pressures put on the reception staff and also the year2 staff ,and as we have only 2 classess in our small school R/yr1 and yr1/yr2 I am really anxious to get it right.I was the yr1/yr2 teacher for many years and have returned to R/yr1 when i became deputy so the message of how important the first years in school are ,are getting across to the head and I have put my foot down on many things eg using the pscales on rception ieps....no we are not all writing in a book at the same time!!!...it has taken a while but the head is right behind me now.

Anyway thankyou marion for replying


ps I have just worked out the avatar thing!

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Thanks Marion for your post.

I have read the featherstone publications and it was the Managing the curriculum in Mixed Age Classes Foundation Stage & Year 1 that got me all wound up about the steps 7,8,9  the publication hasn't done what I would have liked it to have done really, there again I am very pinicky that is why I am so bothered by it all , you sound to have cracked it by 'overlapping' where you see fit.

I too feel strongly about the pressures put on the reception staff and also the year2 staff ,and as we have only 2 classess in our small school R/yr1 and yr1/yr2 I am really anxious to get it right.I was the yr1/yr2 teacher for many years and have returned to R/yr1 when i became deputy so the message of how important the first years in school are ,are getting across to the head and I have put my foot down on many things eg using the pscales on rception ieps....no we are not all writing in a book at the same time!!!...it has taken a while but the head is right behind me now.

Anyway thankyou marion for replying


ps I have just worked out the avatar thing!




Hi Tinkerbell

I think all of us who work with the youngest children realise`just how important the first years in school are and for years we have argued for our own curriculum and now we have it :) and as much as anything it is justification for all the good work that goes on in reception classes. Its a shame that some people are still under pressure to prepare children for SATs, hopefully the changes in KS1 assessment will help ease this pressure.

Ive read some of your other posts and your class seem to have wonderful child centred activities and Im sure your Y1 children will be better prepared to learn than some children who have worked in the more formal way better suited to much older children



Speaking of avatars I found this one you might like it :)


Edited by Marion
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Guest tinkerbell

Hi marion

Thank you for all your kind words .I am also aware that your posts are really useful and you give sensible advice.The avatar is lovely I tried copying it but have given up trying to change mine.....your new one is cute!

have a break over easter


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