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20 years of shared experiences


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Hello everyone. This post has been opened in honour of 20 years of the FSF in February 2023!

Whether you are new to the FSF, or have been around for a while, welcome!

Please say hello here and share a positive memory of your time working with children. 

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I'll start us off, then!

And I'll begin by telling the story of the birth of the FSF 😀

After teaching in a primary school for a while, and after the birth of our second child, I decided to set up my own nursery. It immediately became apparent that I missed the support and camaraderie of the school staff room- somewhere to seek and offer advice, etc. Leaders to support my professional learning and development as a new leader myself. So my husband, Steve, who knew about this stuff, set up the forum. Forums, in those days, were pretty much the only way to communicate with like-minded individuals- no facebook, twitter, etc and they were often very popular this one included!

At its most lively, we had over 30,000 members- many of whom quietly sat on the sidelines and read all the interesting discussions that were going on. This was a real highlight in my teaching career and such a supportive, and often hilarious, place to be at the end of the working day or week. I learned all sorts of wonderful tips and tricks when running my nursery for 20 children in East Sussex.

Several individuals on here really took the time and made such a huge effort to support others- you know who you are- many of you are still here even though you've retired! And we can't thank you enough.

In recent years, social media has attempted to replace forums and in some cases, has been successful. But it's still my belief that the likes of twitter/facebook, etc are really not conducive to a professional discussion; one that can go on over a few days or weeks, which allows participants to really think about issues. And not just blat out the first response that comes to mind, at the risk of sounding irritable at best and rude at worst.

I'll end with a wish for the future- that forums such as this one start to grow again so that we can support each other in the early years and primary sectors, both of whom are really struggling under these challenging circumstances. 🙂 

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It's amazing that the forum has been here for 20 years - the impact of having this positive, shared discussion space must be immeasurable for so many educators.


Reflecting on my time in education (coming up to 20 years as well this year), i think the most special memories are of the relationships that have been forged with families, especially when working together to overcome challenging scenarios.  I remember bumping into a mum from school who's autistic son had been in my Yr 1 class (he was now in secondary school).  She said they still talked at home about how 'Mr Stephen' had helped with transitioning out of nappies - i never imagined that my input at the time would be so significant for the family.  My input was also almost entirely based on support i had received from fellow professionals/colleagues.


Here's to another 20 years of helpful advice and support.

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Happy birthday FSF! What a milestone for a fantastic resource. 

I have many happy memories from my teaching time, but I think my favourite was my first class assembly. The class and I reimagined the old classic, Oliver Twist.

From the script writing to costume design, the whole process was a fantastic journey of learning, fun and hard work.  Performing this masterpiece to the parents was nerve-wracking, and I wasn't even the one on stage. But the hard work paid off when I saw elated parents and carers giving hugs of congratulations to their children after the show.  And one parent shook my hand and said "I must have seen about 15 of these class assemblies so far, and this one was my favourite." 

Made it all worth it. 


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Happy Birthday FSF! Hope everoen in HQ is having cake and wine tea 🎂🥂

Like others have said I think one of the things that really stick out when working with the 'early years' are the bonds you make with not only the children- but the families. Those bonds seem to last for years as you watch the families- and more often than not the sibling too - all develop and grow. (and it makes you feel REALLY REALLY old when those small people you nutured are now off to Uni!!!! 😳🤣 ....even older when you realise a couple have actually just gradutated 🙀😳😭!!!

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Wow is it really 20 years? I remember well joining this forum quite early on when the corridors were fairly empty and a few people(you know who you are!) were talking to themselves. It grew quite quickly into the vibrant place it became. Remember our Children in need activities?  A quiz or a story, or cramming as many as possible in the chat room? We even took part in a Guiness world record attempt. 

We shared our highs and lows, the good days and the bad, I remember so many people generously giving their time and energy to support each other. I remember the reminders to all to " check your bits n bobs" for anything unusual, plus gardening and other tips n tricks.

So to re introduce myself. I'm Mundia, I've been here for, well, ages. I've been in early years for, errr. about 35 years save for a few I worked overseas. Nursery teacher, reception teacher, children centre teacher. Fs lead, then advisory teacher,  I'm still working and involved in the Covid recovery programme and NPQLEY, so never a dull moment. I do miss working with children though, so occasionally need a fix!

Big happy birthday to the FSF, many times my lifeline over the years. I don't do Facebook, twitter. Etc so I'd love to see the forum grow again. I'm ready and willing, even if a bit decrepit, slow and ever so slightly barking.

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Hi Mundia 

How wonderful to hear from you....I too am still here starting as a member of the forum 2003 and then from 2007 working part-time in the afternoons with Steve trying to grow the forum.

I remember the events you recall Mundia with quizzes etc.  One of my favourite things was the FSF bunny Rosie that used to get posted from setting to setting until someone lost her or maybe kidnapped her lol but she did go missing never to be found again 😕

The forum has always been a warm and welcoming place and I have only ever really found it a challenge when a small group (you know who you are) start talking about Christmas in September 🤣🤪😆 

Sue x

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Congratulation FSF - 20 years - wow!

I joined in January 2009, I am now very happily retired but still enjoy catching up with my forum friends and I think it's a case of 'you can take the girl out of early years...' I don't imagine a time when I won't feel a passionate interest in all thing early years.

Thank you so much for providing a space for support and information sharing (had plenty of laughs along the way too)

So cheers, bottoms up and here's to the next 20 ❤️

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Hi lovely to see you here, Mundia and Sunnyday! Very happy times in the early days of the forum- and I can now admit, after 20 years, that it was indeed me who had 5 different names and was talking to myself for the best part of a month! 😂 I think Mundia might have already known that....

I love your expression Sunnyday, 'You can take the girl out of early years...' I totally agree. Can't imagine not being interested in what's going on and how we educate and care for our youngest children. There's always something to learn and get excited about.

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I joined the forum in 2008! Wow cannot believe it’s been that long, where does the time go.  For ages I was happy just to read everyone’s posts and then as my confidence grew I felt able to join in and offer my opinions and shared experiences. I cannot put in to words how much it helped me in my working life to connect with the dedicated and amazing people on this forum. The help, support and advice has been invaluable  and the laughs along the way certainly helped.  I finished working in the sector last year but am still active with my forum friends on here on a weekly basis. I think that proves just how much the forum and the people on here mean to me.

Congratulations FSF on the twenty years and I hope you know just how much you have helped and inspired so many people. (One of my proudest moments was receiving a FSF mug and pen through the post!) 

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Happy 20th birthday FSF! It's so lovely to read all your messages about being part of the forum and working in the world of education too. 


Just like some of you, the best part for me was just building those connections. Being part of their world for the time they were with you was so much fun; being creative, exploring the outdoors, building with some lego/blocks... you get to be a kid again but with the added bonus that you get to teach them about it all (for maybe the first time ever too) which I think is pretty cool! 😎

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  • 1 month later...

Happy birthday FSF!   Crikey, where did the time go?   I managed a rural but very busy preschool for 25 years until my husband retired and we decided that I should too.   FSF was a lifeline for me in my working years - I joined shortly after Sunnyday and quickly struck up a friendship with her, and several others quickly became Forum Buddies!  HappyMaz, Mrs Weasley, Mundia, Panders, ZigZag, Froglet ……you know who you are!    

I loved doing all the admin things and helping folk with all the paperwork forms we had to generate as evidence, back in the day! 

Great fun in the chat room lounge - I hope someone shut the door and turned the lights out when it closed - many a hilarious evening spent in there! 

Oh the birthday threads - so lovely to set up as well as receive!  Have they fallen by the wayside? 

And yes, the Children in Need things and the limerick competitions!  I still have my FSF mug, pencil and notebook!   Such happy days - thank you FSF for taking away the stress of preschool management, you will never know just how much you were all truly instrumental in keeping me sane! 

Edited by Cait
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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a disaster, sunnyday! We have more, I think. PM me your address and we'll put it in the post 😃

Cait- that's a good point about the birthday announcement threads. We should reinstate those as our numbers grow again.


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