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hi all, need advice on committee / chairperson vote of no confidence in chairperson.


other committee members wish to hold an emergency meeting in regards to chairperson -


do they need to tell the chair why?

can other parents also write complaints even if not on committee?


any idea how we can go about the whole business? the problem is, everyone wants to get rid of her but no one whats to take on the role, so just dont know how to go about it.


before you think what a horrible lot we are- im leader of group, have been doing "committee role" for years, but the main thing that has come up is that a member of the public contacted a committee member after our easter bingo and said they saw her pocketing money so you can imagine the uproar, but proof!!

also general things like contacting ofsted, say when a memeber of staff leaves, she says she has done it, but turns out she hasnt.

any paperwork that needs doing, she has lost it or someone else lost it or she doesnt remember or its so and so's fault. just cant get her to admit she is wrong or cant cope. we have given her every opporunity to ask for help, but she always says she has done what is asked for.


anyway, we just dont know what to do, can we just get rid of her and run without a chair for short time (dont have a vice) and committee take on whole role together with staff input.

please HELP

any way of doing this diplomatically? or correctly?


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We had a similar situation a couple of years ago. Our chair at the time caused so many problems it was unbelievable. We called an emergency committee meeting and asked our trustees to attend and our local PLA representative. Committee members who could not attend each wrote a letter declaring their vote of no confidence. The chair at the time knew his time was up and read out a statement declaring all of the inadequacies of everyone else and promptly resigned so we didn't have to go down the route of vote of no confidence. I understand that you only need a majority vote to get the chair to step down but you cannot run without a chair and will need another committee member who is prepared to take on the role until your next agm. If you are a member of the PLA they will be able to give you legal advice.


Its not very nice to have to deal with but what is best for your pre-school is your priority. I wish you lots of luck!

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Has similar problem last year...


Contact PLA for help and advice, our rep came to AGM to help me as I had to take the meeting, no one willing to do it, but we had letters form those not able to attend and a majority vote was all that was needed...our chair actually did not turn up which in fact made it easier!! as it is an extra ordinary meeting ALL parents should be asked to attend as at AGM All we did was give 2 weeks notice of the meeting and letters to all with agenda.


Before hand we spoke to chair, We did say why we needed to call a meeting, gave reasons and chair her chance to reply but she did not take the opportunity.


I also rang Ofsted for advice on what to do, thye too were helpful in letting us know that so long as someone took the role temporarity until next full Agm they would be happy as whole committee is the 'Reponsible person' not just the chair. they did want one contact name and were happy with the secretary or treasurer taking on the dual role for a while.


You will have to have someone as chair but if like me you run the group and they are only in place for a year at most, i always stress the fact that I am available to support them and often do most myself as they have employed me as manager to do this.


Don't know your role but i am now paid for 8 hours aweek to cover paperwork admin etc to remove the problems of a committee which is willing but changes so often they do not know the role. Most agencies are happy with me doing this role and so far have not insisted on dealing with a chair, just a named contact and the role in the group, which is why they called it manager i think!


it was not my idea at the time, committee decided at a time when in fact they were very stong, and capable, but the staff at the time caused problems with not wanting or refusing to change so the committe gave up trying, employed me as manager over the long term staff ( I had been there 6 months temporary staff!!)and caused a major change in staff which has been all for the good of the group.


we have been lucky enough to find somone willing to take on the role although they have no children at the group and only visit at intervals to meet parents, this is because like you, no parent wnted the job. The rest of the committee are parents of children at the group. Our constitution does happen to allow for this.


What is best for the pre-school is your priority, however hard it may be at the time, you will find it easier once sorted.


Good luck



Edited by Inge
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I don't really know much about voluntary groups and their committees, but I do think that is there is someone who can have a chat with the Chair privately first, with someone else present, it is a good idea, so that the Chair is prepared. People usually have an incling that they are not doing things right, and going to be ousted, and perhaps this will give her an opportunity to resign beforehand and save face, and save a lot of unpleasantness which makes everyone feel bad.

I know it is a hard thing to do but of course the needs of your group are paramount.

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