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Numreacy Help!

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I have just begun a maternity cover and have to provide differentiated numeracy homework for FS2 children each week :o .


Does anyone know where I can get child friendly homework worksheets, (if this is not a contradiction in terms!). I've looked at the Impact series, but much of their stuff involves dice and/or playing cards, which I doubt the children will have at home.

I have just begun a maternity cover and have to provide differentiated numeracy homework for FS2 children each week :o .


Does anyone know where I can get child friendly homework worksheets, (if this is not a contradiction in terms!). I've looked at the Impact series, but much of their stuff involves dice and/or playing cards, which I doubt the children will have at home.


The Collins Primary Maths scheme we have has a homwork book for Yr R - but we don't use it! No homework for my class- just reading books!


You could try looking at www. hamiltontrust.org.uk.

You do have to pay a small subscription to access all resources but some are free and the Maths plans are the Abacus scheme which is quite child friendly and has homework within them!

Featherstone also had some Numeracy Homeworms which I have used successfully (Not sure if the name has changed now?).


Beckyann, do you like the Collins Maths scheme?


I use the Hamilton Trust Abacus plans and every so often type out the Maths at Home activity and put it in their home/school diaries. They are usually practical games and activities and the parents and children enjoy them.

I really don't think formal homework needs to be going home - just ways that parents and children can work and play together to develop their skills. There will be enough time for homework later in life!

Hey jude


Hi Susan

I have never used it, can you tell me more?



Good to see you back Heddaw :o I agree with all the above. When I set a home task I used to set something that supported the maths focus activity for the following week, or built on what we had been doing. I would include instructions as to how the parents could help. It could be making a simple time chart on a proforma of what they did at a particular time of day and putting the hands on a clock. Another one I did had pictures of sweets and toys and the prices, and they had to find the relevant coins with their parents and be able to tell me about it on Monday. Sometimes parents would stick the coins on ! At one half term I would set them a proforma with days of the week, and they had to draw something they did each day and write the day on it. For ordering number they all had to draw their front door and write the number on it- we then put the doors in order of numerical size. You can differentiate if you need to, depending on the maths topic. Hope this give you some ideas.

If you happen to be going to the show this weekend at Manchester you may find some good ideas there.


  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Beckyann, I've ordered the book you suggested. :)

Susan, I've used Hamilton in the past but had forgotten they covered, Abacus so thanks to you too. :)

Jacquie, yes I did go to the Early Years Exhibition and ordered a book there also. :D

Guest tinkerbell

Many moons ago I and willing parents made lots of maths games,bagged them up with counters,dice etc put library tickets on and had a maths library......so for my r/yr1 every week they take a maths game home to play with mum and dad.

My Yr1 do have a maths homework sheet and I use the WHSmiths Teachers YR1 maths book which has straightforward homework sheets in the back,sorry I dont know if they do one for Reception.

Both the R and YR1 parents (all parent throughout school) get the leaflet what their child is doing that half term and how they can help ,its on the standards site .



Susan. Delayed reply sorry! Only just got notified I had a reply to thsi topic!

I agree. I hate the Collins Maths scheme. the rest of the schol have just signed up to a new scheme but it doesn't include Yr R yet, and even when there is the head has no plans to buy it when it does.

But the Collins plan is stupid- so much repetition and jumps from recognsing number '2' say one day to counting in 10's or subtraction the next!I am very selective in my use of it!

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