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Links Between Kuw And Ks1 Science

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Im currently doing the GTP hoping to qualify in a couple of weeks and one of the requirements is to have a subject specialiam and develop a file documenting this. My subject specialism is science and being based in FS i have focused on KUW. I have recently begun to look at the transition into KS1 and what is covered in this curriculum in science. I will also have to teach science to pupils in KS1 and KS2 next year.


Was just wondering if there was something that documented the links between FS KUW and KS1 science, or whether anyone had done that themselves?


Any help would be very much appreciated.





I have recently been given a good document by my LEA called 'Supporting transition from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage ', produced by Birmingham City Council, which show links between Stepping stones/Early learning goals with some aspects of achievemnet in KS1 of National Curriculum. They do not indicate equivalence, but demonstrate the transition from Fdn Stage into KS1 in a straightorward way, to support effective planning and teaching by making it easier to identify next steps in children's learning. The table in the booklet comprises the Profile's 13 9 pint scores and where applicable the links with ATs for the NC.


I will try to summarise some of the links underneath as I only have a hard copy of the booklet.


KUW1 ..................



KUW4..................Sc1 L1, Sc2L1, Gg L1

KUW5..................Sc1 L1, Sc3 L1, Sc4, L1

KUW6..................His L1

KUW 7.................ICT L1

KUW 8................ D&T L1

KUW 9.................Sc1 L2, Sc2 L2, Sc3 L2, Sc4 L2, Gg L2, His L2, ICT L2, D&T L2


If you can get hold of the booklet it summarises all the links between other foundation stage areas with NC.


Hope that helps you.


thank you. if anyone has anything else would be helpful




I was going to recommend the same book as jop. You can order a copy from BASS Publications on Tel: 0121 303 1167 Fax: 0121 303 1196.


Althoguh as marie ponts it only cross matches the profile points themselves rather than the ELGS. I think you might be better to use teh CGFS and then get the Pos for science and then match them that way. If you're not yet very familisr with the PoS in science, it will be a good way for you to learn about them.


thats a good idea-sometimes you learn so much more by doing it yourself. sorry to be stupid but what does PoS mean? thanks




Programme of study (a National Curriculum term)

I am in the process of making a format for our Y1 teacher to show both ELGs and the KS1 PoS Ive added the Science bit.




thank you so much.



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