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Journeys Assembly

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Hi everyone, cant believe its class assembly time AGAIN.

Our topic last half term was journeys so I wanted to use this theme for our class assembly. My only idea so far is to get the children to re-tell 'We're going on a bear hunt'. Does anyone have any inspired thoughts/suggestions? :o


Hi there,


we did 'Journeys' in the spring term. we went on a bus trip to a nearby town. During that week we looked at the story 'Please don't chat to the bus driver'. So for our assembly we did that story. Each of the children played an animal (I have only got 11 children). The story is very repetitive for the children to learn what they have to say. It was a brilliant assembly. We then sung 'The wheels on the bus'. The background music was 'The wheels on the bus', which the year 6 loved singing to.


laura xx

Guest tinkerbell

I have done were going on a bear hunt as an assembly.We used the book in our PE lesson and practised lots of different movements to the different conditions eg big sticky feet going through mud,pushing grass out of the way,tumble tripping over roots in forest,cold shevering in the snow etc.The children moved across the hall backwards and forwards until they had finished and finally one of them wore a bear mask and jumped out making them sceam and run back across the hall.

They could all be dressed for the hike with coats, rucksacks etc...it depends how much time or effort you want to put in.

Whatever you do the parents will love it and because they are reception I'm sure yur head will forgive the scream!!


Guest tinkerbell

had another idea I don't know what has come over me this afternoon i think its finishing my e-profile assessments for the first half of summer term.On the theme of journey

I have done Where the wild things are. Areally good reader read the story out and the children did the story.They had made their own wild thing masks and when theyhad to roar they all roared and showed their terrible claws etc.....the wild rumpus was with percussion instuments and the music Wild THing was played.



oohh lovely ideas!

Thanks Tinkerbell



hi, i am doing journeys as my topic this term, can anyone share their planning with me, would be useful to get some ideas.


thanks :)

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