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Job Share Query


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Hello. I have a query that someone may be able to help with.


I work as a TA in the nursery of a large primary school.


I fought like mad for a jobshare which I've been doing since returning from mat leave last November (05). It got very ugly in places and I had to threaten a tribunal in order to get any response from my head. I was eventually given a jobshare and reluctantly accepted the hours offered.


Understandable this caused a bit of a stirr between myself, the head adn some of the governors. This has since settled down and things seem to be running smoothly again.


My jobshare partner and I arranged a swap as my mum has booked me into Eden day spa in July. We've swapped a couple of times before with no problem.


When I told/asked the head that we'd swapped he said he'd have to run it by the governors :o


Apparently they now want my request in writing!!! I've phoned my union as none of the other job sharers in the school or nursery have ever been asked to do this before.


I'm absolutly furious that I'm being asked to do this and I'm waiting to hear from my union as to whether I need to put it in writing. I feel I'm being picked on.


Can anyone help and am I getting worked up about nothing?


Sorry to moan but I'm cross! xD


Fluff xx

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Oh Fluff, poor you! I don't know what happens in other schools but in mine job share teachers (we don't have job share TAs at the mo) swap by mutual agreement with the head's permission and no involvement of the governors.

Good luck - I can't see why there should be a problem as long as you job share colleague is willing and available :D

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This does seem a bit tough. I have worked in a job share for years in a few schools (reception teacher) and although I haven't made a habit of it, I have swapped or been asked to swap for various reasons - I have always tried to 'ask' first and never assume or say 'we have swapped.' It has never been a problem.


I always think swapping is a good reason to have a job share - both partners can be more flexible - the children don't have to have supply teachers/TA's - there is more continuity for the children.


Good luck.

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It does seem harsh fluff. we have 3 job shares in FS in our school (myself being one fo them) and there are no problems with changing days as long as both parties agree and all the days are covered. I would certainly beinterestd to hear what you union has to say, especially if its not soemthing others have ever been asked to do.


let us know how you get on?

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In schools I've worked in, occasional job share swaps (teachers) have been fine; simply run past the Head first. Hope it gets sorted for you!

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Thanks for your responses. Apparently I'll have to keep being cross as my union rep said;


"it should be run through governors. There is nothing you can do about it if they turn you down. They may grant a day's discretionary unpaid leave - but don't hold your breath.


Please be advised that schools are under pressure now to deliver long overdue workforce reforms and in so doing raise standards - all of which is highly desirable but costly - the days of casual grace and favour with regard to employees affairs are over.


In asking you for this in writing he is acting properly. . "


So there it is! What I will be mentioning to him is that I expect this to be the case for every job sharer from now on, as it certainly hasn't been the case in the past.


Some decisions just suck eh?! Oh well. Back to the job adverts!


Fluff x

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