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Finalising Profile


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Just finalising my paper copies(again) before completing FSP to send away and I can't help noticing how many children do not achieve the same points in most scales. Sometimes it looks like a pattern. - often a sequence e.g. children on point 6 have gained 1-6, or children on point 5 may have 1234X6. Do you think this is normal? Does it reflect what has happened in individual classrooms and would it happen across the country?


Also not many who achieve 5, 6 or 7 have point 8. I suppose that's to be expected but it stands out for me.


Also not scoring any 9s on KUW, Writing and Reading as has happened in the past. Will this be picked up on? I'm quite happy with attainment in these three scales but cannot, hand on heart, say anyone has achieved those points.


Hope this all makes sense - just feeling in need of reassurance before sending them.

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Hi - last week was an awful week for me! We have been told that we need to give in our final scores for the Profile by this Wed 14th June!!!!


This seems like madness - our moderation isn't until the 10th July and for those children who only started full-time with us in January it is a quarter of their Reception year ignored!!!!!!!!!


I still have lots of gaps that I can't just fill or tick off because I really feel I need more observation etc, especially as many things do start to 'click' with children or come together at the end of the year.


Has anyone else been asked to complete the Profile so early?


Also I really do think some of the points are just impossible to answer - especially the one about 'expecting others to treat you with respect etc' as adults many struggle with that one and how do you know if a child feels that??



Also while I am on this subject I am getting very anxious about the whole evidence thing - just today I have read the other post from Laura when she wrote she has been told by a link inspector that we are supposed to have evidence for every point for every child. I KNOW THIS ISN'T TRUE - but why are there so many mixed messages????


I haven't helped you red label - all I can say is I do have al ot of gaps because I feel I can't honestly put my hand on my heard and say I know children have achieved Points 7 and 8 on social development. Also on point 7 of Language for communication & thinking there is SO much (10 things by my count ) that, again, I really don't think I have the evidence or that in depth knowledge of EVERY child in my class (30!) to comfortably tick it.



I am getting worried about modertation and I am going to ask for more time to complete the Profile.

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Hi - last week was an awful week for me!  We have been told that we need to give in our final scores for the Profile by this Wed 14th June!!!!


This seems like madness - our moderation isn't until the 10th July and for those children who only started full-time with us in January it is a quarter of their Reception year ignored!!!!!!!!!


I still have lots of gaps that I can't just fill or tick off because I really feel I need more observation etc, especially as many things do start to 'click' with children or come together at the end of the year.


Has anyone else been asked to complete the Profile so early?


Also I really do think some of the points are just impossible to answer - especially the one about 'expecting others to treat you with respect etc' as adults many struggle with that one and how do you know if a child feels that??

Also while I am on this subject I am getting very anxious about the whole evidence thing - just today I have read the other post from Laura when she wrote she has been told by a link inspector that we are supposed to have evidence for every point for every child.  I KNOW THIS ISN'T TRUE - but why are there so many mixed messages????


I haven't helped you red label - all I can say is I do have al ot of gaps because I feel I can't honestly put my hand on my heard and say I know children have achieved Points 7 and 8 on social development.  Also  on point 7 of Language for communication & thinking there is SO much (10 things by my count ) that, again, I really don't think I have the evidence or that in depth knowledge of EVERY child in my class (30!) to comfortably tick it.

I am getting worried about modertation and I am going to ask for more time to complete the Profile.




I've just checked the arrangements with our LA


'The data you enter should reflect your pupils' abilities four weeks before the end of term. Files should be returned to the LA by 10th July 2006.'


Seems there's no continuity between LAs in any respect when it comes to FSPs

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Thanks Bungalow

I'm not being moderated and have until a week on Friday to give them in. I just want to be very sure in my own mind that they are as accurate as they can be. I would be feeling even more frustrated in your position - so thanks for replying.

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Not sure where the 4 weeks comes from - may link to KS1??? However this is the official line from NAA


"In the final term of the foundation stage, a Profile summary (see below), based on the 13 profile scales, must be completed for each child for whom the setting receives government funding. Profile judgements are made on the basis of cumulative observational evidence recorded over the course of the year. Summary profiles must be completed by 30 June or two weeks before the end of the summer term, whichever is earlier. " This is from the Assessment and Reporting arrangements 2006 Foundation stage and Key stage 1. Can be found here


Therefore in my LA - end of term 25th July which is more than 2 weeks from 30th June hence 30th june is the official deadline. If 2 weeks before the end of your term is earlier than 30th june then that earlier date will be the deadline. As LAs have different ends of term of course we will have different deadlines. It's all in the ARA booklet sent out around Christmas time annually. This is for everyone in FS/KS1 (purple cover) and KS2 (Green cover). All Statutory assessment details for that academic year are included. Full details on exemptions, what to do if a child leaves (after summer half term - your responsibility to report, before summer half term, the new settings responsibility to report etc. It is sent atomatically to schools, not sure about PVIs - but is on QCA website.


C :o

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Dont know where they get it from either but the 10th of July when they want the data by is 2 weeks before the end of our term (so some continuity)


FAO Users of Flying Start 2: Collection of Flying Start 2 data and the statutory Foundation Stage Profile return


Performance Review will shortly be issuing an updated version of the Flying Start 2 programme and a full set of instructions. Flying Start users should use the new program for making both Flying Start 2 and Foundation Stage Profile returns. The new program will not overwrite any data you already have stored in your system. You will not notice many differences between the old and new versions of the program but there are some improvements and some new utilities. The new programme is faster when scrolling through the data input forms Export of Foundation Stage Profiles is faster Data entry is simplified as each pupil's data entry automatically starts with 'Communication, Language and Literacy' You will be able to export Flying Start 2 data for direct import into your Assessment Manager system You will be able to manage exported data more easily as you can print the location of saved files You will be able to protect the system with a password if you wish We are currently performing final checks on the system and anticipate releasing it on the Extranet by 16th June 2006. The data you enter should reflect your pupils' abilities four weeks before the end of term. Files should be returned to the LA by 10th July 2006. When the new system is made available, please check the instructions carefully for how to submit your data to the LA as this may be different to previous years.

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this is the official line from NAA


"In the final term of the foundation stage, a Profile summary (see below), based on the 13 profile scales, must be completed for each child for whom the setting receives government funding. Profile judgements are made on the basis of cumulative observational evidence recorded over the course of the year. Summary profiles must be completed by 30 June or two weeks before the end of the summer term, whichever is earlier. "  This is from the Assessment and Reporting arrangements 2006 Foundation stage and Key stage 1. Can be found here

C :o



Yep, that is what I understood too, Catma. Maybe some LEAs have mis- read the guidance?

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Feeling a bit the same, my lovely lot only been in full time school 5 weeks - profiles bottom of my list!! But have to be completed in next couple feel like don't know them well enough yet. Also flustrated that I am having to show value added to end of Nursery!!

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Khunt, welcome!

Thats still a big issue in areas with more than one point admission. I was supplying in a school last week where the last reception intake had been full time only that week. Nightmare senario, really.


Red label, I dont think what you describe is unusual but can you compare with last year? I doubt your cohorts are very different but if they are perhaps this shows gaps in your provision? I know when we first started profiles, we realised that we had neglected some areas.


Only advantage of supply is that this isnt my headache, this year!

Good luck everybody!!

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red label - our LEA moderated on K&U a couple of years ago and the general concensus was that point 9 was more in line with Y2 achievement and this was agreed by the Early Years advisors. I've never scored any child as a 9 for this. Also writing is hard to give a 9 for - although I did see a piece of sustained writing from a teacher at another school during moderation that made me feel really inadequate :o Reading I might score a 9 this year, but haven't as yet.



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Guess what,


we have received a letter stating that 'there has been some confusion' and we don't have to send off our Profile scores until after our moderation meeting in July!!!!!!!!!



Feel much better now!

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