Guest Posted June 13, 2006 Posted June 13, 2006 Hi, I have just found out that next year i will have reception and yr 1 mixed! We are going to introduce the 'creative learning journey' which if you have not heard of, is based on the 6 areas of learning in the F.Stage. Although lit/ maths will be taught seperately ( although links where can)the other subjects will be linked into a theme with a more topic based approach to teaching the N.C. It will enable the class to have the same topic theme and incorpoate yr 1 skills and ELGs / SS into one. Although this sounds ok I am not sure how to plan to ensure the reception children have oppotunities for child initiated and less strucutured learning. Has anyone got this year group and mind sharing how they have planned and organised children's learning. I would be very grateful as I am getting rather worried and want to make sure I am meeting needs of bith reception and YR1. Please help. thanks Steph.
Guest tinkerbell Posted June 13, 2006 Posted June 13, 2006 Hi Stephanie welcome t the forum. I teach R/yr1 and have done for several years ,(if not r/yr1 then yr1 /yr2) How many children will you be teaching? I teach 16 R and 7yr1. I trained all the staff in KS1 on Continuing the learning journey last summer so we are all singing from the same hym sheet! As far as planning I would plan for them all using the Early Learning Goals for the first half term especially if you have the younger ones...look at where they are from their e-profile scores.There is to be a new Literacy and numeracy policy in September so I am holding fire on doing any great changes. Tinkerbellx
AnonyMouse_4544 Posted June 13, 2006 Posted June 13, 2006 We will have a pure Y1 next year but will still plan using ELGs initially and certainly continue an active FS approach throughout the year gradually increasing the amount of teacher directed activities. So I would say rather than worrying about R getting child initiated adopt this structure for Y1 but adjust the amount according to age (R 60% child initiated Y1 40% for first term) in line with EPPe etc
Guest Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 Thanks to you both, I will continue the FStage approach. I will have 17 yr ones for a term and in January will have 10 reception children( more able so can cope with literacy/ numeracy) although will be very practical. However i didn't mention not having any TA support! Do your receptions use the outdoor area? How is this supervised? Do they mix with the other receptions? What tracking systems do you use ? Will you do formal literacy and numeracy with the class in Sept? Sorry for more questions. Steph.
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