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What Do You Do On Your Day Off?


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Can't wait until tomorrow, I've given myself a day off, as I am the boss. ( well until 15:45 when I'm doing a home visit)


I'm going off to IKEA, apparently they are having a Half price sale :D:o:DxD:D


I live about an hours drive away, so don't get there as often as I would like. My step daughters coming with me as she's never been, so a new experience for her. I'm even looking forward to the obligatory meatball lunch :(


What do you do on your day off then? ( apart from housework and mandatory food shopping)



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Guest alisonjayne

Enjoy your day off & I hope you find lots of bargains in IKEA! :D:D

I don't normally get a day off during the week, but did last week as my oldest daughter was getting married, so spent most of the week preparing for that.

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Day off? What's one of those?? No seriously, I'm fortunate that we are a sessional group so I do have regular afternoons off (non-contact time) and I purposefully don't go home and do paperwork for about 3 afternoons per week - I go to the gym and flog myself silly in the hope that I will be able to squidge myself into my bikini by the beginning of August!!!! (going on hols with a very skinny sister-in-law!)

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mustn't brag but i am off uni at the mo - end of year untill sep, chillin out at the mo, lots of time to spend with friends and their babies!! cant wait to get back to work in the school summer hols tho (8-6pm then), im sure i wont still think its good after a week!!


laura x

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My day off consists of horses, horses and more horses, I try to induldge my passion and ride, wash them or even pick up their poos, ...my idea of heaven! Haven't had a day off for three weeks though - everyone keeps phoning in sick so I have been covering :oxD

Nevermind next Monday is the day!

Hope everyone has lovely day's off, we deserve them, spend lots Peggy! :)

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Music on loud (my own choice - Police, Rod Stewart, Roxy Music hooray! oops showing my age a bit!), duster, polish and hoover - my idea of heaven????? Well to be perfectly honest I do quite like it xD . . . or visit mum . . . . or do a bit of retail therapy . . . :o or talk to my hens in the garden whilst deadheading my petunias . . . :D lucky me - I have managed to have a Friday off for the past 2 years - absolute bliss - great start to a long weekend.

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Enjoy your day off Peggy. I love Ikea also, my husband isn't so keen. Maybe because on our last visit we were so long that we had lunch and dinner there.

I don't have days off but I am home by 11.45 on Wednesday and Thursdays. My husband only works to this time also on these days. We always have lunch out on one of these days and go out to dinner on the other day.We cram a lot into these 2 afternoons and it is much less crowded during the week. We still have weekends free to spend with family and friends.

Each week we visit my mother in law. One of us does her shopping whilst the other one does her cleaning. We then sometimes have a look round the shops or garden centres. We sometimes visit listed gardens mostly to get new ideas for our own garden. Sometimes we spend the whole afternoon gardening. Weather permitting we just sit in our own garden and bird watch.

Just realised tomorrow is Wednesday!!!!!!!! Lunch out then we will visit all the garden centres as I am trying to track down a spectacular shrub that we saw in flower ar Wisley gardens on Sunday.

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My day Off


I think I need a life as I am quite happy to sit and study - pouring over the internet finding books and journals. Am off to Hampton Court flower show in July with a friend to look at all those lovely gardens - just wish I could pick one up and transplant it in my small back garden.


IKEA's also good - normally go down during the week as it's open until some silly hour and get the obligatory meatballs. But as for a day off - cannot complain as I too finish early most days.


My advice for shopping at IKEA is:-


1. Don't go when you are hungry or thirsty

2. Have a good look around the room sets and see what's what

3. Hit the bargain basement, pick up everything you think you like, you might need, is too cheap not to pick up, someone else has bought it and therefore you feel you must have it, you've always fancied something puce yellow etc.

4. Head into the restaurant - with your trolley if you can (they don't like it)

5. Sort through your trolley to those categories of "must haves" "might quite like" and what the hell do I really need this for and then start ditching.

6. Enjoy your meatballs/food/loganberry juice

7. Make sure you have had plenty to drink otherwise you may get thirsty again waiting to pay!

8. Head off to the long queues

9. Be prepared to off load again.

10. Pay and head off home knowing that you have at least invested in

a set of £1 scissors for home as they are always useful and so cheap

a bag of tealights, because you can never have enough,

some wrapping paper because it seems so cheap but very thin

and the very thing you actually went down for is OUT OF STOCK!!!!! Just when will they do mail order...

Have a great day out


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Thanks for that Nikki, I'll keep those 'rules' in mind. Last time I went I had two passengers in the car yet managed to load £400 worth of stuff xD , (inluding 3 bright pink, low adult plastic comfy chairs). My mates hubby was squashed in the back with both seats folded down :( . How we got back home, i don't know. That was 2 yrs ago, and I've only visited once since then with a "very cautious financially aware hubby" :D , so only managed to spend about £60, got some very nice wiggly mirrors that look great in my "wet room". p.s. Nikki, when I study, I call that work, that's why I work about 70 hrs a week :(


My bank account is quite empty at the moment, but i shall get some more chairs if they still do them, they lasted 2 yrs until they cracked when my daughter sat on one to read a story at preschool :wacko:


I did my first stint of gardening today, with my grandson ( am I really starting to behave like an oldy :o , must say, quite enjoyed myself :) , so maybe a visit to Kew gardens in a few years time eh :(


A happy day off to everyone.



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I dont know what I do on a day off. I get to the evening and still have house work undone, shopping to do, library to visit, phone calls to make. Oh I know what happens, the FSF gets a 'tiny' visit first thing and I get pulled into the vortex of articles and ideas, a time warp wraps around me and then the day is over. :D

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I don't think I use my days off (weekends) very wisely!


I used to get up and clean on Saturday morning (after a lie in), so that after I'd done that, I would have the whole weekend to myself. Now I don't know when I clean, and I certainly never do the whole house at once.


This Saturday I'm going to have a bit of a lie-in, then pick up my friend who has a 1 year old, and who never gets time to herself, and take her swimming and for lunch, whilst her partner babysits.


Not sure what to do with the middle part of the day.


In the evening I'm watching the England game, and will then pop into a wedding reception for one of the girls at work.


Hopefully Sunday will be sunny and I can catch some rays at long last - or is that our summer finished??!!


Oh yes - and it's pay day soon so must sort out finances and get a few essential bikinis, etc for fast approaching, much needed holiday!

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Hi All,

Well, i don't get to have week days off as i work full time.


On Saturday,s i have driving lessons, so anyone in my area off Essex need to watch out, as i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nervous, i am a bit older than most of my instructors pupils, but i have decided to take the plunge as i have missed out on a few career moves and progression due to not being able to drive, (i am also an NVQ Assessor and need to be a driver or have access to a driver and car to be able to travel to all the nurseries). Any way this Saturday i will be having my third lesson :o .


I am very very very sad, but i just love to clean, so Saturdays after spending money up town, i clean the house, chase my family out and put on my music, anything from, Garth Brooks to Meat Loaf, (showing my age too). And after i have cleaned the house well dare anyone use the bathroom, sit on the sofa or drop a crumb xD:(:( .


Saturday night is usually glass of wine, bar be que if weather nice and BIg Brother.


Somewhere in all this i have to add in a 30 mins walk as i am walking in the Race for life, totally unfit and unprepared for it, so i better get a move on.



Well enough said, bye for now


Rosepetal :)

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did you spend loads peggy..... :D



AAAAHHHH, not a good visit.


Nightmare driving into dartford tunnel

The sale was in June, not this week :(

The store is being altered, so I got giddy and lost my way around the place :(


Opened a home account to get 2 free lunches, no free lunch given :(

opened a business account, they gave me £500 credit straight away.


Went to cafe, ordered 2 meals for the price of £5, only to be told that offer is after 3pm :wacko:


Wanted to buy a corner mirror cabinet for the bathroom, found one, wrote down the aisle No 19 / bay 18 , eventually got to the self serve area, found the bay, shelf with slatted wooden things, :o went to advice desk, cabinet not in catalogue, went to computor find product touch screen, couldn't find it, went back through the store, lost direction, found the cabinet I'd written the right number, tore ticket off cabinet to charge down to desk to say THIS IS IT AAAAHHHH, said to daughter, better check aisle again in case I missed it, went back to aisle, found bay 18, empty but lo and behold in bay 19 was the cabinet :) pleased I found it. Went to pay, drove car to laoding bay, wheeled trolley towards car, front wheel of trolley went down curb, cabinet fell out, smashed.

Took cabinet back to refunds section, explained accident, asked for refund (£50), not their policy, once paid for our responsibility, I went off on one, said things about should have breaks on trolley, should have stoppers to stop trolleys going over curb, told them I had just opened a business account and that if this was their 'customer service' then I would close it. At this point she offered me a refund with 30% costs. It is 2pm, an hours drive from home, have to pick grandson up at 3:15 AAAHHH, phoned my hubby to ask him to do school run, he was talking very strange, I, um, not, able to drive, head funny, loss of vision, who are you, what, "Dave, you ok?, "yes, I, er, what do you want, I immediately thought, he's having a major migraine, so told him don't worry about school run, I'd get back in time. I got a refund of £34, for a £50 cabinet that didn't even make it to my car. Rushed home as much as speed camera's allow, got to my turn off through the bridge, big notice A2 to Dover closed, go via M") AAAHHH. Arrived at grandsons school at 3:15, hubby walking out with him. He was not well, said he lost all concentration, he had texts our daughter but couldn't remember his grandsons name, had a tingly feeling down his right arm, took 2 migraleve and set off to pick Ben up. (phew)

Got home, I had bought a turtle cusion for the book corner, no blow up bag inside AAAAHHHH.


Bet you wish you hadn't asked now eh? xD


I did get the comfi chairs I wanted, they are funky pink, plastic moulded, stackable and a great low height for adults/staff to use in preschool, only £5 each :D


Going up the pub now, I'm shattered.




p.s. I spent £70 on preschool stuff, and was a bit miffed that all I bought for myself was the bathroom cabinet, which I didn't end up keeping.

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Guest MaryEMac

oh dear Peggy, what a day!! Hope you've all recovered.

I get 1 morning and 4 afternoons off each week (supposedly) but with staff meetings,reports to write and achievement records to complete and most importantly the forum to access I don't do much else except housework. Tomorrow afternoon though, I am definitely getting home for 12 as I am looking after my granddaughter while my daughter-in-law goes to her son's sports day. On Saturday it is our local town's Rose Fair and I have to watch the parade of floats so that I can wave to the children on our school float, Sat night it is quiz night at the local pub and my team (the girls) are almost unbeatable and then Sunday is plan to do nothing then panic because I've found paperwork that I'd forgotten.


Mary :(xD:o

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Oh, Peggy :o ! What a nightmare! Thankfully you were able to claim something out of the cabinet and get the confi chairs. How is your husband doing?


My free day? Hum... that is a difficult one xD .


Well, I come to see my e-mails, then I pass by our wonderful FSF, have brunch with my hubby (outside in our interior patio if the weather permits) and then we see what we can do. It all depends on the season of the year and how hectic the days are around that day.


Now in summertime we will try to enjoy some free concerts offered in the parks of different villages. We take our picnic cloth and enjoy the evening. We also like to go around to visit some quiet natural places. Other times we go to his parents and play some boardgames. I am now reading "The Chronicles of Narnia".

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Yes, I've got over the 'day', not worth getting hot and bothered for too long, especially when it doesn't change anything. I think the fact that hubby was poorly really helped me to prioritise what is really important, Hubby or bathroom cabinet, goes without saying really. :D


Dave got himself to the school ( took a couple of migraleve), but he wasn't quite all there :o , we got to the school just as he was walking out. Thankfully the tablets stopped the full force of a migraine and he just suffered bruised temples, mind you he didn't talk much sense most of the evening. It was scary, I worry about the tingling down his arm when he has these very rare attacks. Still all better now, I suggested he have a word with his doctor but he say's "It's only a migraine".


I like the sound of your days off Smiley, hubby and I ( we are both semi retired really, in terms of I don't have to go into work every day, as long as I keep up with the paperwork, time is quite flexible for me, hubby currently 'resting' from work xD ). We have spent the last few days sitting in the sun. We do need to get off our backsides and go for a nice walk down our local lakes though, it's quite easy to get in a bit of a rut. But hey, it's sunshine and sangria for me this weekend. Footy Saturday, Son's 23rd birthday BBQ on sunday. :D:(


wishing you all a restful weekend.



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